Sep 30, 2006
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Sorry for any buggy-ness on the site the past few minutes! Everything should be a-okay now. Aug 6, 2015

    1. Fork
      Haha, I went through that a few months ago. If anything got too annoying I would just shrug it off and stop doing it. I don't know what happened or how it stopped though. I think it's when someone actually told me that I was being a bit annoying with that >_>.
      What are you studying in Uni by the way? I never got to ask you that. And yeah, I know what you mean about taking general education courses. While I really like Uni and all, there's some things I could go without. Although I guess it does help us for later on in case we want to specialize ourselves.

      Being on student budget sucks >_> I haven't bought a game in ages. I'm probably getting Dark Souls in the next few weeks. I REALLY need to actually. I'm going to postpone getting Uncharted 3 and Skyrim to some other month. Those and a bunch of other games.
    2. Fork
      I've been pretty good. Although Uni has been killing me, especially since I had class THIS morning.
      Oh well.
      And you?

      I wanted to ask, did you get Dark Souls yet?
    3. Fork
      Well, I'm not sure. If you think it's relevant and that it'll be helpful to the members than go ahead.
      I mean I have no doubts it isn't, but it's not like the members here are truly lost in thought about the PSVita.
      Eh, go ahead and post it if you think it'll help. >_>
    4. Laurence_Fox
      Nothing out of the ordinary. Work, khv, babysitting. Just started watching Sengoku Basara.

      Had to purchase a completely new computer with my other one just barely a year old. Warrenty was of course void.
    5. Misty
      A month or two ago, I got a free trial and was just disappointed. I guess because I've heard so many people rave about it, haha.

      My mom pays for the cable as well but I sometimes help out, we have Verizon and the bill is... a lot. D: We spend at least $100/month on cable for the whole house, probably more. So we're transitioning into replacing cable with Hulu, we're slowly buying HTPCs/game consoles for each television, and I'm teaching my mom (who is a bit technology illiterate, but she tries haha) how to use Hulu.
      Since I got my PS3 (and Hulu shortly after) I don't think I've used the cable box in my room at all. xD
    6. Misty
      That's why I like Hulu so much, I'd like to switch from cable to just using Hulu. I wasn't in love with Netflix's TV selection, so I figured that it was meant for mainly movies, but all the movies I tried had to be sent by mail. :/

      The ads really aren't that bad, at least to me, and I like being able to watch my shows on my own time.
    7. Misty
      It depends on the show, some networks require less ads than others (I've found), and if it's an older show there may not be ads at all. But yeah, that's usually how it goes for me when I watch shows from NBC. They're two of the usually four or five ads.
    8. Machazo
      Kefka, huh?

      One of the best characters both in Dissidia and FF VI
    9. Mike
      Thank you. Will do!
    10. Mike
      Hey. Did you want to join our podcast tomorrow?
    11. Fork
      You got an entirely new PS3? I thought you were just going to repair the last one...For the third time or something? >_>
      Still though, at least you finally got it.

      And PSN should be up soon. Hopefully.
    12. Fork
      I see you're using the canadian Kotaku.
      Good call >_> That new skin is horrid.
    13. Cia
      Ew gross.
    14. Fork
      I don't know how you can manage to have that many unplayed games. I only have one or two at a time tops.
      That said, I REALLY recommend Bayonetta. The action and characters are really ridiculous, but that's what makes it so amazing. Plus it's actually challenging.

      How's Mirror's Edge? Do you recommend it?
    15. Fork
      I just bought Bayonetta. I saw it really cheap in a store and was like "MUST GET"
    16. Fork
      I gotta ask, how come you keep coming and going? >_>
      Don't get me wrong, it's always a pleasure to see someone with an actual brain in the General Game Chat section, not to mention that you're one of my favorite members here. But ****, I never understood why you have a sort of attachment to this site.
      Excuse the random question.
    17. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      To show my love C:

      Slime is love <3 just watch out for the metal slimes, they are *******s D:<
    18. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      *smothers in slime*

    19. #8-Axel
      Hey whats up?
    20. #8-Axel
      I like stand up comedy.
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