Soras heartless
Last Activity:
Jan 9, 2014
Mar 31, 2007
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5:03 PM
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December 29
Manga Artist

Soras heartless

Moogle Assistant, from Earth

Soras heartless was last seen:
Jan 9, 2014
    1. nasirrich
      Rosey- Yea Kim has them. She's really fast. Cause as she went flying and slammed into here. All this smoke came. So she must have used that as her cover but then really wasted her energy by doing that. And here...*Then touches your foreheads making calming winds come around you and all the steam you see is from stress leaving your body.* Feeling any better?
    2. nasirrich
      Kim-*Is sleeping very peacefully now.*
      Rosey- Hey SH wat can I do ya for?
    3. NerdyNinjaGirl
      Oh ok that's kul
    4. nasirrich
      Kim-*Then gives you back all of your power and some healing things she took from Rosey place and adds that to you power. And passes out on the floor.*
      Rosey- W-Wait she took... Wow good one Kim.^ ^
    5. nasirrich
      Kim- Ok GO!!!!*Blasts through everything and can see the gap in the dome. And dashes inside of it. And stop taking in breaths and sees Vivian laid out on the floor.*
    6. nasirrich
      Kim-*Then feels all her burning desires and everythinng and goes into this form.*

      W-Wow I almost forgot about... Ok come on...*Starts to dash and teleport dash and is out.*
      Rosey- Yea Go Kim.^^ ^^

      (Yea perfect got the pic right cause its your element.)
    7. nasirrich
      Kim- Pu h-hey... W-Wat are you doing here? I-I gotta get back.*Is fully up now.* I'm guessing you came to tell me that if I'm not there by a certain time limit We lost huh? And I had the feeling if I got out of the ring we would lose. Glad not. S-Still I'm not sure if I can make it.
    8. nasirrich
      Rosey- Oh no.. I-I can't help her casue then she may lose. Come on Kim please get up.
      Kim-*Breathing very hard and slowly making her way up.*Coughing up a lot of blood. Still trying her best to get up.* M-My body I-I' can't feel it. The pain it hurts so much. W-Why did I have to go and do that for.*She thinks to herself. As she slowly makes her way up.*
      Rosey- That's it Kim come on I know you can do it. Please you have to get up.
    9. nasirrich
      Kim- I-I...*Is starting to black out.*
      Vivian- Is just aid out on the floor.*
      Rosey- K-Kim!!!!
    10. NerdyNinjaGirl
      Thats good ^ ^ wow that sux well I'm glad u found it at least ^ ^
    11. nasirrich
      Vivian- Hmph my turn.*Teleports and get in front of Kim. And pluses her up.*
      Kim-N-No my body I-I can't move it...*Goes flying up very high.*
      Vivian-*Then teleports up in the sky.* ICE SKY BEAM!!!*I ball of wind that then turn into ice with wind whirling around it. She then doeas a pluse beam to make it go faster.*
      Kim-*Can't move away and the beam goes through her freezing up her body and then makes her go flying down making a crater in the ground.*
      Vivian- Tch so much for the Kim chick. I heard so many good things about her....*Feeling a bit lightheaded.* H-Huh wat the hell?
      Kim-*Is up and standing with the beam still in its form.* JSE OVER CLOCK!!!!*Then is charging up and her bloodline eyes appear while its flowing all around her body. Then has the beam in her hand in orb form. And is charging it up to the max.*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Vivian-*Is getting blown away cause of the wind from Kim charging up.*
      Kim-*Is already in Vivian's face but the orb traps her inside.*Hmph..*Jumps on top of the orb.* FINAL KICK!!!!!!!!!!!
      Vivian-N-NO!!!!!!*Goes flying down making an explosion bigger then 88 Nukes. And is laid out on the floor steaming and burning. And bleeding out all over the place.*
      Kim-*Gets plused and slams into the stands and flys out caue of the force and is at the resturant where Rosey Works. And is also in the same condition as Vivian.*
    12. nasirrich
      Vivian- D-Damn this power... I-I've never felt anything like this before.*Then teleport dashes and begins to use physcial attacks on Kim.*
      Kim-*Opens her eyes and blocks and dodges everything without even trying.*
      Vivian-*Starts to attack in hyperspeed.*
      Kim-Hmph*She says soflty. And dodges the attacks before she even does them and gets a lot of hits in. And teleports right through her.*
      Vivian-*Starts to cough up a lot of blood.* W-Wat is that... I've never seen such a move like this before.
      Kim-*On the other side coughing up major amounts of blood.* N-No I knew using this move was way too risky. I never even done it before until now. Its blowing so much aura and energy, but the speed is so nice. Its like an addiction. Like exstacey... Still it won't end well at this rate.*
    13. nasirrich
      Kim-*Then does a break through.* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      (All rightly then I got ya.)
    14. nasirrich
      Kim-*Then activates her Jse and then closes her eyes and then opens them and her JSE can be seen flowing all around her body.*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*She starts to charge up a lot.*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      (Wait you want me to be her. Cause this time you actual made the name up and stuff. So I'm kinda lost.)
    15. nasirrich
      Kim-*Teleports and jumps back and takes a deep breath.*
    16. nasirrich
      Kim- Y-Yea ok...*Her eyes then widen and she thinks to herself.* If that kid did that on SH then how strong is this one. This isn't good. I have to go semi-serious now. Cause I don't wanna ruin my surprise new moves. But I may have to use them now.*Goes down to the stage.* Ok I-I'm here.
    17. nasirrich
      Kim-*Is in awe the whole battle.* S-SH!!!*Then teleport jupms from the stands and very quickly goes to your side.* H-Hey are you ok? SH Please answer me.*Picks you up and stands with you. And has your arm on her shoulders.* Hey SH Come on please be ok.
    18. nasirrich
      Kim- Oh SH... Please be careful ok.

      (Aite man do your thang.)
    19. nasirrich
      Kim-*Blushing a lot and gives a thumbs up back.* Ok I hope he wins... No I know he can do this... GO SH!!!
    20. Korosu
      Good then I guess.
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  • About

    December 29
    Manga Artist
    I am poetic nonsense. The invisible like that nobody can ever find. I am the one that's can be the ghost in the room. My ideals do not match the ones my family has. I choose to be free spirited. Live to the extent that I have laid down myself. I hate when people try to guide me to their ideal. I will argue. Note that past is in the past. And the future still can be changed.

    times to think alone, and learning to use the Seikūken


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