Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
Jun 24, 2007
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July 7
Home Page:
The Plains

Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta

The Demon Slayer, Male, from The Plains


Everything feels fake... Jun 14, 2018

    1. xxxLatiasxxx
      Great thanks.
    2. xxxLatiasxxx
      *Sighs lovingly* Oh Jaden…
    3. xxxLatiasxxx
      Oh and I got everything set up to duel so when you want to duel just let me know.
    4. xxxLatiasxxx
      Thank you.

      I love you Jaden.
    5. xxxLatiasxxx
    6. xxxLatiasxxx
      That's true. So what have you been doing?
    7. xxxLatiasxxx
      Ok thanks for letting me know.
    8. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Yeah, well, your opinion is wrong. Ask anyone who actually plays.
    9. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      sorry im having a bad day we'll talk later
    10. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      That's a terrible example because that's not even what Mind Control is FOR. It's for synchroing. That example is completely out of context.

      Sorry if you got smashed by it, but you're running E-Heroes. Other decks can recover from it easily.
    11. Cryoshell
      Very well, then.
    12. Cryoshell
      Alright. I'm going to get a deck together, then I"m going to find me a worthy opponent!
    13. Cryoshell
      Hey, um, is it too late to join in the Card Arena? I was interested in joining, and hopefuly dueling you, eventualy.
    14. xxxLatiasxxx
      Ok thank you.

      I love you Jaden. *Hugs you*
    15. xxxLatiasxxx
    16. xxxLatiasxxx
      Sorry I'm still getting things set up sorry.
    17. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Mind Control has no cost and an enormous benefit. Creature Swap requires you to give up a monster and doesn't usually benefit you much anyway. Let's say the opponent has a Comrade Swordman of Landstar or something on his field and I have one Bora and one Shura. I want to take my opponent's Swordsman and synchro into a level seven.

      Mind control: I take it and synchro, then attack with two monsters on an empty field for huge damage
      Creature swap: I have to give up one of my monsters, then get it, then synchro, then attack my own monster and probably not even deal that much damage.
    18. Terra254
      I've finally challenged you....
    19. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      A few obscure points doesn't make you right. That's like me saying Ookazi is broken because it can kill your opponent if they only have 800 LP or less left.
    20. Sho Marufuji
      Sho Marufuji
      Yeah I got stuck in this portal and I found out that in the future card games are played on motorcycles. I just got back.
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  • About

    July 7
    Home Page:
    The Plains
    My personality? Well I am quite eccentric...I like to think of myself as reserved but openminded...And I'm definitely a very generous and honest person. But I'm not exactly what you call a social butterfly. If I have not messaged you it's because I'm just sort of the type who doesn't message someone unless they message me first. I guess you could say I'm just sort of what you call a "recluse". But that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to talk to you. If you ever wanna talk just message me anytime. :)

    Also I am a very low functioning Aspie. I have SEVERE Asperger's Syndrome. And because of that I may not understand sarcasm or figures of speech. I also show many symptoms of ADD, ADHD, OCD and Bipolar Disorder.

    Some people think that I have a bad temper but I just get really irritated when people get stubborn with me when I know that they're wrong. I have VERY low tolerance for stubborn/hardheaded people, stupidity and closedmindedness... (- _ -; But if you don't judge me then I won't judge you. I'll be nice to you as long as you're nice to me.

    Aside from that I'm pretty much just a laid back guy who enjoys gaming, movies, anime, RPing and cartoons.


    I need to update my sig.