Kaidron Blaze
Last Activity:
Apr 20, 2018
Jun 22, 2009
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1:31 PM
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May 7, 1993 (Age: 31)
The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
DON'T HAVE ONE yet....

Kaidron Blaze

Kingdom Keeper, Male, 31, from The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...

Kaidron Blaze was last seen:
Apr 20, 2018
    1. anarchy666
      ok its up in my 'Ramdom Stuff' album
    2. anarchy666
      yea sorry ill put it back up now
    3. Slycrg
      Yayyyyyyyyy!!!! I'm so happy for you that I'm going to throw a big party at your place and invite myself lol So how did that happen?
    4. anarchy666
      brb gotta go for a showa
      look at it and comment if ya will
    5. anarchy666
      oh sh*t, mah email aint workin, since she aint on at the time, ill put it up in the "ramdom Stuff" album, but i gotta delete it again so you gotta be quick ok??
      i could get killed if she found out i did it lol
    6. anarchy666
      well she mah gurl lol, ill send ya a pic and see wat ya think of her aye?
    7. anarchy666
      haha i waz only kiddin man, im straight, and i gotta girlfriend, do you know Twilight_Nobody13?
    8. anarchy666
      mad, i aint judgin, ill still treat ya the same :D
      just dont crack on ta me lol :D
    9. anarchy666
      neva mind, to stop thoughts like that, ill change it again lol
      are you really a homo (no offence, im just wondering)
    10. anarchy666
      yea it kimda does, but i dare you to say it to his face lol
      he'd lift to ten feet high haha
    11. anarchy666
      haha thats Eminem (Marshall Bruce Mathers III)
    12. Gaming Reploid
      Gaming Reploid
      Well, it sounds fun and all, but since I got all my characters to level 100, I haven't picked up the game since. Especially that a sequel is coming out, I see no reason to ever touch it again other than for some fun multi-player in the mean-time.
    13. hell demon
      hell demon
      See its more fun this way. Yello
    14. maikeu69
      Howz matty????
    15. Slycrg
      Hey :) the presentations you sent me were good. So how are you?
    16. Gaming Reploid
      Gaming Reploid
      It's too bad they don't let you play online with people far away. I would love to see your "machine gun" vs my sword!
    17. anarchy666
      mad thnx heaps
    18. hell demon
      hell demon
      I think hellos booring so i say yello instead
    19. maikeu69
      Hahahahahahahahahaha you cant get on here lol
    20. Gaming Reploid
      Gaming Reploid
      >.< DOH! You're absolutely right about the Sora/Namine thing.

      Onion Knight was VERY fun since he had an equal amount of physical and magical attacks (both bravery and HP) and his speed was beyond useful (especially with Speed Boost ++). I didn't really like his character storyline wise. He seemed to be a bit conceited and way too scared about Cloud of Darkness, even though he was badass in battle.

      Even though I don't really use Ultimecia, leveling her up was easy. For easy level ups, I just battled Gabranth in Chaos's stage. With Ultimecia, I would constantly use Apocalypse. Over and over again. Sometimes I would just juggle him in the air. He didn't have a chance to counter until I used it 4-5 times, lol.

      Terra was very difficult for me. Her only useful move for me was Meltdown which I would usually have to get lucky that it bounces off the wall and hits my opponent from behind. Especially with higher difficulty opponents. It seems that they could usually dodge every single one of her HP attacks. Very annoying. That's why I stick with my trusty warriors. Nobody escapes my Omnislash Ver.5. NOBODY! ^_^
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  • About

    May 7, 1993 (Age: 31)
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    DON'T HAVE ONE yet....
    Past Usernames:
    Docyx no15
    Hi ^.=.^
    My name is Kaidron Blaze long time kingdom hearts fan and real life Shaman. I am currently working of a portfolio to be an art student (mature student of course) in the near future and thus I have a flare for art work.
    I am also a furry which is the direction my art work normally heads, that and of course the awesomeness of Kingdom Hearts.
    I may also be starting my roleplay threads like I did in the past so look out for them.

