Sep 30, 2006
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Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


This silence is mine, Female, 29


Pink?! Aug 5, 2021

    1. Jayn
      Ooh. I think I get it. And, kind of. I'm in my senior year of high school, but I'm taking college classes at the same time. xD Luckily, I managed to pass all of my classes which kind of surprised me because I'm a major slacker. Not very academic. D; Oh gosh. That sounds absolutely terrible. I'm sort of sick right now myself. I have an abscess in my mouth and it's like, the entire right side of my face is completely swollen and I can't talk. xD I have to wait until tomorrow for a doctors appointment but it sorta (really) sucks. And you're very sweet. Thank you. <3

      Nah, I always wonder about where people live and their gender and how old they are. But I rarely ever ask because it seems really pedophile like. I always feel really weird, like one of those people who spam "ASL" everywhere. xD

      I hope you enjoy yourself, then. O: Stay safeee. Also, do you have MSN or anything like that? I'm much more consistent on there. xD
    2. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      C: I'm alright, also been pretty busy with life and stuff.
      We really should! :3 Its been months.*
      Pete's someone I know in rl (but that's not his name) xD Would you like me to give you one really good hint?

      Oh wow, just how stubborn was he? O:

      C:*Sure you can add me, though if you're posting on my wall, is it ok if you refer to my real name? S'just that some people I know have gotten confused when the people of khv start calling me cherry all over facebook. :3

      Dx Sorry for the triplicated post from earlier, was on my phone posting it and the whole thing glitches up...
    3. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      Christorrrrrr!*How's it been?
      S'been ages since we last had a proper conversation!
      xD*You know the Pete guy? He's not really from this forum. Actually... Its quite a funny story. Do you have my facebook by any chance? .3
    4. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      Christorrrrrr!*How's it been?
      S'been ages since we last had a proper conversation!
      xD*You know the Pete guy? He's not really from this forum. Actually... Its quite a funny story. Do you have my facebook by any chance? .3
    5. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      Christorrrrrr!*How's it been?
      S'been ages since we last had a proper conversation!
      xD*You know the Pete guy? He's not really from this forum. Actually... Its quite a funny story. Do you have my facebook by any chance? .3
    6. Korra
      It's cool. xD

      Not really, sorry, I've been busy with some school stuff and just had to finish designing a logo for my school so I'm a bit burned out in terms of designing. D:
      I'll have it done before the end of this week for sure though. :]
    7. Jayn
      Are you still in high school? c: That's a larrrrge percent. I just finished to finals today, and I'm pretty bummed out because my Chemistry final...mattered the most, and I'm kindaaa thinking I didn't do too well on it despite studying for a bit.I'm that you feel better though, and I hope that still rings true.

      I knowww. And someday. B( My 21st will be amazing. Thank you. <3

      herp. Creepers are love. <3

      Not in Norway! xD I live in Seattle. Don't feel like a creeper. I'm pretty open online now. Unless you seem like a pedophile. But you seem pretty chill. XD

      I love the sound~
    8. Ienzo
      Quick question then, who is your favourite character in persona 4/3?
    9. Ienzo
      Yeah, I'm just a little stuck on how to start, I've tried different things but they don't seem to work well. -.- It is coming though... just slowly :3
    10. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Awww, you should take some time for a nap. Don't let your body suffer.
      I'm doing pretty well. A new hobby has taken over my life.
    11. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Hihihi. How are you?
    12. Sabby
      Waiting to get my new sex bawx xD I got red ring on the last one and it PISSED me off XD
    13. Sabby
      awww <3 how sweet. XDD I try my best to stay adorable XD
    14. Sabby
      But baby, that's how our relationship works XD You tell me "bad" jokes (LOL) and I don't get them and then you get sad D: but I will give you a hug everyday -HUGS-
    15. Jayn
      It's alright. I go on VM hiatuses a lot. Like, a lot. So if I take a while then I'm sorry, and it's nothing personal. And if you ever have anything you just wanna throw at me via VM, go ahead. xD; Just wanted to throw that out there. But I hope you're feeling better. D:

      My birthday was awful. But it was probably just because it was my 18th and I was hoping for...something. We don't ever really do much on my birthday to begin with, but jeeze. At least take me to a strip club or something.

      If I elaborated on fapping, I might have seemed even more like a creeper. Could have been a fun conversation though, next time I'll continue with it. :'D

      And yeah, I'll remember your birthday easily. xD But that sounds lovely, though it sucks to hear about the rain and everything. Where I live...we get rain...A LOT. Like, always. We're known for it, if you can guess where that isss. Looool.
    16. Alex856
      Hahahahah truee that :x Keep on doing it then please c:

      Same.. even though this vacations were a bit relaxing to me I've been busy as well.. xD
      It's a promise then :D
      We need to catch up bro ^^
    17. Nova
      Hello there. Not much. You?
    18. Alex856
      Nah it's okay this time. I'm not that homophobic it's just funny to pretend I am xDD

      I miss talking to you btw.. we should talk nao.. or when you get the time
    19. Jayn
      Thank you so much! ; ; Going to school was a bit of a downer, and I got zero sleep last night. xD;

      I wonder too! Like, some of the people on the site that I've gotten incredibly close to...I wonder how we clicked the way we did, because I can be pretty daaaarn awkward. And I'm sorry for taking so long, but I realized the topic started was fappery and didn't know exactly where to go with that one. xD

      What day is yours on? I've always thought that would suck more, having it on break when everyone's busy..or just lazy. But man, the first day? I wish my birthday was tomorrow instead. :'D But at least you get the sunshine around your birthday, hopefully. It's frosty and freezing right now.
    20. Jayn
      I wish it happened more often. I've been wanting to send you another one, but I get paranoid. I hate talking to someone new, and then realizing I really have nothing to say to them, and then it's just a sea of awkwardness. So I'm glad you sent this. xD
      I guess. The holidays weren't as awful as I was expecting them to be, so that's a plus. But I'm not looking forward to going back to school, especially on my birthday. ;o; And you could always send some of that snow up here. I love it. xD
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Past Usernames:
    Master Bate


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