Last Activity:
Jul 24, 2012
Jun 5, 2008
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Local Time:
6:41 PM
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Dec 10, 1991 (Age: 33)


Twilight Town Denizen, 33, from alone

jettie was last seen:
Jul 24, 2012
    1. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Enjoying huge cheesecake.Gives milk the size of Jupiter.
    2. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Fine for me.*sends planet size cheesecake*
    3. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      No,I'm getting better.I am getting a little worried about you.You will get over this okay.So,how was your day?
    4. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Jesus,how tall are you.I'm 6'2.
    5. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hello.I will talk to you at 9:00pm.If you will be on.
    6. Hopefulwishes
      Aww shucks.. it won't work.
    7. Hopefulwishes
      wow. nice pic. ^_^ look at this one :
    8. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Good luck <3 you can do it ^^

      I am glad I made you smile xD

      Have a good day at school, talk some other time *hugs*

    9. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Awww hun you shoud never feel bad for being who you are xD I am incredibly shy, I just have a big mouth and don't know when to shut up <3 be who you want to be because at the end of the day, that is all you can be xD

      *wraps head in bandages* no bashing your head D: these site walls aren't as soft as you would think =P

      People tell me I am good with advice, I like to think so, maybe I am xD personally I think that anyone is good at advice in their own way, besides we all have strengths and weaknesses. I am good at giving advice, but so good at taking it xD
    10. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      My hair is longer than my waist xD if I gel it all up then I will be even taller than you =P well I always say what is on my mind, because if you don't say it then how will you ever get anywhere? It is better to speak than to keep everything hidden.

      Colour > color I don't know why, maybe it is just because of how I was brought up, but I like there being a U there =P
    11. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      -_- so your hair makes you another 5inches taller than me, that is over half a foot in total )8

      D: yes they all call me shortass, it's annoying, esp since I am also one of the youngest of my friends so they treat me like the baby >:

      I live in England xD and yes I have crazy times that I live my life by =P I don't sleep very much so I am often on later xD and at the moment it is morning/very early afternoon.
    12. zexykupo
      Thanks for the friend request, I was gonna send you one, but I forgot...
    13. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Well I would hardly be looking out of your eyes because lets face it, that would just be creepy :\

      xD all of my friends are taller than me, one of mine is 6'7 so he is a little taller than your dad. They all call me a shortass -_-
    14. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I would still have to tilt my head to look at you in the eyes, therefore I feel short xDDD

      =P and yes, I am very tall for a girl
    15. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      ONLY 6ft tall? ONLY ._. I am 5'10 and yes I am older than you =P

      I feel really short now ¬¬
    16. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      =P see I am going to laugh now whenever I think of you, I have this image of me hugging you whilst you have a look of pure confusion on your face xD
    17. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Awww it's ok D: I'm sorry don't feel bad <3
    18. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      xD; it is something I get accused of a lot >_>
    19. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hey,I'm going to youtube.I might not be back but message me when you have to leave so I now.Hi,= later
    20. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      *takes slice and shares with world.Also with Jettie and not here right now,nobody 13*