Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. Misty
      Well, that's good! Being busy is nice, as long as it's with things you enjoy. Then again, I like to be the complete opposite of busy, lol.
    2. Misty
      Well, that's good. As long as you're within visiting distance of your family all should be good, you shouldn't feel like you're obligated to completely abandon what you've started where you are now.
    3. P
      Personally, what I find impressive isn't God, but you. You've taken something anyone would call a living hell and have reinterpreted it to be something great. You've transformed your heart disease into a gift from God, and have made your world one of happiness, simply through the way you view something. You haven't just fixed your situation, or successfully endured torment, you've actively inverted it all, and turned your sadness into power.

      I don't believe in any god. That means that I view your transformation as something directly brought about by yourself, without any support from a deity, and I think that's an incredible testament to your strength, and the strength of the human mind.
    4. Misty
      Wow. o_o She needs a little sense slapped into her.
      Well, at least you won't have to adjust to a new school then? /trying to be optimistic
    5. Misty
      Where/who was moving? o_o
    6. Misty
      This site really isn't as bad as... other places, lol.

      Yeah, it does. xD Guess I'll just have to watch it then.
    7. eentje
      Something like that, as long as it's about Kingdom Hearts... and it has to be inspired by Apple an Cinnamon from Utada Hikaru....
    8. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Thanks, man :)
    9. P
      As someone who converted, as opposed to being raised, how many of your beliefs pre-conversion changed? For example, did you believe in abortion beforehand, and have a clash of ideals, or anything similar to that? If so, how did you end up resolving them?
    10. Garxena
      Aw, thank you! =D
    11. Misty
      I don't think they were writing it seriously, lol. It was a joke, just for laughs. Of course, you'd have to have a pretty twisted sense of humor to find something like it funny, but that's what the internet is made up of, isn't it?
      And I love My Immortal. <3

      I'd of assumed they'd changed Rem to male to make her falling in love with Misa a bit more... normal, especially if they shipped the movie over to America.
    12. Misty
      That's the thing though, the author completely acknowledges that it is horrifying and disgusting. That's part of why I love it so. <3

      I don't like watching subs. Dubs are often awful, yes, but I feel I'm distracted if I have to read what's going on. I don't get to appreciate the visuals.
    13. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      XD, I'm not actually into paranormal stuff like this, I know it's all fake, just movies and internet stuff that is deliberately admittedly fake is interesting to me. That thing, they're trying to convince everyone that it's real, not so much.
    14. Misty
      bahaha. I showed that to a few of my friends, they loved it. It's so gooooood.

      I didn't see the second movie, only the first. :c I've been meaning to watch it though.
    15. Misty
      People will always, always, always pair up the most minor and unrelated characters. Harry Potter should have taught you that, lol. Lupin/Hermione, anyone?

      I kind of liked the way it mirrored a child's game, because that's kind of how Light was acting--he would make the world his in his way because he was right. He had good intentions but failed to realize that he was as corrupted as the people he was killing. He got obsessed with power and being "God" and defeating L that he forgot that he was doing it all for the good of humanity. Near and even the original L were genuinely emotionally stunted people, with the brilliance and determination to win of children.
    16. Misty
      Near annoyed me a lot because I at first felt as though he was trying so hard to be L, and well, no one is as cool as L. But I did start to like him. As for Mello, he annoyed me with how reckless he was and his haircut (oh god) but after he gets the burns I do start to like him a lot more.

      As for Matt, I'm not too sure. I did like his character design but I wasn't fangasming over him. I think a lot of people like to make up Mello/Matt fantasies.
    17. Misty
      Death Note I think dragged for a little while after L's death, but around volume 10 or 11 I started liking Near and Mello so it got fun again. Still, I just guess it relates to me preferring shorter stories sometimes; you know that there's no wasted time, not many frills, it the story and the writing (as well as the art, in this case) and nothing unnecessary.
    18. Misty
      I always like to look at how many volumes Naruto has had. It's kind of funny, they've got to be into the 70's or something by now. Anything over like 15 is excessive to me, I just think it's difficult for many writers to carry on a story for that long without it either being too dragged out or starting out really excellent then just faltering (coughcoughVampireKnight).
    19. Colby1234
      i guess so lol
    20. Colby1234
      well paranormal is cool