Sep 16, 2008
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That's me inside your head.

    1. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      The world in general is hitting problems with the economy, here in the UK, we are having trouble too ._.

      London is a pretty cool place, it's great for Christmas shopping. I live about 2 hours from London <3 I do like living in England but I want to see the entire world :3 I fully intend to one day.
    2. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      xD I wonder if I have anything else in common with her.

      Belgium always looks so pretty, I hope it is a nice place to live.
    3. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      That would have just been really really bizarre xD are you from UK too then?
    4. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      The year has just started for me too :3

      xD; that is a little weird that you know a girl so similar. Yes you will have seen members refer to me as Kay, but my name isn't Katie, close though =P my name is Kayleah. This is a little weird xD
    5. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      What do you do? I'm assuming you are in school still, sorry if I'm wrong. Awesome <3 unluckily for me my weekends are when I have to work xD on the plus side I only work until 1pm, then I have the rest of the day free. I am contemplating taking my camera out with me tomorrow but I haven't decided yet. Photography is another thing I love.

      Thanks so am I, especially when I know it could have got real nasty xD I am having lasagna <3
    6. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Thanks (: I figured it was about time I started actually posting again, how else am I meant to improve if I don't take the chances for feedback xD

      I like your style of writing <3

      I'm good, not long got back from college, I am so hungry though o_o, my shoulder is a lot better thank you for asking :3 How are you?
    7. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Hai hai hai <3
    8. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      It can be really bad yes, but I am hoping it wont be too bad and will heal soon D: at the moment it really kills ._.

      =P being lazy isnt such a bad thing at times, now I am back at college I wont have any lazy days until May O_O; enjoy it whilst you can xD

    9. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I'm not bad :3 just got home from work and had the most amazing bath ever xD

      -.- on the downside I have a trapped nerve in my shoulder which hurts so bad D:

      How are you?
    10. Styx
      Feeling pretty good, thanks! I just may be getting too lazy for my own good lately though. :D
    11. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Great! How have you been doing? :D
    12. Styx
      Thanks! I like yours too. :D
    13. Cia
      Styx is a pretty rad username.
    14. Sonic the Hedgehog
    15. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I can relate, I am about to go into my third year at University so life is about to get very busy for me too =P

      No problem <3
    16. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Doing great too! :D
    17. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Well I USED to be a member on other forums, but now I am only on this one and a site called KHU.


      Welcome to the site anyways <3
    18. Styx
      I'm doing great @ Friendly Heartless. Thanks for asking. How about you?
    19. Styx
      That's strange indeed. :)
      Are you a member on other forums besides this one?
    20. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Tee hee, how are you doing?
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    Access, my first only completed short story.​
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