Oct 18, 2006
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Mar 6, 1992 (Age: 32)


The dude that does the thing, Male, 32

    1. Love
      those poor guys they didn';t know what hit them D:
    2. Love
      Go ahead, that sounds legit, :D
    3. Love
      you should post in the other rp, nice big post explaing the takeover of the land of departure. Once you go the keybearers there under your control you can get them to capture Phisoxa since like I said Mixt still wants her near and after that you can do your evilness upon the worlds. But first we must have the keybearers take Phisoxa away in front of Atem and this is how Atem will want revenge.
    4. Love
      Oh, I see I forgot fff Dx. Fine then use land of departure, but there might be some people there >_> considerably who it housed.
    5. Love
      Well who knows what they will do in the next game. You can make it the land of departure, I'm pretty sure it might return ~_~ But unlocking won't work with just any old keyblade I don't think. Aqua specifically locked it to keep trouble makers from poisoning it's neutrality.
    6. Love
      so where is Mixt going :o on breath?
    7. Love
      feel free to edit things around on the rp okay :x Don't feel constricted you know xD. Just let me know what changes you make
    8. riku1186
      Everything will happen as they happen.
    9. riku1186
      Consumers do have a majory weakness, the hive can be cut of with time interfearance and dimensional interfearance and its stops their ability to adapt. And guess what, Sophia has both.
    10. riku1186
      I just though he could use some starting allies. He would have to go to them first of course.
    11. Black Star
      Black Star
      hey mist zero is Evron new master you can summon him any time
    12. riku1186
      I was thinking that Mixt could start controlling the consumers (The Hive Mind Creatures) since his gain of the darkness and they become his first allies.
    13. Love
      That would be good actuallly, so when Mixt actually goes to take over all the worlds and make them his dominion not everyone is going to go down easily, especially those with armed forces, Mixt can use his new found power to make them submit even though they resist. :o Be as evil as you can be to gain power over everyone.
    14. Love
      I hope you aren't having trouble trying to understand
    15. Love
      * read the plot quote first before you start*
      I was thinking of starting that plot up today, since it would be a better time.
      CHeck out the rp and post okay :o Just to let you know, once the darkness grabs hold of Mixt it will give Mixt back control of his body, but leave Evron still awake in Mixt's mind, so Mixt will hear him speaking to him inside of him. But now that the darkness is controling Mixt he will be acting strangely,he probably won't remember how well befriended he is with Phisoxa and the others and since the darkness will effect his judgement, Evron might want to you know, whisper a few plans into his ear, maybe like wordly domination or being a leader over all you know since Evron might see this small moment might benefit him, because after a few minutes Mixt will regain control over his own decisions and mind, but it will still be corrupted by extreme dark and because what Evron said interested him, he will want to do it, no matter what. You know like with what sorta happened to Xemnas, since Xehanort wanted kingdom hearts, Xemnas wanted it. But don't worry Mixt will still remember everything that has happened, to him, his son, the war, Phisoxa everything, but the darkness will prohibit him from caring much about those things, so he will only want to tackled his new main goal.
    16. Love
      Hey Mixt I have a plot idea for Breath of the future. It will involve Mixt more often.

      Ansem and I have a idea for Breath of the Future though. I was thinking it was a good idea to make MIxt evil again. Ansem was thinking of having somebody intentionally do it. Since Mixt only ever seems to be evil when his heart is full of a huge amount of darkness, but with Phisoxa around it has caused it to receed, making him good . But if we introduce darkness back, it will help Mixt dominate his body but it will also keep evron from going back to sleep and evron will stay awake and use the now more darker Mixt to rain horror upon the worlds. And Maybe make Mixt into becoming a wordly leader. O-o Because of that Atem is outraged and tries to go up against his father with the others. Phisoxa is captured and held captive by the darkness drunken Mixt since he still sort of feels a connection towards her, he will want to keep her close and she chooses to stay captive since she loves him and all, so he will basically treat her like a child would to their pet bunny. And since Mixt is so intelligent he can use speeches to gain the interest of people on everyworld and perhaps throw everything into darkness. It's either allow ones heart to submit to the darkness or be outcasted. So because of that everybody goes into a deep dark depression, the towns and cities of people become chaotic because it's a anarchy now and nobody simply cares for one another. However the people who still love the light are outcasted upon small provinces on each world where they are left to fend for themselves,cut off from contact from the other people. But our group will not put up with this and go up against Mixt's rain. I plan for them loosing the war against Mixt the first time and in the 3rd chapter when Atem is a teenager, he is much more stronger and prepared.
    17. Love
      post in rp please
    18. Mixt
      alright, will do.
    19. Love
      make sure to posteh in both of the rps
    20. Love
      fffff riku beat me to reminding you about breath Dx;
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  • About

    Mar 6, 1992 (Age: 32)


    There are some friends, some that I hardly know, but we've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world.
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