Last Activity:
Jul 14, 2014
Sep 30, 2006
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3:21 AM
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Awarded Pins 4

Jun 23, 1989 (Age: 35)


Code Master, Male, 35

EvilMan_89 was last seen:
Jul 14, 2014
    1. Ansem59
      Hey, EvilMan, how have you been?
    2. Blayz Mods
    3. Cryoshell
      Oh, ok. It was Warrior form, but floating.
    4. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey evil do you have this code by any chance?

      drive into valor with floating keyblades and red electricity volts!

      if you don't do you know of a similar code?
    5. Cryoshell
      Um, excuse me, but has Divine form been released for NTSC Kh2? I was looking for the codes, and I didn't find it, so I thought I'd ask someone about it.
    6. Wheel of Time
    7. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Hey Evil, do you know why the KH2FM thread is closed? ^^
    8. imbored111

      Play as Terra with Goofy
      E007FDFF 0034D45C.................... Model Mod & Effect Mods = R2
      11CE0B68 0000005D
      207a5458 00abee90
      207a5468 00aef0c0
      20807458 00b35e80
      20807468 00b35e80
      2036ACA4 00000000
      E023FEFF 0034D45C.................... Main animation mods [none are attack] = L2
      20818538 00defbc0
      208185b8 00dfa050
      208186f8 00e00e70
      20818738 00e0adf0
      20818778 00e14580
      208187b8 00e1dcb0
      208187f8 00e27360
      20818838 00e30a80
      20818878 00e3b100
      208188b8 00e41790
      208188f8 00e4f010
      20818938 00e55760
      20818ed8 00e89160
      20819238 00de2620
      2081b418 00e72b80
      2081b458 00e9c0c0
      2081b498 00de2620
      2081b4d8 00eea760
      2081aa98 00fed7f0
      2081aa18 00e9c0c0
      2081b198 00e72b80
      2081b1d8 00e89160
      2081aa58 00fb4fb0
      E005FbFF 0034D45C.................... animation mods 2 = L1 [Teh Whip, The cannon, Ride the key, and summon thing, and Ride key part 3]
      2081aa98 00ff1cf0
      2081aa18 00eea760
      2081b198 00ec8580
      2081b1d8 00e89160
      2081aa58 00f16bb0

      E005F7FF 0034D45C.................... animation mods 3 [DM] = R1
      2081aa18 00f760f0
      2081aa98 00fc9c10
      2081b198 00f54180
      2081b1d8 00fb4fb0
      2081aa58 00f2cac0
    9. Cryoshell
      Oh, alright. I found the new version of the code on a Youtube video, of all places, and it works.
    10. Cryoshell
      alright. Supposing I wanted the whole new code, I would write it the same way as the standard moveset mod?
    11. Cryoshell
      Thank you VERY much! I really needed that for a few boss HP codes. Oh, hey, while we're discussing codes, how do you use the neo moveset mod? Do you add it to an existing code, or write it as a whole new code?
    12. Cryoshell
      Excuse me, sir, but how do you Joker a code? I saw a post about it earlier today, but now I can't find it.
    13. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Hey Evil, there wasen't a HP mod for the Gummi Ship in the KH1NTSC thread so I made one ^^

      Current HP Mod (Gummi Ship)
      00FAB0C0 000000??

      Max HP Mod (Gummi Ship)
      00FAB0C4 000000??
    14. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      sure, no prob^ ^
    15. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey evil, I noticed there wasn't a game ID on the front page of the kh1 ntsc/u c thread so I made one.

      here it is!


      go ahead and add it to the front page of the thread.^ ^
    16. Limit-Sora
      hey EvilMan, long time no speak :O i cant believe your still using the signature i made you like 3 years ago :O

      how you been ?
    17. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      Oh ok I see. Well thank you for telling me evil!^ ^
    18. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      Hey evil, will the English translations for the jap ver. of kh bbs work for kh bbs fm? Or will you guy's have to make new translations for that?
    19. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      Oh okay, well then I'm glad I asked before doing anything yet.^ ^
    20. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      Hey evil, would it be okay if I added a couple links to some hacking tools in the hacking tools thread? The tools I want to add are text files containing lists of role mods and UCM Mods, I have an entire list of UCM MODS I would like to add, so is it okay if I do this?
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  • About

    Jun 23, 1989 (Age: 35)
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