Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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11:45 AM
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. KeybladeMasterJoe
      im sorry but i have to go now i really wish i didnt have to, i missed you like crazy and i hope i'll have internet access when i get home, I Love You <3
    2. KeybladeMasterJoe
      so im standing outside of the library on my psp, so i can talk to you for alittle while longer
    3. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Happy late new year ^.^ <3
    4. nasirrich
      N-N-N-No n-no I didn't... Mean it like that... Ok I'll drive.*Opens the back door for the cops.* Ok get in people no time to lose.
      Cops- Yea all right riding in the back of the bus.^ ^
      Me- O_O... N-No way they can't be that stupid.*Open the door for you.*
    5. Technic☆Kitty
      We have met before i think but it was like once and a while back so i guess nice to meet you as well ^_^
    6. shidonic
      here, why dont u nurture and care for him, im sure u can raise him...or her, to be a gentleman or a sophisticated lady
      *hands to tifa*
    7. adamboy7
      lol I apoligise, but I must go to bed, I forgot I have to be somwhere tomorrow lol XD good night :D and thankyou for your help :D
    8. adamboy7
      call me crazy, but I love this one song XD
      my comment seems to have died, but I had said "338 people have no taste in music..... Go die in a whole while I nail down the replay button. XD" and one dude agreed with me XD the past few days its been the top liked XD lol
    9. adamboy7
      lol I just plan to have my voice be heard, and have some fun XD lol one of my comments seems to be popular XD
    10. adamboy7
      lol XD well you have every right to XD
    11. adamboy7
      Woot! now we are friends on youtube XD lol I dont really have anything interesting to make a video about, or know how to make one XD lol I be a noob XD lol so why did youtube block your vid? not enough credit givin?
    12. adamboy7
    13. adamboy7
      lol damn retarted youtube butt XD I got a youtube account recently XD lol not a single video, just a few comments and likes XD lol the only news I have is I got a new phone, I got a few games for christmas, my new years resolution is to treat every day like a party XD (or to help as many people as I can, but who says I cant do both XD) and thats about it XD lol
    14. adamboy7
      lol oh yes, I forgot about your video lol :D how did it turn out? :D (and ow XP) and are you gonna smash the old one? XD lol jk
    15. adamboy7
      lol you are one of a kind indeed :D lol so, with that plan set and in the making, anything interesting happen since weve managed to actually catch up? lol
    16. adamboy7
      lol trust me, youll be hard to forget XD lol (lol but in a good way XD) lol besides, youll be well known too with your band :D
    17. adamboy7
      I will be very greatful if this works :D If this works, is there anything I can do to repay you? :D
    18. adamboy7
      lol I wonder what he will think when you tell him these ideas are comming from the head of a 14 year old XD (<< >> I advise leaving my age and location till after you tell him the ideas XD)
    19. adamboy7
      lol patianve is a virtude, and its one I have :D if your willing to try, than I am willing to wait :D
    20. Colby1234
      yah i hope so to :)
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
    I'm not particularly new to Kh-vids, but I have been absent for quite a long while. It's nice to be back, and I hope I meet those on here that I haven't had the pleasure to discover yet. :) I'm pretty friendly so talk all you want to, and I'll do my best to get back to everyone quickly.
    <3 Tifa L. <3


    I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds,
    but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
    Swallow my doubt,turn it inside out,find nothing but faith in nothing.
    Want to put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion.