Sep 30, 2006
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11:12 AM
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Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


This silence is mine, Female, 29


Pink?! Aug 5, 2021

    1. Korra
      omg did u banned rikuterra
    2. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      Oh, I remember now. Please don't be sad, bby. <3

      wut |:
      I don't understand a single thing you just said so I think I'm just going to google this.
    3. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      Oh, what'd we talk about last night? lulz, I'm brain dead. :c

      It doesn't really matter, I suppose. Just anything that you think is interesting, and then I'll just pick and choose which ones will fit in with our presentation.
      and jw, but do you have any idea how Norway became a country? ._.
    4. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      Let's get married now. <33 I wanna have our honeymoon.

      O really. o: Tell me, tell me. c:
    5. Sanya
      Haha thanks, I like her character.
    6. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      I'm so perfect because I have you. <33

      And, aw. You're too kind. <:

      It's cool. I'm not even doing that portion of the project - apparently my friend is. I just get to gather random facts about Norway and make our powerpoint look all purty.
    7. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      lol, we'll be like eighty and still getting on KHV to talk to each other.
      how cute.

      Mkay, good. And this gives me plenty of time to pick out the perfect dresss. *.*

      I'm not kidding. :c But yeah, if you know anything about your government/politics, you should definitely tell me because I don't feel like looking this stuff up. }:
    8. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      I know. :c I would have cried if we had gone longer without talking.

      So, are we still going to get married? <3

      Oh, by the way, in my one class we're doing this project, and somehow I got stuck with Norway, and I'm 99.9% sure you live in Norway, and I was all "oh my godddd, it's *fateee*"
    9. Misty
      thanks bby. <3
    10. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      I missed you, too. )):

      We'll never be apart again <33
    11. muff monkey
    12. Xaale
      D'awwww I try xD
    13. Xaale
      Indeed :x there should be an option if you can see it or not xD
    14. Xaale
      Oh man :B I wonder how much time I've spent xD
    15. Xaale
      Oh I think everyone spends too much time here, don't worry xD
    16. Xaale
      I've been quite well, and you? O:
    17. reptar
      Ah nah, both are ok. lol. Yeah the dungeons in P4 are alot more better because they change (Tartarus and still badass though). But I did like the characters in P3 better. I CAN'T WAIT FOR P5.
    18. reptar
      haha Thanks xD I do like P3 better though, P4 is good too.
    19. Zexion of the Twilight
      Zexion of the Twilight
      You deserve no less than the highest quality hellfire my contempt can buy.
    20. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      I see. I was deleting old pm's when i saw that name XD
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Past Usernames:
    Master Bate


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