Sakura Angel
Last Activity:
Mar 8, 2014
Feb 26, 2010
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10:40 PM
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Sakura Angel

Traverse Town Homebody

Sakura Angel was last seen:
Mar 8, 2014
    1. Alex856
      It's ok xD I am weird xD just not for that alone ;-;


      I was joking. (don't get mad at meh ;-; )
      Everyone tells me that. But I can't handle one more ****ing day. >> I know my soul can't. ;-;



      Ok then xDD Go on~
      INdeedy. hey I tried visiting earlier but the site was broken (Why it doesn't surprise me anymore.. >>)
    2. Xephos
      Nya. X3 *purrs and nuzzles*
    3. KeybladeMasterJoe
      *licks the side of your face*
      is you happy?
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      OMG your new avvy is so cute! <3
    5. Xephos
      Nya. ^^ *purrs*
    6. Xephos
      Sometimes when I go mad from hw and business. *purrs and wags tail* Sorry.
    7. KeybladeMasterJoe
      *runs over and jumps into your arms and wags my puppy tail*

      i mishes you X3
    8. Xephos
      Nyu. >.> *wags tail*
    9. KH2man13
      I'm sure you can. Don't lose hope.
    10. KH2man13
    11. Alex856
      Weird? how so? Because I didn't know my PM amount until today?


      Hah, look who's talking.. xDD xP (I'm joking)
      If I quit I'll go to another school.. and re-start the senior year.. >> ;-;



      Hahahahah stop then? xD
      Sleep well Sakura~<3
    12. Alex856
      I've been deleting like 8 a day or so.. :/ xD


      It's ok. it's not your fault.. I hope that tomorrow will be better.. :s
      I seriously hope so.. if not, I may have to completely quit... :/


      wat. looks like a cable was fried over there.. (before you know.. it got burned)
      :D :D Hehe ^^
    13. Xephos
      XD *nuzzles*
    14. Alex856
      ''You have 244 messages stored, of a total 250 allowed''
      oh my ;-;


      They won't do anything more than asking why.. they will not take me out of the school so late in the year >>
      YES ;-; I dream of a day in which I can be completely calm there and just enjoy it.. ;-;


      :/ how did it happen anyway? did you drop a beverage or something?
      You're welcome-y :D <33 I would never EVER let my dog behind either ^^
    15. Alex856
      Well yeah. I meant I will reply as soon as I see the VM/PM xD

      Thanks for understanding <3
      Too many things to number.. I don't feel right/safe in school any more.. I want to run away as fast as I can.. :/

      Nah. if there would be something that tells me how many PM's I have left.. >> would make things much easier..
      It's alright <3

      A short circuit!? ;-; Oh my- It happened once for me.. that was scary as hell (I was like 9 at the time too >>)
      I'm glad you both got out safe then <3 ^^

      Hehe ^^
    16. Alex856
      Nah, it's ok if you reach me at any time.. but I won't be able to reply If I'm not on...

      I did get on.. at 7:00 and something pm for you but KHV wasn't working at all.. >> So I couldn't get on at all.. then I went to bed. :/
      I had an awful school day.. :s I hate school...

      I will clean some more PMs.. I delete like 8 daily and it's always full. I don't get why o.O

      Are you ok? ;-;

      And ok.. I will still lurk sometimes to leave you a VM/PM <3
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I thought you had logged off for the night...sorry...
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Do you wanna talk now? Nobody else is here so I can keep you company if you like...

      EDIT: Oh you logged off...Nevermind...
    19. Xephos
      *huggles and licks your cheek*I know I am. *nuzzles* ^^
    20. Xephos
      No prob master. *hugs back* I know master. I too worry about you. *licks your cheek*