Charonus Rex
Last Activity:
Oct 29, 2023
Dec 17, 2008
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10:38 PM
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Awarded Pins 6

Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
Deep inside an active volcano
A dragon god

Charonus Rex

Merlin's Housekeeper, 42, from Deep inside an active volcano

Charonus Rex was last seen:
Oct 29, 2023
    1. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me-*i push the blade closer to their throats *
    2. NightofNights
      Ka:*switches to over happy mode* Nothings wrong Haku. Let go. *teleports out of the treehosue*

      Lk: Good cuz it would be funny to see how he'll turn out to be^^
    3. NightofNights
      Lk:Then you should teach him right away^^

      Ka: *looks sad then tries to put on a smile.* Sure it will....
      Yu: Meet me in the living room after wards.*she dissapearS*
    4. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me: *the sword appears in my hand and it looks like a combination of riku's way to the dawn keyblade and squall's gunblade and i hold it near both of their necks*
      you move and i kill you right now
    5. KeybladeMasterJoe
      me-*hits US so hard he goes flying into Cr's ultimate self then i teleport over to cr*
      these guys arent as strong as i thought they were
    6. KeybladeMasterJoe
      *me and US still locked in hand to hand combat*
    7. KeybladeMasterJoe
      US-*recovers then dash right back at me unleashing a melee of attacks*
      me-*blocks every attack and starts to attack back*
    8. NightofNights
      Lk:Please. We want to know if everyone can change or not.

      Ka:No problem. I've already grew one a few seconds ago.
      Yu:That's great. We forgot as well.
    9. KeybladeMasterJoe
      US-so the little weakling blocked the attack
      me- dont you ever call me weak again!!!!! *i activate my dark side eyes*
      *i take US's sword and break it with my bare hands then final kicks US into a near by tree*
    10. NightofNights
      Lk:Charisa? You here?

      Yu:*appears behind Ka* Ka Haku I need your help.
      Ka: With what -_-
      Yu: Making a christmas tree for the boys.
    11. KeybladeMasterJoe
      US-prepare to die *his sword is now surrounded by blue flames* Azul's blaze!!!
      *he comes rusing at me with his sword*
      me-*breaks the trap and blocks the sword with my bare hands*
    12. nasirrich
      Lyanne-*Appears in front of Kohaku and kicks him in he gut and pulses him into the wall.*Shut... Up...
    13. Technic☆Kitty
      Nights: *gets shot with a load of tranquilizers* You . . . thiiinkk . . thatttt . . . wwiillllll *passes out*
      Luna: There is another thing you didn't know, Night is a lot stronger than you.
      (I have to log off for now, but I will post one more time in Gods and if anyone wants to continue where we are going you can use Nights and Luna though she won't be any good so here is my personal permission for you to use my characters for that storyline only ^_^ *sarcastically* what an honer right lol
    14. Technic☆Kitty
      Nights: *looks at CR* I will respond to the Dragonoid known as C R . . . I am #%#$@ or in your language Orion.
      Luna: Give him back!!! *crying and angry* You give him back NOW!!!
      Nights: The human will be silent or . . .
      Luna: No! I guess you didn't know but I am not an ordinary human . . . I am Nights girlfriend and you just picked the wrong body to take over *pulls out an arsenal*
      Nights: You think those toys will harm me, you won't shoot anyway. Your beloved "Night" would get caught in the crossfire.
      Luna: *crying*
      Nights: Fire! . . . *clears throat* You will ignore the previous statement.
      Luna: *crying still and even more angry* If that's what you want . . . *fires all weapons*
    15. Technic☆Kitty
      Nights: *smirks* Your gramps is right . . . that blast of flame was a beacon for me to come down and take over this ones being.
      Luna: *still confused* W-what are you talking about . . . where's my Nights???
      Nights: Insignificant human, why would I answer you???
      Luna: But you did answer me.
      Nights: What???
      Luna: Well you responded, so that is an answer isn't it???
      Nights: I am not an android human, and if you insist on interupting me I will have no choice but to exterminate you!
      Luna: Kohaku, is Nights still in there somewhere???
    16. Technic☆Kitty
      Luna: *laughing* I think we should just leave you for a while *falls to the ground in laughter*
      Nights: Well, I didn't want to cause a scene but *boom* *a cylinder of fire shoots up and Nights walks out unharmed*
      Luna: *stops laughing* Nights, what have you done. *sirens* Now you've done it!
      Nights: *eyes glowing red* This one will not answer the human *looks at CR* You Dragonoid, what planet is this???
    17. Technic☆Kitty
      Luna: Sometimes I think he can fly . . . *Nights faceplants in a field of cacti* . . . *sigh* and other times I don't.
      Nights: Luna!!! *ouch* C-can you help me *comedically stuck*
    18. Technic☆Kitty
      Nights: *still flying* I think I should get one in as well *clears throat* Going, going, GONE!!!
      Luna: *puzzled* I never could figure out how he gets so much air time???
      (lol you just got major insult in Gods)
    19. Technic☆Kitty
      Luna: Well you remember how back in school you would tease the person you liked, well I hurt the person I love *giggle*
      Nights: Yeah, i've come to except it *sigh* She can show her affection like a normal girl.
      Luna: I'm not a normal girl though ? ? ?
      Nights: You got that right.
      Luna: *Sakura Punch*
      Nights: *knocked in the air* That was kinda my fault, oh well.
    20. Technic☆Kitty
      Luna: *smiling innocently* Okay for you Kohaku *pulls out a katana* How bout this is this okay???
      Nights: *awaiting Kohakus answer*
      (Oh and my little eavesdropper just got an earfull lol)
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Deep inside an active volcano
    A dragon god
    A fiery hot charizard with an Axel mentality.



    "I am the Charizard King, and I will also be Your ferryman to the Underworld"​
    Dark Side of the Moon 40th​
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