Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      It turns out that I was falling asleep a lot in my classes today. It'd be fine if I didn't normally sit at the front of the class. Lucky for me, they're both lecture-type classes, so I'm like one in a hundred students. Not even one of those Starbucks Frapichino things that they sell at gas stations wouldn't wake me up. (sigh) At least today's turning out better than expected.
    2. Arch
      *waves back* You haven't been on MSN. Dx
    3. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      xD that's fine. I might start anyway and just hope more people join.
    4. Garxena
      Then that's all the more fun!! =D
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Fine, just took my medicine actually. XD I can't really tell if it workds, but I feel like it makes me a little dizzy. I got to finish this essay last night right before I went to bed. Other than feeling a little tired, I'm pretty good. How about you?
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Right; everything seems to happen for a reason. I'll just dust off my feet and move on with my lfe.
    7. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder

      ...that's only three?
      If you mean characters, there's three because the Raikage won't be in the squad xD
    8. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I thought of that scene when I first thought of my little joke. Sometimes, when I'm bored thinking, I am terrified of my furture. I know God's always with me, but so much...crap is happening in my life that it's sometimes hard to take it in all at once. I feel I'm on the right road, but there's always that doubt. Life's crazy; you know what I mean?
    9. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Naruto? I don't mind xD But I would like at least one more person to join. Hopefully someone from Iwagakure. Preferably a Jinchuriki, but still D:
      Three people in one RP is no fun, especially when it's war D:
    10. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Haha, thanks. I sometimes make a joke with my friends saying that "God doesn't want me to die, I have big things ahead of me. I can walk into on coming traffic and not get a scratch on me!" I wouldn't dare do it though, because I know not to tempt got. I feel I'm not going to die, but let's just say I'm probably going to be hurting when I get up. But, on a lot of days, I feel that way. I guess once you accept death, you're no longer afraid of it.
    11. Garxena
      Maybe.... xD
    12. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      It's a heart disease, in which a piece of my heart is enlarged (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopithy is the technical term). It's very rare and very deadly, especially in infants, and it can't be treated. I've had it since I was born, so I guess you can say I've had an interesting life. I'm the only kid in my family who has it (my mom's just recently been diagnosed with it). I've actually died on three different occasions, all during surgeries, twice by accident, once because they needed to test an ICD. The only medicine I have to take only slows down my heart rate, which means bad news if I take too much within a time frame, but I have, in the past, gone days without taking it and felt fine. So, medically speaking, I shouldn't be living, and I do get a good laugh when someone calls it "luck". I know the statistics, and it's not luck.

      I feel like my mission in life is to help people with whatever they're going through. I guess it's because I've seen people suffer and have felt my own, and there's something in me that doesn't like it when they see anybody crying.
    13. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I act a little bit childish myself, but I wasn't sheltered. Well, I guess you could say that I sheltered myself because I'm not like regular kids. I have a condition that doesn't let me do normal stuff, like sports, so I just stayed home all the time. I went to public school all my life, but I sometimes wished I was home schooled because not a lot of people talked to me. I see the world around me differently and I'm actually happy God gave me this disease; he protected me from the negative things of this world to makes sure that I kept on track with my mission (which I don't really understand yet). I only carry a Bible with me and have some cool Christian clothing. One of my old friends is starting to treat me wierd because I carry it around. I don't force my beliefs because I know that most of the time, people won't listen to me. The only time I break that rule is if I feel someone is hurting.
    14. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah; I made it one of my personal responsibilities to get to know God. Sometimes I just open it up when I'm stressed, read for a little while, and then find something that makes me feel better. That's what makes me beleive He has a good sense of humor. I don't push it on others; it's a personal thing because according ot modern medicine, I shouldn't be here.
    15. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      It's alright. The study bible I got as a present from my uncle, which contains a lot of notes that better explains what they meant. NIV also has good writing at times; like let's take the quote from my sig for example. The standard KJV begins with "Charity never fails...", but it does say in a footnote that it also translates to love. I just found the NIV more meaningful for me, but there are tons of other translations.
    16. Garxena
      That's when you use stilts. =D
    17. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      That's what I heard. I grew up Catholic and never read the Bible. Now, I go to a different chruch and read through it. It's because Catholics sell idols like virgin Marys and Crusafixes to make money. I can't remember what they changed though. I have a bit of a preference towards the New International Version, but that's just me. I may invest in a King James; no wait, I lie. I have a King James on my iPod but I don't use it (I prefer my study bible most of the time). I brought it with my this past Sunday and my friend thought it was so cool.
    18. Garxena
      lol The only time they're good is when you're on stage. Otherwise, I don't really like wearing them.
    19. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      My Bible has it labeled as "Song of Songs". Anyway, I'll keep that in mind. Catholic Bibles have a couple more books in them, but I don't really trust those. I found that they changed the 10 commandements by taking out the thing about alters and statues of God and spliting an existing commandment into two.
    20. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Wow, hopefully I don't take as long. I'm kind of cheating and reading through the old and new testament at the same time. Right now I'm in the middle of Luke and Exodus, but I have read all the way through Revalations before. Jesus brings in the morals of being a Christian while the Old Testament just gives you the cool stories.
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    August 30
    Fairy Tail
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