Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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9:52 AM
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. eentje
      Ah, would you like to help me? I've stated a topic about it, but I'm kinda into creativity right now. Would you like to help with a Dojinshi?
    2. eentje
      Ah, Harry Potter! Awesome! Hey, do you like to write or draw?
    3. eentje
      Ah, I know! Play KH!
    4. eentje
      Ah, nice, I have to go to school for one more week, ^^
    5. eentje
      Ah okay, your having a vacation now?
    6. eentje
      Hey there, how are you doing?
    7. Stardust
      Lmao, brilliant. Well thanks for sharing the awesome 8'D.
    8. Stardust
      Thank youu <: and haha no problem, I'm glad things are going well for you!
      And LOL this is hysterically embarrasing to listen to, where do you find this stuff? xD
    9. Jayn
      I really liked your Harry Potter essay. :'D
    10. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      We all do, that's why we're here :lolface:
      but really, I like your thought process
    11. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Actually I'm almost sure I read somewhere that Nomura confirmed that that was the implication. So good job!
    12. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      That's cool. Maybe you can do a Donald one about greed. XD
    13. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      That's a cool and really original idea, and I like it very much. Great job, man! You should stick to this.
    14. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Yeah, I felt that way too. There was a really long time in my life where I didn't have any friends and I was perfectly happy that way. Or at least I thought I was. And then, just like with him, everything changed and just got so much better. It's rare I see a character I identify myself with that much.
    15. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Yeah, I've never told anyone but I identify myself with Johnny too. A lot. I feel like if I ever went to high school, he's probably what I'd be like. Except for the cutting part. But...who knows? I might have even done that too. I can't really say. But I'm really blessed to have the friends that I do have so I don't really have to worry about that. But still, I definitely identify with Johnny very much.
    16. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Oh man, To Save A Life was amazing. I saw it at church with my friend and we both cried a little. He gets mad when I talk about it. But I know what you mean, things like that can really do that to you.
    17. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      That sounds really cool. If it was me I probably wouldn't have gone XD
      I always feel super awkward in those situations. But seriously, good for you man.

      My fridays are awful >.>
      I have one class, that's for fifty minutes. So I have to go all the way to college(which is pretty far from where I live) for fifty minutes of class. It sucks.

      Cant't wait for next semester. I'll be at school on just Tuesdays and Thursdays. The catch is that I'll be there from 8 AM to 9 PM, with a 7 hour break I might add, but I'm sure I'll find something to do. There's a little Yugioh place across the street that I've been wanting to check out for a while.
    18. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Wow, that sounds like fun? And really? That's a funny best moment of your life.
      For me, eh, finals. So close to the end of school. Tomorrow I'm having my last Logic test. Really anxious.

      Also I just discovered Marble Hornets and it's making me incredibly paranoid. Totally giving me some inspiration for the story I'm writing though.
    19. MaM_1
      gotta go, i'll talk to you later. :)
    20. MaM_1
      that's cool.