Catch the Rain
Last Activity:
Aug 2, 2011
Apr 2, 2007
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November 27
The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain

As the world falls down ♥, from The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain was last seen:
Aug 2, 2011
    1. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! cx
    2. Kubo
    3. burnitup
      Hey Rainy, hope you answer this. I miss ya. :)
    4. Kubo
      I'm the only one because everyone else is too shy to admit it.
      Nope no plans at least not yet. You got any?
    5. Kubo
      Sorry I didnt reply back in your text message, seems I texted too many people recently and couldn't lol. You know, girls and stuff. Sometimes I am thinking how it would be to look like an ordinary not so handsome 19 year old guy. Oh well, I guess I'll have to live with this beautiful curse.
      And how's your beautiful face doing? Hope it's bright, I like my girls like that.
    6. Sabby
      hello you <3 Hope everything is going alright, D: I just sent an email to you.
    7. Korra
      Haha, I can understand that, so much has changed since we first joined. And thanks, I try, I know I've got quite the shoes to fill. xD

      As long as you're okay that's fine, I know you're busy with real world stuff but I'll message you next time I see you so we can catch up more, it's been ages since we've actually talked like we used to. And I'm glad to hear that, you're an amazing writer and I would buy your book. 8D I'd force everyone else I'd know to buy it too.
      I've been okay, have some rough patches here and there with my parents, but for the most part things have calmed down. My college applications are in, so...I'm feeling the stress of waiting now, haha. It hit me today, in a Disney store of all places, how...mature? I'm starting to feel. At least I think that's what that was, sort of the "I know I'm not a kid anymore" feeling. Either way, it was really weird.
      School's going much, much better this year, my first quarter grades were all higher than last year and I've got a solid 93 in the Shakespeare/English class I'm taking. Theater's not going so well, but I'll tell you more about that later.

      How's everything going for you?
    8. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay
      How could I ever forget CtR? :3
    9. Korra
      Dear Mommy,
      I miss you. Hope you're doing alright, it's weird not seeing you around.
    10. Darkcloud
      Hey, twerp. XP
    11. Mathias Jay
      Mathias Jay

      Remember me? :3
    12. Gobolo
      Yeah I had been doing T-sports for all of high school, got into the junior team at year 10 and the senior team in year 13 so I wasn't the cream of the crop however I was good enough to get in (Teams of 5). In year 13 we got to the finals (4 teams each round) but we didn't win. I've never seen the loal theartre sports team's show, allthough I have been to one festival they performed at. But back in Christchurch I know their local team very well so I have an idea about how good proffesional improvisers were. Have you done much theartre sports?
      Yeah definately, human nature is a bit annoying as people are in a constant state of feeling backed against a wall when dealing with people they don't know well. And some people take advantage of that which makes the situation a lot worse as it becomes harder and harder for an individual to trust strangers each time they are reminded of the incident or another one happens. And the only remedy is being more comppasionate to strangers so I guess you're doing more about it than most people, who just shrug and say "**** happens".
      DX brb getting pizzas
      (Playing Devil's advocate here) Really, how come?
      It's all good. I have had exams D: Which have been horrible due to the stress DX however I can relate to being really busy at the moment too haha.
    13. Plums
      ...The hacker wiped out these messages ;;

      I miss you serpentine sister ;;

      I'll try to glomp-tackle you next time we're on MSN at the same time

      Plums <3
    14. burnitup
      Hey ya. It's been a while. How have you been?
    15. Gobolo
      Yeah I get what you mean about acting from those ages. After I left secondary school I was like "Now wut?" In terms of acting. Although now I know that next year I shall be joining the local theartre sports team which I love doing :P.
      Haha it's good that you care about scaring complete strangers. The world needs more compassionate people anyways.
      Ya. Or reader as the case might be :P.
      Yeah breaks are helpful as long as they don't go on too long D:.
      So the one thing you wanted to do since you were a little kid was be a female version of Indiana Jones? :D Cooooool!
    16. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees
    17. Gobolo
      Oh yep.
      Yeah? When did you act?
      lolol My favourite part was when you said "If you're not him then you'll probably be wondering what's going on" or something like that XD
      While it made an impression on me which has lasted since before I went to highschool and it still has inluence over me today D: But it wasn't horrifying... just memorable. And regretable :(
      Exams haven't started yet :D I am in my last week of lectures and then I get a study week and then 1 week of exams and I'm all done for teh yearz. But because I have all of my exams in that week I have to be studying hardcore atm D:.
      Are you a student? I can't remember if I ever discussed with you what you do D:
    18. Zeonark
      Wait, there was a hacker?

      Didn't think too many people would miss me. xD
      I'm back for a bit, again.
      Good to talk to you again.
    19. Tikem
      What kind of horrible place forces its employees to work on Sundays?

      Well, the game needs more players before the next round can start...

      I think I've seen him online recently.

      What kind of soup? I've only eaten one kind of soup that I can honestly say that I want to taste again.

      Also, The Game.
    20. Gobolo
      Oh yep, do you sing a certain part? Or are you too kewl for parts?
      I starred in a play like that once. It was called courting 101
      Yeah if you mentioned something about trying to find out my name during the DN game then it was you.
      I don't have MSN anymore because it brings back bad memories... :( But yeah I'm not as active atm either (exam tiem D: )
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    November 27
    The Labyrinth
    Relentless fire

    Fairies and Unicorns



    But she wants to see colours and I showed her grey

    ~You Have No Power Over Me~