Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. nasirrich
      Yea my Step Dad friend did. But he works for with these kinda stuff at his job. So yea and I have peopel that could do that too. But no he doesn't trust people with his home computer. And I could have done it myself if I had more time to do it. Still I'm back on this baby and gonna enjoy it. Ok ewww I mean I got the internet back on this cpu instead of using my PS3 all the time. This rocks. Yea much better.
    2. nasirrich
      Naw its ok lol. And as for me I'm kinda dealing with the same thing as you, and just chilling like it luck or something. I and I got all my pics back. Good thing I put them on a disk before the computer got messed up badly. Well it got a virus to the point where wen it was done loading all there can be seen was a blck screen with word saying that so and so sytem is missing this file and so and so is either missing or corrupt.
    3. nasirrich
      Hello there haven't spoken to you in a while. How's everything going for you?
    4. Doukuro
      Either one is ok.
    5. Aura
      I'll want a cookie eventually. 8D8

      B| *Smiles* There. Better?
    6. Doukuro
      I am thinking about posting with my other oc too... Are you still making a partner for him or should I just send him in by himself?
    7. Doukuro
      She will... Oh wells, I'm sure a Black Star will come along or at least she'd get something to do. Posting now.
    8. king_mickey rule
      king_mickey rule
      Haha it's ok n.n. Be sure to let me know what you thought of it :D
    9. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      xD LoZ<3
      Yes, but not yet. My girlfriend's grandmother died this week and the funeral is tomorrow so I'll be out of town all weekend and probably won't be able to post myself
    10. king_mickey rule
      king_mickey rule
      Did you like the 2nd chapter? n.n
    11. Garxena
      That's what I do with my fanfics. When I'm bored in class or at lunch, I open up my journal and put pen[cil] to paper! But, uh, then I'm not listening to the teacher so....
    12. Garxena
      So that's what that was!! =D Awesome! lol Glad you've got something to keep your sanity in tact.
    13. Garxena
      Do you have a document on your computer or some hand-written thing to keep things straight in your brain? That's what I do. I keep a kind of summary of what's going on and who is where doing what for my threads. It helps.
    14. Garxena
      I'm proud to be impatient! xD I do time skips on my threads too.

      It's hard to be a thread master huh? I once had 9 characters to do! Never again....
    15. Garxena
      I can't wait for action! :Awesome:
      No one has made the psycho dude?! .... Why have I not noticed that until now?
    16. Garxena
      Yup! I like to come on here during my digital photo class (like I am now!) and catch up on things that I didn't get to do the day before. I was baby sitting last night and doing pysch homework so that's why I didn't post.
    17. Garxena
      Join the club. ^^' All of my real friends are back in California. We talk on here, but since we're all seniors, we don't have a lot of time to talk otherwise.
    18. Garxena
      I swear I'm addicted to this site. xD I need professional help.
    19. anarchy666
      Casino?? nah its dead head central ( im not a dead head so dont worry) but yea, its a hole of a town
    20. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Yes, I deem you as so.

      I will.