Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. Aura
      My left hand's nails are short. ._. My right hand's are long. But I want to learn how to play the piano. DD: My best friend has a piano and I randomly started improvising when I went over to her house a couple of weeks ago. It got addicting and now I just want to play the piano. @-@

      Lovely combination. XDD
    2. Aura
      The heavier, the more it'll hurt. 8DD But if none of that works, I'll just scratch since I have long nails at the moment. <>

      I wish I had ninja fingers. ; ; I have like...typo fingers or something. XDD
    3. Aura
      Come to LA. 8D I shall protect you from evil people here though. >> I have a sword! B|

      I was trying to reply quick, but I didn't think you'd reply as soon as Zero did, but yeah. XD
    4. Aura
      I just checked and they have Karate, Taekwondo, Aikido(Never heard of it.), Tai Chi Ch'uan(never heard of it either.) and Shaolin Kung Fu. 8D8

      I haven't ya- Never mind. >>

      I posted shortly after you did. XD Sorry. Edited the post when I saw yours though.
    5. Arch
      Are you going to sleep now? You better!
    6. Arch
      Oh. I'll tell you later.^^;
      It's late? Later for a small girl like yourself. Go to bed. I finally replied. I've been out a lot today.
    7. Aura
      Oh I see. But yay for being loved. XDD

      I know. I'll try doing that...whenever I'm not busy. XDX My mom wants me to join something just so I can defend myself. The college I'm going to has Taekwondo so I might take that in the Spring.

      It's funny though. XD It's making me laugh yet frustrated at the same time.

      Lol. For a second there I thought that was a typo. XDX I will! Maybe. ...Probably not. XD And okay. I think they should since you're tired.
    8. Aura
      He actually did it? XD Wow. I think if I would have asked that, I would have heard a "No!" B|

      Yes you do. D8< Just by the name is sounds interesting. @-@ I want to join kendo. >> Or just a martial arts class. XD I might watch it. That is if I can be awake enough to undestand what's happening. ._.

      Mentioning yawns is now making me yawn. XDX Oh God.

      I almost typed "same" when I meant "name" just now. Lol. >>; Dude, we seriously need sleep, but this is just too funny. XDD And, the game Persona is pretty amazing. There are, from what I know, 5 or so out. My friend let me borrow the third one. I should play it soon since I'm not very far. >< But good night, if you log off right now. Sleep well and sweet dreams. ...So many typos I made.
    9. Arch
      What do you mean...? Does something seem wrong...? I'm alright.^^;
    10. Aura
      Good. 8D I was afraid of taking wood shop. ._. Just paranoid of cutting off my finger. XDDD At least you like it. 8D

      Continue it in your mind...? ; ; *Shot* I really didn't want it to end so quickly either. XD I wanted to keep laughing since it's a pretty hilarious anime.

      I yawned again! DX Oh my God.

      @-@ You thought about it. But now whenever people say "the game" I think of a game called Persona. Lol. >>;;
    11. Aura
      I hope it does work out. ; ; YOU MUST GO TO DISNEYLAND AND EXPERIENCE THE DISNEY...NESS. ... *Twitch* I want a keyblade. ; ;

      You di-Oh you did! XDD I didn't notice. I wanted to see Tamaki and Haruhi. D: Just the fact he was protective of her was so adorable. XD Made me "d'aw" so much whenever he got all, "LET GO OF MY HARUHI." XDD I wanted it to be long again too. ; ; I have the urge to watch it now.

      >8D It's contagious. XDD It's terrible.
    12. Aura
      DD: *Gives you Mickey Mouse hat* Last time I had gone to Disneyland was like...10 or so years ago. XD Going again this time was fun but so tiring. ><

      I love Host Club. DD: Tamaki is hilarious. XD I want to play Birth By Sleep. ; ; *Salutes back* You are dismissed. B|

      ... *Yawns again* @-@ That seriously made me yawn. XD Wow.
    13. Aura
      See? XD And that was because I went to Disneyland. Damn all-nighter.

      I have random phases if I want to do something with whatever the phase is about. Like Pokemon. I want to play the games. D: And yes. Be a good girl. B| xD Still. Try not thinking on it.

      EXACTLY. *Gaspeth* I want the yawning to stop. Dx
    14. Arch
      Arch've you been doing? Had fun while you were gone?
    15. Aura
      Staying up all night with no sleep and constant walking can really mess with you. Especially if you don't get enough sleep after all of it too. >>

      Gotta love it. I'm having a phase with Pokemon. I don't know why. XD Don't think on it. Thinking on it will make you paranoid and make you think negative. Just try to relax and don't focus your mind on what might happen if you start cutting back.

      Ahhh. DX My vision is getting...blurry too. Damn. >< The both of us need sleep. XDX
    16. Aura
      Hey, I pulled my first all-nighter a month ago and it screwed up my health. XD That's even more weird.

      ...For some reason, I just thought of Pokemon. XDD Anyway...I guess it's just the fact maybe it's now trying to make those happy thoughts come on their own without having them be forced or something. That's the way I kind of see it in the way you explained it.

      D: Hopefully it's not a lot then. ; ; ...Aww. That's an interesting thought. XD It made me think now too. 8D8 You should get some rest soon. ; ;
    17. Aura
      I don't...want to. XD I keep staying up until like 2:30 or so.

      You're welcome. I'm glad it does. Don't be negative. D: Negativity is eviiiilllll. And thank you...even though I'm not so positive on that part either. XDX

      True. @-@ How many questions is it? D: Well, the both of us have gone through a difficult loss. You just hang in there and so will I. :glomp:
    18. Aura
      Oh, no, it's okay. XD I'm just tired.

      Don't think that. You're a better friend than most people I've met. A lot better. Most people I meet end up causing me issues. You're a wonderful friend, so don't think that you aren't. I'm not sure how you might hurt others without meaning to unless they tell you something and you don't listen. I really can't imagine you hurting another person.

      DX You can't take it tomorrow? They shouldn't have hidden it. They should have realized it how bad that is. >< My parents always hid things of my grandfather from me because they know all I would do is cry about it. But whenever I found out, my grandfather was already pretty damn ill. I couldn't handle it and it made things worse. I find things out through my brothers though. As for my grandfather, I just found out about things a week or so before he died.
    19. Aura
      When I saw the message on my User CP, I thought you meant in the RP. XD But when I went to my profile and saw the previous VM longer, I was like, "Oh." XDX

      Ah. That usually is a pretty big problem in most cases. But since it resulted in the both of you and not only one, then pretty much talk it out. I know you're supposed to talk it out even if it's only one person, but it's usually more difficult when it is. If it's both, then it could be easier.

      Sleep well when you do leave. 8D And yeah, it is gross. << Maybe I will take a small grocery bag. And...I have a feeling I'll be in the same situation as you. I've been to two funerals before, but I was little and didn't know who they where. But now that I know someone I was close to died, it's painful and nostalgic just by thinking about it. >< And it's even worse since I saw my grandfather die in front of me.
    20. Aura
      What were they about? If you don't want to tell me, it's okay. It's understandable.

      Ohh. Well, at least she finally went back home. XDX So am I. @-@ Sleeeeeep. And yes, I shall. Or just stuff they in my bag for the meantime and then take them out when I get home. XD I just hope it doesn't last for too long. I'm still pretty unstable about his death.