Soras heartless
Last Activity:
Jan 9, 2014
Mar 31, 2007
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5:46 PM
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December 29
Manga Artist

Soras heartless

Moogle Assistant, from Earth

Soras heartless was last seen:
Jan 9, 2014
    1. Korosu
      Nothings wrong. I just wanted to drop by and say heeeey :lolface:
      Tangled? :c that wont do -untangles you-
    2. Korosu
      Hey Cloud. We havn't spoke in a while. . .
    3. NerdyNinjaGirl
      Hey waz up are u feeling better now ^ ^
    4. nasirrich
      Kim- Here I'll help you I don't want you to over stress your body.*Takes the chop sticks from you and starts to feed you.*See there we go.^ ^
    5. Jack-Sinister
      Oh pft I feel dumb
    6. Jack-Sinister
      What are?.........
    7. nasirrich
      Kim- Yea and the food is supposed to help you heal up as well.^ ^*Brings her chair closer to you and breaks the chop sticks and starts to eat the food.* If you need any help then I'm here for you ok.^ ^
    8. nasirrich
      Kim- Well someone try to kill us both. And you almost died but Rosey saved your life. Oh and here...*Then places her hand on your forehead and starts to heal you even more.* You also drank her very specail Aura Tea and I'mjust helping the healing speed up a lot more. And make sure you look out for something called Nega-X ok that thing can do some damage to the body. But luckly you were with us so its all right.^ ^
      Rosey- He's ok good and the food is on the table so anytime you wanna eat then go for it.^ ^*Walks away*
      Kim- Ok thank you Rosey bye.^^ ^^*And she then kisses your forehead with care and a tender warm loving feeling.* I don't want to see you get hurt anymore ok.
    9. nasirrich
      Kim-*Is ver red in the face now.* SH hey there. Are you doing all right? You feeling ok?*She asks as she runs her hands trough your hair.*
    10. nasirrich
      Rosey- I have the... Why would h drink that...*Places the tea down on the table and then helps you out.*
      Kim- SH!!!*Jumps to your side.* Rosey please help him.
      Rosey- I know wat to do....*Uses her aura to bring the tea fom out the cup. And from there makes you drink it all with her aura flowing through your body so you won't brun yourself. And does the same for Kim.* Ok there we go he drank something demonds here call Nega-X Tea.... Someone that must not want you both to win put the Nega-X in a tea cup while I left and made you think that I already had the tea.Hmmm well he should be fine give it 3-5mins tops....*Then goes to your lips and kisses you very softly and tenderly.* I'm sorry Kim he's just so cute. If there any problems then tell me ok. I'll make the dish to help you guy out.*Walks away to make the food.*
      Kim- W-Wow I almost forgot how great pf a healer she is. And SH is very lucky that she has a little thing for him. Hmmm I hope he's gonna be ok.* She then takes you and puts your head on her lap while sitting down on the floor.*
    11. nasirrich
      Kim- Umm SH wat are you drinking mshe didn't even give us the tea yet. '_'
    12. nasirrich
      Rosey- Well I have know Kim way before you were even born... Well its kinda like this... Were from the future,past, and present. Kinda hard to get into detail,but I have known her for quite some time. And bh your aura patterns you seem to feel... Well its like you may like Kim a bit.~_^
      Kim-*Blushing a lot now.* R-Rosey please leave him alone.
      Rosey- I know that you can do more then just control fire, but its a pleasure to met you SH. Just be careful hun cause you may have a lot of competiting to do.~_^*Laughs and walks away to get the tea.*
      Kim-R-ROSEY!!!!*Is now very deeply blushing.*I-I'm so sorry about that SH. Please forgive my friend for that.
    13. nasirrich
      Kim- Oh Rosey is my very best friend. And she really is an awsome person wen you get to know her.
      Rosey- Hey there cutie and wats your name? My name as you have been told is Rosey. I actual help train some of the fighters her at this place wen I have some free time. But lately I have to work double time cause some of the people that work here were fighters. And from wat I saw you and Kim killed them.^ ^ Its no biggy though cause I was actual able to see Kim again. Thank you so much. And oh Kim I heard about your memory loss.
      Kim- Yea I can't seem to remember a thing from my lifeexcept for you. And I just met SH so that's pretty much about it.
      Rosey- Oh and before you ask your auar pattern seems to be off so that's how I knew.
      Kim- Oh wow your very good Rosey.

      (This is why I call the rp I do with you guys in vm is called Final Mix. Cause we lost a lot of our rp in gods so this can make up for it. I call it The lost Memories Gods Of Kh Final Mix.)
    14. nasirrich
      Kim- Excuse me waiter...
      Rosey- Yes how may I...K-KIM!!^ ^
      Kim- Oh Rosey hey I almost forgot you work here.
      Rosey- Thx a lot... So uhh anyways wat would you and your cute friend like?
      Kim- Two orders of Aura tea, but the one you make. Cause there's a legend behind this kinda tea. And I know that since your have powers with plants as well as other things.
      Rosey- Awww thx Kim and since you have such a cute friend I'll make sure its my best one yet ok.~_^
      Kim- Yea sounds lovely.^^ ^^

      (Yo SH I am so sorry about how late ur getting this... Please forgive me for this... I am so very sorry about this.)
    15. NightofNights
      Thats cool. I can handle extream cold weather that not many people can handle. I sweat sweaters and t-shirts in the middle of winter. I've always been cold with hate lost with in the white snow. Everything looking the same its hard to know where you are in life.
    16. NightofNights
      Naw its ok for you to tell me these things. I'm the problem solver. I'm here to listen. People think i should be a phycologest or a counciler so this is good practice. I know how it feels to loose someone you use to love. Sometimes its for the best. and some times not... After my last break up I think my ice finaly cought up to me and I'm an ice sculpter of myself
    17. Jack-Sinister
      No hablo espano?
    18. Jack-Sinister
      heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey guy
    19. NightofNights
      Thats tough man. Yesterday was a day in hell as well.... I found something out that I never wanted to ever hear from my mother and I still hurt from it..... My life is down the drain now because of it. Thankfully I'm taking Drama so I can easly hide it from every one. Well except you guys, you know me to well.
    20. NightofNights
      Awe how come? Whats making you glum, chum?
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  • About

    December 29
    Manga Artist
    I am poetic nonsense. The invisible like that nobody can ever find. I am the one that's can be the ghost in the room. My ideals do not match the ones my family has. I choose to be free spirited. Live to the extent that I have laid down myself. I hate when people try to guide me to their ideal. I will argue. Note that past is in the past. And the future still can be changed.

    times to think alone, and learning to use the Seikūken


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