Sakura Angel
Last Activity:
Mar 8, 2014
Feb 26, 2010
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Sakura Angel

Traverse Town Homebody

Sakura Angel was last seen:
Mar 8, 2014
    1. Korosu
      Awh I feel loved. My fail sammich better have sea salt with mushrooms~ <3
    2. Korosu
      Your welcome! And thankies :3 I'll send you a fail sammich :=D:
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hello Sakura, How are you?
    4. Plums
      Mine isn't either xD

      Teamwork is the best kind of work!

      Considering how this is a KH forum, and about half of the characters are babies of each other, my guess would you'd prolly be...Kairi's half cousin, sister's daughter Xion. o:
    5. Korosu
      Me luff you too twinnie <3 Oh yeah, If I don't get the chance I'd like to wish a merry chirstmas and happy hoildays now :3
    6. Korosu
      My Sister from another sammich maker! :=D:
    7. KH2man13
      No, you didn't upset me! I've just been busy. Sorry. :c
    8. Twilight_Nobody13
      Sakura! I wanted to say hello but I've been busy lately. It if matters any, I've missed you. I weren't coming back and it made me so sad.

      What you said, reminded me of what I said to a lot of people when I tried to take my life.

      We may be different, but I'll never forget you and to remind you of something my friend taught me. We're all connected by an invisible thread tied around our finger, that links us to everyone we meet. Whether it be brief encounter or a few words exchanged, we're all together. I'm still trying to grasp that but I hope you can too. You're still my friend and nothing will change that. :)

      sorry if this is wierd, my therapist says I should learn to dig out what I really want to say to people, and I just wanted to let you know all that.
    9. KeybladeMasterJoe
    10. Xephos
      Nya. :3

      Thanks. ^^
    11. Xephos
      *nuzzles your cheek back* :3

      Ah I won't be here from today till Sunday okay? *purrs* Hope you'll have a good weekend.
    12. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      It's okay, because God always shows up in the our roughest of trials. And sometimes, maybe He leaves prayers unanswered because He feel sthat we have to do this on our own. We can always rely on him, but we don't have our own personal growth if we can't learn from the situation. He's always ready to give us a hand with anything, but sometimes He can only go so far into helping us. Like with my heart; yeah, I'm feeling fine after a few weeks ago, but I still have my condition. It's obvious that the situation isn't over and I'm not suppose to be cured yet. God has always loved you, ever since the day you were born and he will ten thousand years from now when we are all in Heaven.
    13. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      It wasn't something that I was just able to pick up over night. It took a lot of time to really get into the Word, understand what he means, and follow some really cool mentors in what they were saying. I think we should just love Him because He loves us so much. We were all uniquelly created by Him. Just think: on the day that he created you and me, he stood back from us and said "You are My perfect creation". That's what it's like for everyone. He's made sure that nothing terrible has happened to me over the years.

      God will always be with you in your life. Before I knew God, I struggled with the same kind of thoughts. To be honest, those thoughts do pop up in my head sometimes these days, but they're very rare. Just remember that you have an amazing group of friends who love you, an you have God and Jesus who are awaiting you in Heaven, after you live a full, healthy life that it.
    14. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, and I get to be a part of it, which is really neat. Yeah, life's a litttle hard, but it's my life, so I'll grow to enjoy it.
    15. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      It's also amazing to see him work too. ^^
    16. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, he works in mysterious ways. This story wasn't a test of faith, but it was super cool. The ICD in my chest will electricute my heart if I have a sudden heart attack or if it stops for just some strange reason. When I first got it, I beleived that I was never going to use it. It was kind of like an insurance kind of deal; I believed that it would never come in handy in the later future. Anyway, when I was in the hospital during Thanksgiving break, they gave me this mediicine to relax my heart. I've never had this medicine before, so they wanted to see how I would react to it.

      The next day, the doctors informed me that my ICD went off four times during the night. It scared me because I never felt the shock. They told me that whenever my heart rate dropped below sixty, I would get a little shock to bring it back up. Enough to keep it up, but not a full on charge, which was why I ddin't feel it. The strange part about all of this though was that my ICD didn't have a pacemaker setting. It's only to shock me when my heart stops, that's it. It can shock me accidentally, but that's when I'm near some very powerful magnets or other things. Even the doctor who installed it couldn't beleive it, the machine did something that it wasn't made to do all by itself.

      If I didn't get that thing installed and the same stuff that happened during Thanksgiving week did happen in that alternate future, I don't know if I'd still be here right now. God was watching me that night.
    17. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, he proves himself to those who do love him. He's showed himself to me so many times throughout these past few months. Whenever something crazy happens, I sometimes look up at the sky, smile, and then say "Okay, now You're just showing up". Yeah, friends always help each other through the good and the bad. Sorry for the late reply, something odd happened to my computer and it just shut donw by itself. I guess it over heated or something. I let it cool down and now it's working again.
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hello Sakura...*sigh*
    19. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I know I'l get through it. God's always with us. It's funny because I keep telling people this but I sometimes have my own type of doubt at times. I guess that's just something that goes through everyone. And thanks again for the kind words.
    20. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      It's wierd hearing people saying they're worried about me. I don't see myself as anything special and I worry about others all the time. Having someone else worry about just feels a little wierd. And thanks for the prayers, I feel next year's going to be a wild ride.