Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. Misty
      What's a cathaderization? o_o
    2. Terra254
      Hey whats up?
    3. Misty
      I really need a job. :c I do have it figured out though:
      20% to my mom
      40% to the bank
      40% to me as spending money
      I do donate money when I see the Salvation Army guys about or when they're having a fundraiser at school but I'm not really actively into it. It's good that you are though, everyone should be.
    4. Colby1234
      yellow how are you
    5. Misty
      I've got quite a bit of cash right now (my birthday was last month), but I'm considering buying a PS3. I'm pleased with the selection and the price of PS2 games, but I'd really like to give some of the new games a go.
      But I don't think they'll be running out of PS2 games anytime soon. :] As long as people keep trading them in, I'm good.
    6. Misty
      Well, sometimes it's nice to have just a day to yourself to lay in bed and play video games. :]
      I've been buying a lot of used PS2 games because they are all under $5 at Gamestop, I've been having fun. :B Unfortunately, I have neither the attention span nor the motivation to get through an entire one. xD
    7. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Ohs wow glad you got through yout first semester!!!! :=D: Glad to hear your working with god <3 and what books have you been reading? X3 Hmms I will have to look into that!! Ooo games which ones? I hope you had fun with your mom!! :=D: Ya things are going kinda okay. Just got alot going on right now kinda hard but im getting through it. Sorry didnt mean to scare ya thanks for the prayers!
    8. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      I miss talking to you ;-; Hows have you been?
    9. P
      I agree and disagree with you. I think that your sister's argument is silly, because it doesn't matter whether they're making money if they don't entertain me. My ears don't care whether the singers are hobos or celebrities; if it doesn't sound good, it's not worth listening to.

      I also don't think money is particularly important. Yes, a certain amount of money is required to have a good quality of life, but after that, it doesn't increase happiness. If someone has a decent salary, and can live well off of it, then another million dollars won't help them. Initially, it gives a rush, but in the long run, it doesn't help.

      I disagree with your premise of living to die. I don't care what people think of me after I'm gone. A good name isn't any use to me if I'm not around to make use of it. The important thing about life is experiencing it and enjoying it. To put it another way, happiness is my goal in life. Not constant happiness, as that's unattainable. Just striving for happiness is enough. Usually having a good name helps with this, but it's not a goal in of itself.
    10. P
      You should have done what I did. Get in early and strike. Now my sister only listens to j-pop, and even plays it on the piano. :p
    11. Lauriam
      np, it just totally spoke to me. It's nice to know there are others on this site that Believe the way I do and understand what we go through. It helps to keep me in perspective and to not get caught up in my own little world.
    12. P
      Popular hip-hop? Eww. Definitely not my scene.

      And I think that's quite possibly the first thing we've agreed on. xD
    13. Misty
      How about you, you doing alright?
    14. P
      Country music? You're definitely a weird one. :p

      I know of and like one band that does semi-Christian stuff, and usually it's said to have quite a bit of emotion in it, so you might like it. Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. /shameless plug
    15. Misty
      That is weird, haha.

      I'm fine. Thanks for the concern though? :]
    16. P
      Which is why I should have gotten it. Mangers mentioned in Christmas should not make me think of dogs. Especially since dogs aren't born in mangers.

      You weren't pushing your views, I was just joking about the Atheist deathcore.

      I know what you mean about getting caught on one style of music though. I went through a phase where if it wasn't Japanese, it wasn't coming near me. I'm weaning myself back onto English stuff.
    17. P
      I figured it out after a minute, but it still threw me for a loop.

      Pass on the Christian music. I'll stick to my hardcore Atheist Deathcore.

      (Is there even such a thing as Atheist Deathcore? o.0)
    18. P
      The first thing I thought when I read your usertitle was "It's not that strange to have a dog as a best friend."

      Yes, I am aware of how wrong that entire train of thought is.
    19. eentje
      I know it was in November, my sis joined, and stoppped with it after a week...Ah, I also write, and I post it on fanfiction...But some stories I just keep with me, XP
    20. eentje
      You should try NaNoWriMo...