Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
Jun 24, 2007
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July 7
Home Page:
The Plains

Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta

The Demon Slayer, Male, from The Plains


Everything feels fake... Jun 14, 2018

    1. KH2man13
      What are friends for?
    2. KH2man13
      No, it's not that! It just... doesn't seem like something that a deck would be named.
    3. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Absolute Zero is very powerful.
      The fact that he's restricted to E-hero decks makes him suck. He can only work in E-hero decks and his summoning conditions make it even more limiting.

      And I'm thinking he will probably be Limited eventually.
      E-heroes are not a threat to the game, so it won't happen.

      He is The Best Elemental Hero Fusion without question.
      Sorry, I read this wrong, I thought you said he was the best E-hero period, which is wrong(that would be Stratos), but I do agree with you that he's the best fusion.

      don't think you realize just how good Elemental Heroes are becoming...Super Polymerization is starting to become a Super Special Awesome Chocolate Fudge Coated Mega Super Weapon. It's probably gonna get hit soon too.
      E-heroes are not becoming any more powerful than they were, maybe slightly more, but not a threat. Super Polymerization is not going to get hit, it's barely even used.

      And you don't seem to have noticed but Absolute Zero CAN be splashed into other Decks BESIDES Elemental Heroes. If he's used in his own Water Based Deck he's hella good.
      The fact that it works in a few other decks does not make it splashable by any means. It's not.
    4. KH2man13
      Wow. You're right. :laughing-smiley-004
    5. KH2man13
      I just don't really believe that's what it stood for. It just seems... Odd.
    6. KH2man13
      ... For some reason, I don't think that's what it really stood for.
    7. KH2man13
      Really? Just drawing cards? Not even drawing for Exodia?

      EPIC. FAIL.

      What does it stand for?
    8. KH2man13
      Oh, I see.


      What the HELL is a PACMAN deck?
    9. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      If you had another Absolute Zero on the field after using the first to clear his field I see no excuse for losing. You should've been able to attack for game or at the very least inflict massive damage. You do know that you can just use Polymerization or Miracle Fusion to get rid of one of them and get out another Fusion while clearing his field at the same time right?
      Yes jaden but due to the fact that is an E-hero deck we're talking about I don't HAVE those cards most of the time, since it has no draw power. I did do damage, but he came back in the next turn and got out his bosses. By the way this just proves that you don't know what you're talking about.

      Absolute Zero is very powerful.

      And I'm thinking he will probably be Limited eventually.
      So, so wrong

      He is The Best Elemental Hero Fusion without question.
      Even more wrong

      don't think you realize just how good Elemental Heroes are becoming...Super Polymerization is starting to become a Super Special Awesome Chocolate Fudge Coated Mega Super Weapon. It's probably gonna get hit soon too.
      I am drowning in the sea of your wrongness.

      And you don't seem to have noticed but Absolute Zero CAN be splashed into other Decks BESIDES Elemental Heroes. If he's used in his own Water Based Deck he's hella good.
      You know, you should really consider entering a being wrong contest. You're really good at that.
    10. KH2man13
      Mind telling me how they suck? I never really saw how. Then again, most of my knowledge of them comes from the anime. =P
    11. KH2man13
      Don't count him out, yet.
    12. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      I'm not being a jerk, I'm telling you the truth. It is pretty impressive to make E-heroes work in any way, but that doesn't change the fact that they still suck. I was not using the deck wrong, I got AZ out once and wiped him out but he recovered from it. Good decks can do that, that's another reason AZ isn't that great a card.
    13. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Which reminds me, And how exactly do you KNOW it's those people may I ask?
      wtf...because I TALK to them.

      Mind telling me what makes the real game so different from the videogames?
      In EVERY case, playing the real game is much harder than playing the VG. I've been over this with you. You can get away with using an awful deck in the VG, the whole game was designed so you could do so. That game is for people who have never even seen YGO before.

      And hard work pays off! I've already proven that I can do better with Elemental Heroes than most people can.
      On the video game. Lovely. If you're so confident try it in real life. Seriously, do it. I dare you.

      There is a Booster Pack called "Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki" And a few others...I just need to find them...I also need to find which pack Super Polymerization is in...
      A lot of the cards you need are in boosters that aren't sold anymore. It's also pretty much impossible to get what you want from boosters. Once again, try trollandtoad.com for singles.
    14. KH2man13
      Glad I could make you laugh!

      I know he's the best. That's why I challenged him.
    15. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      That pretty much just tells me that they aren't the competitive players that you make them out to be. Either that or they just plain don't know how to use them right. Besides, You yourself said that Pojo is just a wretched hive of scrubs and noobs right? =P
      Jaden, I know what I'm talking about. What I mean is, they make the good decks on Pojo that everyone netdecks. I'm serious. It doesn't take a genius to comprehend how to use E-heroes. And I'm positive the people I'm talking about could figure it out.

      Because my experience with Elemental Heroes has shown me how good they can be. I have had YEARS to master them. So I know what I'm talking about. My only problem is that I sometimes have bad luck.
      "Experience" on the video game, as I've explained to you, means jack shіt to me. I don't care if you've played it for five years, the real game is a whole different level. You do not have "bad luck", it's just impossible to draw well with E-heroes. In all my time using BW's, I've gotten a really bad starting hand maybe...five times. Want to know why? Because I use a deck that doesn't suck.

      I'm not afraid to try them at a local tournament/comic shop. I've been meaning to tell you that I've had thoughts about getting a real Deck and playing the real game. I just need to know what Booster Packs Elemental Heroes are in.
      You should be afraid. You'll get slaughtered, Jaden. Also, most E-heroes aren't even in booster packs you can buy anymore, you'll need to buy singles online. Head to trollandtoad.com, build a deck, order it, and try it at a comic shop. I freaking dare you.
    16. Shadow_Rocks
      Waaaiiiiiitttt~...I recoginze one of them...I thinkI remember seeing one of them in an episode of YuGiOh GX
    17. Shadow_Rocks
      What were those Dark World Monsters you were speaking of yesterday nyu~
    18. Shadow_Rocks
      Hhheeeyyy Onii-Chan
    19. Zeonark
      Jay, you should run Starlight Road so you can use it to. =D
    20. KH2man13
      Oh yeah. :sweat: It's been a while since I saw that episode.

      Yeah! That was awesome!
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    July 7
    Home Page:
    The Plains
    My personality? Well I am quite eccentric...I like to think of myself as reserved but openminded...And I'm definitely a very generous and honest person. But I'm not exactly what you call a social butterfly. If I have not messaged you it's because I'm just sort of the type who doesn't message someone unless they message me first. I guess you could say I'm just sort of what you call a "recluse". But that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to talk to you. If you ever wanna talk just message me anytime. :)

    Also I am a very low functioning Aspie. I have SEVERE Asperger's Syndrome. And because of that I may not understand sarcasm or figures of speech. I also show many symptoms of ADD, ADHD, OCD and Bipolar Disorder.

    Some people think that I have a bad temper but I just get really irritated when people get stubborn with me when I know that they're wrong. I have VERY low tolerance for stubborn/hardheaded people, stupidity and closedmindedness... (- _ -; But if you don't judge me then I won't judge you. I'll be nice to you as long as you're nice to me.

    Aside from that I'm pretty much just a laid back guy who enjoys gaming, movies, anime, RPing and cartoons.


    I need to update my sig.