Sakura Angel
Last Activity:
Mar 8, 2014
Feb 26, 2010
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5:45 AM
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Sakura Angel

Traverse Town Homebody

Sakura Angel was last seen:
Mar 8, 2014
    1. Korosu
      Sea salt? SEA SALT SECTION WHERE ARE YOU?! D8 -starts stressing-
    2. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah. I'm working more on my purpose for life. I know that I'm suppose to help people and save lives, but I still don't know where. God may not be exactly calling of that for me now, but he's asking for me to start it now. He'll reveal to me one day what I'm suppose to do along with other things. I got Star Wars Battlefront 2, Derges of Curberus, and Final Fantasy XII. All of them are great fun so far, even though I've played through the star wars one before. I just finished reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and am starting on his next book, Forgotten God. I also want to look for the books tied in with the 'To Save a Life' movie.
    3. nasirrich
      Yea true very true.
      Damn that's not good at all.
      Mine sux so much its not even funny.
    4. Korosu
      -smacks face off window shield- O.e

      Yaaay :3 -skips into store-
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I'm doing pretty good. My first semester of college ended last week. I've been working a little with God, reading some books, and I even started a Kingdom Hearts Devotional on this site (link is in the siganture). I also got some video games yesturday and just came back from a few hours with my mom. I'm really glad to see that you're back on. I hope everything is doing good for you. You had me scared for a while back there. I was praying for you and I'm very glad to see you're back.

      How's everything with you?
    6. Korosu
      Woooooooooooooowie! 8D
    7. Korosu
      > :3 Where they sell sea salt? It's 15 miles away ::L:
    8. Korosu
      o.O I'm not trusted near the wheel .
    9. nasirrich
      Yea I know right...^ ^
      So wats going on?
    10. Korosu
      Where I am, the nearst one is 4 hours away :c TO THE SHOPS!
    11. Korosu
      Sea salt? :=D:
    12. Korosu
      I think so .
    13. Korosu
      Yesh indeed it is! 8'D Marmite next? o.o
    14. Korosu
      O.O Nethier. The jello'beans go first,then the mayo :3 then the bread?
    15. Korosu
      Oh yes,we shall 8D
    16. Korosu
      Aw <3 Keeep holding on~ and keep your head up high m'dear :3
    17. Korosu

      Hey twinnie! I'm Fine wbu ? ^w^
    18. Korra
      Ah...shoot me a PM when you get back online, okay? <3
    19. Plums
      Hello thaaar :3
    20. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I guess you must be going through a really hard time...But I just wanna help you...