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twilight town mansion


Chaser, from twilight town mansion


Yep, here I am... Apr 12, 2013

Ansem59 was last seen:
Jul 9, 2023
    1. riku1186
      I graduatted last year. But no one in High school gave me the proper chance.

      Well you may get to read "1. The End of a Disease" soon.
    2. riku1186
      Well it starts of an empire took over Earth and its colonies one hundred years before the start. A coalation of nations and colonies rebel and that is how the series starts. The second follow the story of a neutral group seven years after the war, the third is a group that wish to revive the empire twelve years after the first one and the new federation dosen't try and stop them so an elite unit goes rouge and stops them. The fourth is about how humans are starting to slowly evolve to space and the federation wants to use them as weapons and so on. Each one has a new main character but there are cameos of other characters in them.

      I'm envious of you because you get to do somethibg as awsome as a play. I haven't had a genuine play to be in since primary school.
    3. riku1186
      Thats good to hear, I'm envious of you.

      Yeah its the same one as before, but with changes to the story line and a lot more stories.
    4. riku1186
      Alright, I have been working on my mecha story from last time we had a good chat. The series is called Conflicting Circles and each book has a different title. How about you?
    5. riku1186
      *Stops heart from Exploding* It feels like its been forever.
    6. riku1186
      Hey buddy!
    7. Love
      Lol I like how people keep trying to save him, I had to tell dark to stop like 4 times and then you jump in xD LOL why won't Mixt post already damnit so you can say something :C
    8. Love
      well you please edit your post, I needed Atem to stay there. PEOPLE stop saving him D* jesus
    9. riku1186
      Come back on!
    10. Love
      Ansem you can choose either to go with Nuthura to the land of dragons or stay behind and fight Mixt in Hollow bastion on breath of the future.
    11. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Heya there! Are we going to start your Kingdom Hearts RP soon?
    12. Love
      okay, I hope Mixt and RIku have posted by then xD
    13. Love
      Okay man. I can't wait
    14. Love
      I did and told him his characters could get involved on Mixt's side maybe, since they don't seem to liek Phisoxa and the others very much. Also I'm going to put the plot into play without it be approved since I'm sure it won't mess up any of Riku's plot ideas, since phantoma seems to be against us and all his other characters. and Mixt seems bored anyways xD.
    15. Love
      well I wrote to mixt and made the idea for the plot more stable, check it out.

      Ansem and I have a idea for Breath of the Future though. I was thinking it was a good idea to make MIxt evil again. Ansem was thinking of having somebody intentionally do it. Since Mixt only ever seems to be evil when his heart is full of a huge amount of darkness, but with Phisoxa around it has caused it to receed, making him good . But if we introduce darkness back, it will help Mixt dominate his body but it will also keep evron from going back to sleep and evron will stay awake and use the now more darker Mixt to rain horror upon the worlds. And Maybe make Mixt into becoming a wordly leader. O-o Because of that Atem is outraged and tries to go up against his father with the others. Phisoxa is captured and held captive by the darkness drunken Mixt since he still sort of feels a connection towards her, he will want to keep her close. And since Mixt is so intelligent he can use speeches to gain the interest of people on everyworld and perhaps throw everything into darkness. It's either allow ones heart to submit to the darkness or be outcasted. So because of that everybody goes into a deep dark depression, the towns and cities of people become chaotic because it's a anarchy now and nobody simply cares for one another. However the people who still love the light are outcasted upon small provinces on each world where they are left to fend for themselves,cut off from contact from the other people. But our group will not put up with this and go up against Mixt's rain. I plan for them loosing the war against Mixt the first time and in the 3rd chapter when Atem is a teenager, he is much more stronger in prepared.
    16. Love
      It seems Mixt is only at his worse when Mixt has a huge amount of darkness in his heart. Maybe if Riku's people created a device to do that since the phantom is gone, they can use Mixt to wreck destruction upon the worlds. Maybe thats why they took Aia's daughter Sophie away so they would get her out of there before trouble struck. I mean really lol xD that would be perfect. And Mixt would return to having full power over his body but Evron will still be awake so he can whisper his thoughts into Mixt's ear and influence his mood. Maybe the increased darkness will be what helps Mixt gain back control of his body. XD With the "real" Mixt back or so whatever evron calls knows him as then maybe Evron can use him to fufill his wants.

      As for the plotine for Truth, I'm asking riku about that, I should inform mixt and riku about this and see what their thoughts are.
    17. Black Star
      Black Star
      you are not the only one that go loss by mixt
    18. Love
      Its kind of you know like with Aia and Nuthura, that sort of thing, but I don't know what Evron is exactly xD, I think he was artifcially created, that might of had something to do with Mixt not remembering his life as a god.

      I've just had real bad plot block going on lately, I'm not sure what would be okay to use in the plot since all the essiential characters are away xD.~_~; Kind of stressful eh xD. . . Maybe mixt can become evil again. _. some how. . .idk
    19. Love
      Well it would of been involved with Nuthura and Moegiro going up against eachother.
      But in the orginal, Mixt and the others like him were more darker. They actually tried killing Phisoxa and Nuthura several times. Actually mixt threatened Nuthura before he was chased out by Moegiro and a few others when they found that Mixt killed Phisoxa's mother in cold blood. I actually favored the fact that Mixt was a bad guy, it suited him more I think xD.
      But I guess I think this rp is leaning towards the story with Aia and the gods now, :o, I think we are going to bring those gods back from their imprisonments and find out about the story with Aia and Torxber. But eh we can't do that either cause Nuthura is asleep. xD'

      Infact they are stealing more then just that child, maybe we can do something with Evron since he is evil now. . . hmmm xD. . . hmm omg maybe we can Rako since he was transferred through time to team up with Evron xD I was thinking of doing something with the children maybe o-o After this chapter is over i was thinking of doing the next one when Atem is a teenager.
    20. Love
      yeah thats why i did that organization 13 thing because I felt bored, but Riku wants us to go to the factory or something o-O I have no idea what he clearly wants. I mean there would of been something more to do if Nuthura had not been effected by the seekers and had not been knocked out. Now things are pointless. . . Return of truths was suppose to be the story of the twins, but eh I guess riku doesn't want that =_=;

      I know on Breath of the Future theres something going on with this strange group that appear to be taking children away.
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    twilight town mansion


    we are the 4 stooges (ansem the wise 59, DjC, ishotansem, and Jaden Yuki) and let's not forget our keyblade wielding buddy Ultima-Sora