Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. eentje
      OMG, we had that on the 5th of December, or something like it... Anyway, that's a very long vacation... Mine starts this friday, and ends the 2nd of January
    2. eentje
      Ah, okay, and when does vacation start to you guys?
    3. eentje
      Ah, how nice, hehe, how long do you have the home for yourself then?
    4. eentje
      Ah, are they somewhere else?
    5. eentje
      Ahh, XP, nup, but i had to do something, my bus didn't show up, so I couldn't go to school...
    6. eentje
      I drawwed my face -_-, Ooooh, and an octopus....
    7. eentje
      I'm doing fine...I had a blast of inspiration o_O
    8. eentje
      Hey there!!!! How are you doing?
    9. P
      I must say, talking to you does give a great deal of insight into the way others think. It's surprising how much is a completely foreign viewpoint to mine. To be honest, the arguing about theology is getting kind of dull. I'm more interested in the way the belief in a god affects one's decisions. I'm trying to decide whether it makes people happier to be in a religion or not. On one hand, there's definitely a sense of purpose there, while I have to make my own goals, knowing that they are quite possibly wrong. On the other, I've seen many Christians on here try to do too much for others, and neglect themselves, forgetting that to survive in the world, they have to put themselves first, and only help others once they themselves are healthy.

      How do you decide that a cause is for God? I mean, he allows the bullying to take place. How do you know that it's his will that you spend your time helping victims, and not being a bully yourself? I don't understand how you can interpret what you feel is God's will, or even decide that God is a kind deity. Certainly, there is the Bible, but there's also the cruelty in the world.

      I hope you stay healthy. I'd honestly be upset if you were to go and die on us. You're one of the few religious people I know who has put a lot of thought into your beliefs, as opposed to simply being raised with them. Just thinking about what you believe is more than enough to earn my respect.
    10. P
      Fair enough, I can't honestly argue against what you've decided. It certainly seems to be a worthy enough cause. I'm impressed.
    11. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      I remember being so filled with wonder, it was a really magical feeling[lolcorny]. I remember all the things I used to believe in when I was a kid, like Santa. And I remember on my 11th birthday I prayed and prayed for my Hogwarts letter to come. Childhood~<3
    12. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Oh, you know, finals :lolface:
      Pretty good. Just had my calc final today so I'm kind of stressing out about my grade. I know it can't be better than a B (Which i'm really upset about) but I'm really nervous that I might have gotten a C. If i did my parents will kill me.

      But tomorrow's my Comp. Sci final, my last one. So looking forward to that a lot.

      Also I just watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone with my brother and it made me remember being a kid and looking at it with such a sense of wonder. Nostalgia'd hard.
    13. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Thanks for letting me know. Hope everything goes well!
    14. P
      If you genuinely enjoy helping people, then that's what you enjoy doing. I don't see anything wrong with doing that. It's rather admirable. I don't think living for death is a good mindset, but if leaving a legacy coincides with what you enjoy, then that's perfect.

      I wonder, would you be so intent on this if you didn't have your disease?
    15. Misty
      Wow. :l
      Well, I suppose if it helps you. I mean, from what I understand of your heart condition, you're lucky to be alive. I think I'd undergo testing like that too if I was in the same position.
    16. Terra254
    17. Terra254
      lol my big brother used to tell me that when i was 5,he said when he was 5 i had snow'd and he didn't have gloves he used his socks
    18. Terra254
      i wish it WOULD snow i haven't ever actually seen snow.................
    19. Terra254
      your lucky.......
    20. Terra254
      well i just in from the freezing cold so good,how bout you?