Sep 30, 2006
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Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


This silence is mine, Female, 29


Pink?! Aug 5, 2021

    1. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Wait, where you SnoofyXChristhor?
    2. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      I hope those days would come sooner... xD*But that's just me...
      Ahh fair enough, we should all take a break from here once in a while. C:
    3. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      :lolface:*Indeed, cheese can be quite the good topic, especially when you find interesting flavors... C:

      My day yesterday seemed quite ok... Not the best day ever though. Nearly everyone was sick by the end of that day... :/ eh. On the other hand it was also quite fun to begin with.

      How have you been? C:
    4. Xaale
      I d'awwww'd xD
    5. Xaale
      I dunno about best friends xD buuut we should talk more, I'd love to be friends =P
    6. Clawtooth
      I suppose by "hard turn based RPG" you mean things like the Earthbound series?
    7. Xaale
      Ooooh we do? O: that's epic xD
    8. Zexion of the Twilight
      Zexion of the Twilight
      Ahh, you are indeed most correct; our chain of mutual hatred can never be broken!
    9. The real Jigsaw
      The real Jigsaw
      thanks i'll try see ya in the forums
    10. Repliku
      I did nuthings! Stay cool, Christhor. xD
    11. The real Jigsaw
      The real Jigsaw
      hahaha it's ok i'm new here and all so idk what to do wow i wrote on my page cause i thought it was like chat
    12. Bareri-San
      I looked at the character cast for P4 just before. Naoto looks a lot like a female version of Minato. .____.
      I was surprised by Kanji's age too. He's a lot younger than he looks.
    13. Zexion of the Twilight
      Zexion of the Twilight
      Please, I doubt your size.

      Don't tell me what I like, don't pretend you know me. After all, it's been a while. ~_~
    14. What?
      That is indeed quite true, though the problem I find quite evident is that many of the rather interesting new members usually leave or are quite inactive in such times, though there are exceptions. That shall be quite lovely, good sir - I shall keep my eye out for them. Indeed, as I have heard; P3's original gameplay is certainly not the greatest, especially in comparison to the improvement that is P4. And I shall express a preemptive apology for delayed replies to these visitor messages - I do not check the forums as often as I am usually busy attempting to scour other things over the summer.
    15. Bareri-San
      As the male protagonist, I usually had Yukari, Aigis and Ken with me. My persona was Yurlungur. I thought it was awesome because it was rainbow coloured, that and it had really strong wind and ice spells along with some really good healing and buffing skills. I don't seem to trust having the other members of my party as healers xD. I don't know why, but I didn't really like having Mitsuri in my team. Everyone is like, nearly level 70 and she hasn't even reached 40 yet. :I
      My current party as the girl is Junpei, Akihiko and Yukari.

      What made that boss seem even more disturbing was the fact that the fight was in a sauna/bath house. DX
    16. Bareri-San
      I know as the female, if you get his social link high enough, he'll tell you about his pocket watch that he lost. If you find it before the day he gets shot, apparently he'll survive because the bullet will hit the pocket watch. I started his social link too late and he ended up getting killed a day after he told me about the pocket watch. I raged so hard when that happened this morning. >:I

      Another thing that I found fun about Nyx Avatar was when he shifted Arcanas. It made the fight have a lot more variety instead of spamming the X button. I did find it annoying at times, mainly because nearly all of my party was weak against thunder and Nyx could use thunder with some of the Arcanas. xD

      I remember a friend showing me one of the bosses he was stuck on (it looked disturbing...). It looks very bright. The soundtrack sounds a lot less depressing compared to the P3 soundtrack.
    17. Bareri-San
      Who also headbutts his enemies. =P

      And yes, that final battle was fun. The music made up for the fact that it took me two hours to beat the god damn thing. xD

      I want to get P3 and P4 on the PS2 now... ;-;
    18. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      Hmmm, lets try both questions. x3
      That cheese sounds rather odd, never seen brown cheese before (but that's just me xD)7
      I guess my favorite would have to either be Mozzarella or cheese with a slight aftertaste of Paprika (they had some of that in Scotland, although I still have no idea as to what the brand name of it was...

      c: I definitely like where this is going.
    19. Bareri-San
      Hahaha. Thanks. xD
      I'm almost finished with my second play through as the female protagonist. I'm gonna do a third just so I can save Shinjiro. Oh gosh, I cried so much when that happened first time I played P3P. Partly because I grinded for hours to make him really strong but mainly because he was a badass. xD
    20. Bareri-San
      I was thinking, is that Minato in your avatar? Or am I just tired and seeing things?
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Past Usernames:
    Master Bate


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