Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Wow, that has to suck. At least you're not reading the Bible. Actually, I take that back, it does have some good points in it. "But look at all the voilence in it!" Yeah, that's what makes it interesting! XD
    2. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      My mom made me take some college classes during the summer just so I could get ahead. For me, it's not all that bad. My biggest weakness is History and Anthropolgy, but I'm doing pretty well. It's the experience that really gets to you, but sometimes that means you're only postponing the stess. I think your mom meant that it'll help you find a balance or something. And it's not gay, it's British. I just love saying that line for some reason.
    3. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Wow, that has to suck. I'm okay at math, but I'm thankful that my major only calls me to only do one semester of it. XD
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Haha. Yeah; I'm so caught up in school taht I need to have a break every once in a while.
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Maybe continue reading Deathly Hallows and listening to youtube (and getting to work on my personal writings). I noticed that you talk to Terra a lot. I actually know him in real life; I was the one who brought him here. Go ahead, you can ask him.
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Wow, this day's been...random, huh? XD
      Anyway, what's up?
    7. Garxena
      They make you fall on your face too. xD
    8. Garxena
      I can run -- when I'm not in high heels or character shoes. lol
    9. Garxena
      Haha, yeah! Doesn't it make you want to just go around and threaten to defenesize people? Unless they know what it means -- then you've got to be able to run fast. xD
    10. Garxena
      It's funny 'cause you don't know what it means. lol Okay, I'll tell you: defenesize means "to throw out a window."a
    11. Garxena
      If he leaves, I'll stalk him down and defenesize him. >D
    12. Garxena


    13. Garxena
      I <3 my library. =D

      Twilight? Behind? I only understand posting. :Awesome:
    14. Garxena
      I just found it at the library and decided to get it. lol
    15. Garxena
      I love the cheesy stuff! =D ...... I watch Bakugan. xD
    16. Garxena
      Doh! Digimon?! lulz I never watched it.
    17. Garxena
      Gaara is such an awesome character (at the beginning and now). He's pretty much the only reason I still read. I'm gotten bored of the Naruto-Sasuke rivalry. It was interesting when they were younger, but once Sasuke left, it became cliche. But the Itachi-Sasuke thing is absolutely amazing!
    18. Garxena
      Noooo! We need a Black Star!!! D= Why must the internet be so mean??

      Sasuke is one of the most screwed up characters I've ever read. I only kept going because of Gaara. <3
    19. Fayt-Harkwind
      I'm gonna have to drop out of your Soul Eater RP. For some reason when I enter that thread and a few others I get major lag that crashes my browser. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    20. Garxena
      I enjoy my vocabulary. Defenesize -- for example. And floccinaucinihilipilification. lol They're fun words. I want to use them in the thread and see how many people know what they mean.

      I would not be able to handle a Bleach thread. I got through 98 episodes of the show and just couldn't take it anymore. I got confused and then bored. My attention span is about 50 episodes and after that it better be gosh darn good to keep me following it. lulz