Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. KeybladeMasterJoe
      hey, im really sorry it cut out and i disappeared, I Love You too <3
    2. adamboy7
      lol not many are XD we are a dieing breed XD lol I like being a morning person, even if I stand out XD different is good :D lol
    3. KeybladeMasterJoe
      that was bothering me alittle bit, is it alright if i see what you wrote to her? <3
    4. adamboy7
      lol well, its not all bad :D well, atleast not to me, im a morning person XD lol the one that in the morning everybody gives strange looks to XD (corse, hows that any different than any other time of day? XD lol)
    5. KeybladeMasterJoe
      it feels like someone's squeezing my heart...
      and i just feel like i can't keep any of the people i love and care about happy, it feels like no matter what i do i always upset them somehow... /:
    6. adamboy7
      *sarcasm* lol arent mornings wonderful? XD
    7. KeybladeMasterJoe
      my stomach hurts, and my life just sucks so much right now... /:
    8. adamboy7
      lol well, I sopose everythings worth a shot XD lol my dad just slams my door open, grunts, tells me to get up, and than slams the door agian XD so I ask mom, not dad. though every time im out, one of rthe people who work at my school calls my dad to ask why im out XD (she asked me to give her his number XD) (I slightly regret it lol)
    9. KeybladeMasterJoe
      hey im back <3
      i dont feel so good though but im back
    10. adamboy7
      lol have you tried asking? XD (I asked her if I could stay home eather way as a joke last night, but she took it seriously XD but hey, im not complaining XD)
    11. adamboy7
      hmm... i took a personal snow day today XD there was school today, but i just decided not to go XD my mom let me stay home XD lol so I got to be lazy all day lol. I played kingdom hearts most of the day, I am getting close to being able to play as Xemnas lol. I worked on BBS, I get to fught Zigbar/Braig. he is really annoying, and now, I will never loose my cheat codes agian! I backed them all up on a CD lol. Oh, and I am going to get an action replay for my PSP :D also i am going to get kingdom hearts coded lol that about it :D
    12. adamboy7
      yup :D so i am felling pretty good at the moment :D not a single nay! :D lol and thankyou :D so, anything new? :D
    13. adamboy7
    14. adamboy7
      I am fairly good :D I just found out I brought the arcade back to the site! :D so I am pretty good :D
    15. adamboy7
      Hello, how are you? :D
    16. KeybladeMasterJoe
      or if you dont want to say anything you can tell her to talk to me instead
    17. KeybladeMasterJoe
      i dont know maybe she just didnt want me to get upset, she would get alittle curious of why i havent seen you yet though. why dont you tell her that "please dont get upset by anything that i tell you im just trying to answer your question"
      then explain what you need to say, she'll understand im sure
    18. KeybladeMasterJoe
      well you can tell her how we meet if ya want, and we do know alot about each other so you can tell her that too
    19. KeybladeMasterJoe
      oh, are you gonna say anything back?
    20. KeybladeMasterJoe
      it's one of my friends that i got to know through sammy and i guess she was asking you because of what sammy posted on my wall, what did you say to her?
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
    I'm not particularly new to Kh-vids, but I have been absent for quite a long while. It's nice to be back, and I hope I meet those on here that I haven't had the pleasure to discover yet. :) I'm pretty friendly so talk all you want to, and I'll do my best to get back to everyone quickly.
    <3 Tifa L. <3


    I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds,
    but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
    Swallow my doubt,turn it inside out,find nothing but faith in nothing.
    Want to put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion.