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Jun 24, 2016
Feb 8, 2008
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Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Safest Haven


Goddess, Female, 32, from Safest Haven

Aura was last seen:
Jun 24, 2016
    1. Jayn
      Because you're silly. B| Aww. Spoonfuls of honey help too. :3 And..xDD Soup helps through! And fills you up. :glomp:

      O:< THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING. And ohhh. I like white chocolate. >> Even though that's not a real chocolate. xD I also like dark-semi chocolate. Which doesn't taste like dark chocolate at all. @_@ And yeah...Well, my mom doesn't care about anything anymore. >> She's moving out. ...xD I want tamales!
    2. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      then make money DD:

      thats good
    3. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      then get some new ones!

      Kinda, it gets warm around 4.
    4. Jayn
      I think it's funny! xD I like tea with lots of honey. >W< Especially sleepy time tea that helps me sleep at night. >> And wow. xD What way do you try? {Sips soup} :'D Thank youuu.

      CHOCOLATE IS THE DEVIL'S FOOD. xD And really? What's the difference? A muffin was my dinner yesterday. I didn't even realize until I was in bed like, "...Wait, I haven't had anything but a muffin and tea today. o.o" But was too lazy to eat. >>
    5. Jayn
      xD Giddy is good though! I like it when you are. And oh. ; ; I'm glad it didn't stay at least. Bah! Vitamn C gogogogo. I've been drinking tea religiously. I hate sore throats more than anything. >> Well, not including bad stomach aches.

      You didn't make me embarrassed, I just don't really talk about my sexuality. So it felt weird. xDD;; And..eww, chocolate. ; ; I like poppy-seed the best~
    6. Jayn
      Oh gosh. @-@ That's how I felt after the breakdown I told you about. The day after I was like, ":=D:" For a couple of hours. Now crap happened again with family. >>; And thank you. ^^ I hope you don't get sick. o.o

      Me too. >< Thank you~ And yeah. WHATEVER. xD I don't see it in that way, for myself, even though some people I kind of think are like that. Especially if they're...promiscuous. For myself it's more like...If you're a good person or meet my standards, I don't really care about your gender. It's harder for girls to be that way for me though so. @-@ And I don't hit on girls. >>; ANYWAYS. Now I'm getting embarrassed so SUBJECT CHANGE. Do you like muffins? :3
    7. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      haha, thats cool

      not really, just chillin and what not, got a new sweater
    8. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      fantastical, you?
    9. Jayn
      I'm glad it's getting better at least. Progress is good. I'm alright, just have a cold so my throat hurts bad and I didn't get to go to my sociology class today. ; ;

      I haven't heard from Symphony since you guys broke up. >< But yeah. Thank you for your advice. I'm trying to get past it as best as I can. I've spoken to him about it and he's understanding about it and everything, which helps. And oh. o.o Good. My irl friends playfully call me selfish. XDD My friend Miranda is always like, "You can't just settle for one can you, Kree? YOU HAVE TO HAVE EVERYBODY, DON'T YOU?"
    10. Jayn
      Probably. B\ How are youuu?

      Meh. Thank you. I hope it goes well too. But thanks to.."past relationships", I'm like waiting for this to crash and burn. I know I shouldn't be paranoid, especially since he's surprising a really good guy. But...Good things don't seem to last so long. Or people change. >> And does it bother you?
    11. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Dear Vi,

      I love you, Sissy.
    12. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      True ;__; It's Blubo and your teachers fault D8<


      . . .HMM
    13. Jayn
      Oh dear. You're going through a lot right now. >< I'm sorry...

      Yeah, I think it would too. I've been looking it up. @-@ Technically, the other person and I broke up before then. We only stopped talking on the first of September. And he's online, he has an account here. He's moving here though, and the goal is before the end of the year. He'll be in his own place and has been planning to move before he met me so it's not a creeper thing. XD My friend know him and my family even knows him and has added him on Facebook and stuff, and we plan to meet soon and he's planning on taking me to prom. And no, don't worry about questions. xD I thought you knew. xDDD; Sorry, just thought it'd be weird to go.."HEY, I'M BI." out of no where. XD Like, really weird.
    14. Jayn
      Have you felt it at all lately?

      I'm sorry. ;-; But that's good. I'm glad you don't get it so bad. And...really? I'm sure there's something that would help, but I wasn't sure if trying to force it away would be damaging or helpful so I've never really tried. But now that it's gotten so bad, I think I'll end up looking more into it and looking for help. And yeah. ^^; I've had one since late August. o: Hehe. I know that I'm bi. xD Have been since 7th grade, I think. Only to the extent of being able to find a woman date-able. It doesn't offend me. xD
    15. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      hai mai friend
    16. Jayn
      Happiness could push me along just fine. B| I know what you're saying though. Lol.

      Thank you. <3 My OCD used to not be as bad. You know how I used to not make banners for my RP posts, or use custom color codes and stuff like that? That's a result of it getting worse. I feel bad when I make banners, especially if the RP owner doesn't have one. But now if I don't or have a color scheme or character theme, it bothers me...BAD. I have to. @-@ And...Well, I changed my gender here to male and I've been anti-girl lately. I told my boyfriend the other day, "I think I want to act like a boy for a while." and he was like, "So long as you don't get a sex change." xD; It's not that bad now. I've just been writing in a guys perspective, and RPing as guys on other sites. That might also be because a lot of my girl friends have decided to be extremely *****y for a while and I'm getting fed up with emotional woman around me.
    17. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Yes exactly! Plus, with some people I really can't remember where the conversations were at and just ;-;

      D: I'm sorry to hear that, I hope it is calming down a little now at least. I know the feeling though, I'm having the same thing here at the moment with my older sister. It is always my older sister >_>

      Yeah it was some weird bug thing which gave me a 5 day headache and made me want to throw up everywhere, was not nice. I slept so much it wasn't even funny xD; luckily I feel a lot better now x3

      I have this week off work so I'm like HOORAY YAY, its actually a little sad how being away from that place makes me so happy
    18. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      ;__; well there is always the next test


    19. Cloud.Strife.
      Lol, i was all like wtf? did he mean V10n? lol.
    20. Cloud.Strife.
      Sup Ven? why do you have do as your E?
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  • About

    Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Safest Haven
    Past Usernames:
    VaKh87, Violet, Aura, Break, Ven, Ruki, Elika, Rem.



    Heaven is a place on earth with you.

    Drops of Jupiter
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