Last Activity:
Jul 3, 2023
May 14, 2007
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Apr 17, 1993 (Age: 31)
Ireland somewhere


Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens, 31, from Ireland somewhere

daxma was last seen:
Jul 3, 2023
    1. Boy Wonder
    2. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      You should make sure to VM on MY page lol
      and alright.
    3. daxma
      Cool i'll change them down to Adjuchas and i'll PM soon about possible Plot stuff.
    4. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      It's alright. The plot I have won't be put into play for quite a bit.
      From now on, run all original kido by me before using them.

      And low level or not, A Vasto Lorde is a Vasto Lorde and that's too strong.
    5. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Sorry, that's for me to know! I mentioned before that Kyo admitted to not being the true leader, but consider him the field leader.
      The actual leader is my little secret.
    6. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      If we do something like that, the RP'll have to focus on a small part of the war. I love the idea of the main characters being the focus of the plot when there's a large war going on in the background.

      I assumed Kyo's superiority was implied xD which is why he was the one who led the Los Lobos rebellion, killed the Tenth-Division Captain, and was shown using the Negacion while no other Vizard could. For all intents and purposes, Kyo is the strongest Lobos member and the figurehead leader.
    7. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I'll let it slide this time. Just remember, Kyo is the superior.
      And Virem is Kyo's right-hand man. I didn' tmention that before, but that's what my intentions for him are.

      Any ideas for the Naruto RP?
    8. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Of course xD
      I already figured the 9 tails wouldn't be able to be taken.
      It'd be one of the plot points. It has no host and is loose.
      As for the others, that all depends on the general plot of the RP.
      For example, we could repeat the "evil group after the beasts" plot that Akatsuki did. Then we can say they've already captured some.

      Oh, for the Bleach RP, I didn't notice that you changed Sasuke's bio from last time. The Vizard before Shinigami thing was supposed to be a Virem exclusive, but I can actually use Sasuke's status to an advantage.
      Only problem is that Kyo is Sasuke's superior.
    9. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Garxena isn't interested.
      Have you had any ideas yet?
      I was thinking of something with the Jinchuurikis.
    10. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I'll ask anyway next time I post. And you keep posting on your page not mine lol

      Garxena, you mean? I can ask her.
      mrsbaggins though is rarely on, usually just on long enough to post there.
    11. daxma
      As far as i know alot of the people in The Bleach RP like naruto but since you say theyaren't get some people from som of the other RP's i.e. the Full Metal Alchemist RP
    12. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      You VMed yourself xD

      Me, too! Although it took me a second to notice lol

      I don't know, I'm pretty sure most of them don't like Naruto lol
    13. daxma
      I loved the last Page where you see Tobi with a rinnegan and Sharigan!!!

      Look, bring up the idea to everyone else in the Bleach RP and see what they think.
    14. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Oh yeah xD I saw it before class today. Kabuto's transformation caught me off guard. It shouldn't have, but wow. and I can't believe Yamato got caught!

      Well any ideas you have would be more than I have.
    15. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      To be honest, I've been thinking about making a Naruto RP xD I just haven't had any ideas arrive yet.
      Thanks for the compliment, though.
      And I haven't seen the anime since I started reading the manga and that was in the beginnings of Shipudden, when Naruto saved Gaara from Diedara lol

      Do you have any ideas for an rp?
    16. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Alright, I'll post it now xD
    17. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I was just about to VM you lol
      As for your first VM about my plans for the RP, that's a secret! It all depends on which way things go, I have a few different plotpoints in my head that depend on what everyone does.

      Before we continue, did you want Sasuke and Yamata to talk or anything? My next post with Hatsu is going to end the conversation so I want to make sure there's nothing left for you to do with those two.
    18. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I was just about to VM you lol
      As for your first VM about my plans for the RP, that's a secret! It all depends on which way things go, I have a few different plotpoints in my head that depend on what everyone does.

      Before we continue, did you want Sasuke and Yamata to talk or anything? My next post with Hatsu is going to end the conversation so I want to make sure there's nothing left for you to do with those two.
    19. Korra
      Thanks. :]
    20. Love
      FFF--- well eh LilBueno told me to show him my character form and now I'm sorta waiting for him.
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  • About

    Apr 17, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Ireland somewhere
    None of your business if you have to browse my personal profile for information.

