Undesirable Number 1
Last Activity:
Jun 23, 2011
Oct 31, 2010
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7:47 AM
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  1. gag
Anywhere safe from the Snatchers
Previous Hogwarts Student

Undesirable Number 1

Merlin's Housekeeper, from Anywhere safe from the Snatchers

Undesirable Number 1 was last seen:
Jun 23, 2011
    1. Misty
      So, are you going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter? :B
    2. Misty
      I never understood the console wars thing honestly. |: I mean I understand having allegiance to a brand and whatever but you don't need to fight about it. Honestly, lol.
    3. Misty
      Nah, there will always be Xbox fanboys that will stick to it no matter what.
    4. Misty
      Yeah, that's initially what turned me off from it. Then when I factored in that it has very few games I'd like to play (with the exception of Fable III), and how faulty they are, PS3 is the clear choice. <:
    5. Misty
      My main thing is that it's free, haha.
    6. Misty
      I'd very much like to, right now I have a PS2 and an Xbox (first one), and while I do enjoy them, some of the new PS3 games look really awesome. :'D Plus I'd be really interested in online play, I got a touch of it when I was really into Animal Crossing for the DS but nothing beyond that.
    7. Misty
      Yeah, my mom is giving me $100 to buy myself a Christmas present, so complied with the cash I have now as well as future birthday money I'd like to buy a PS3. c:
    8. Misty
      Just the way he looks, he doesn't really have a defined neck and he has the face of like a five-year old? Plus I'm kind of getting sick of him getting cast in the same role again and again. :/
    9. Misty
      Haven't seen Scott Pilgrim either... Michael Cera really freaks me out.
    10. Misty
      I've never seen Kick Ass, lol.
    11. Misty
      Myspace was very popular when I was 12 or 13, so I had one and had friends with them. Nobody really ever uses them anymore though, lol.
    12. Misty
      If I ever do talk to people outside of school, it's over AIM.
    13. Misty
      A few of my friends made me register in exchange for them registering on Livejournal, so I wasn't expecting much out of it. I check my Facebook a lot, but I'm not sure why... I don't really do anything with it.
    14. Misty
      Bah, don't listen to them. Facebook drama is so stupid.
    15. Misty
      Mike's are always very good imo. Sure there's sometimes an audio issue or there's one person who's not quite on the same level as the rest, but I could not do anything anywhere near what they accomplish. xD
    16. Misty
      Yeah, he does, but I like them. They're good for people like me, who hate reading subs.
    17. Misty
      Yeah, that's him.
    18. Misty
      Yeah, we've had confusion show up with the few colors we have, so we try not to make any unnecessary ones. I did forget these though:

      Orange = Coder, have power only in The Code Vault.
      Green = Reporter, provides news (Mike) and/or cutscenes to the site (Aurangzeb).
      Additionally, grey = banned.
    19. Misty
      Names are different colors here to indicate rank.

      Pink = Premium, members with 1000 posts.
      Red = Sectional Moderator, they have power in a limited number of sections.
      Purple = Super Moderator, they have power over the entire forum and can ban users.
      Blue = Administrator, they have power everywhere and to do everything, pretty much.
    20. Master_Windy
      Welcome! Wanna be friends?
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