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Aug 12, 2014
Feb 26, 2007
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Nov 22, 1991 (Age: 33)


coquí, Female, 33


pffft Aug 16, 2012

Tootsie was last seen:
Aug 12, 2014
    1. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      Not now he's not. <3

      Oh, and a girl we just met at the party told Julie who told me yesterday that she thought that Mark liked me, just by the way he acted and stuff.
      That girl also sent me pictures of me from the party, and in each one Mark is in the background. xDD
      Oh, and we might go ice skating. Depends on if he's gone or not. He seemed excited about it, which is a plus.

      He acts so different around me now, though. He talks to me a whole lot more, smiles a lot more, and always looks at me when he's talking, even if there is five people in the group he looks at me.
    2. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      I would probably do the same thing. Once I get a craving for McDonalds I have to have it.

      Oh, and guess what? Remember when I told you about that guy that was flirting at me but it wasn't Mark? Well, I went back to my friend's house yesterday and she told me that Mark kept looking at me and Ben, the guy who was flirting with me. He looked over a few times and finally my friend asked "What are you looking at?"
      She was kind of surprised he was straight forward "Watching Jasmine and Ben." And she said he said it protectively too. Like, he was watching out for me or something. xD
    3. Korra
      I hate that wig. A lot.

      AGH I KNOW. I wish they showed him without the wig (and his shirt, aherkherk) just once.
      Though the part with the wolves running through the forest makes me happy. 8D
      I'm also going to Best Buy to pick up some PSP games before I leave...any suggestions? :3
    4. Korra
      YUSH! *throws...Alice at you*

      Dude, I totally would, except...I'm going with my mom. e_e
      She asked me if I wanted to go with her and I was like, "...Yeah sure." xD
    5. Korra
      ...Yah. 8D

      Guess what movie I'm seeing today.
      Hint: RIOTS.
    6. JellyBeing
      lomg, luuuulz. You should have just been like, "What is a perv? And what is this thing you call intercourse? D: I need to know!" XD

      Yeah. ;3; AND I WAS THIS CLOSE TO TOUCHING ALEX! *makes small margin mark with fingers* Then it was BAM! and I was "lomg, wut iz goin' on here? *smashsmashsmash*"

      I know, rite? I remembered you talking about it before so I looked it up and now I am addicted. o:
      lomgtothemax... first anime I've watched. xD;
    7. JellyBeing
      Oh, yes. That is a must. ;3

      Like oh to the em to the gee... it was all ahhhhmazing. Well, other than getting trampled into a staircase by rabid fangirls. :|/ If I get around to uploading stuff perhaps I will show you pics+vid.

      Oh hohohoho. ;D
    8. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain

      It was bootifull

      My birthday was alright :3 I am not happy today though >_>;

      I was meant to be going for a meal with my mom and sisters, and now my cousins, their kids (who are brats) two of my aunties and also one of my uncles are going to be there too and I don't want them to be >: I just wanted it to be me and my mom and my sisters.

      :\ it sucks.
    9. kitty_mckechnie
      ...what you gonna do to him? o__O

      N' what? Sit on me? Pfff! I'd flatten you!
    10. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~

      I could see him doing something like that...or maybe something with kids. He's so good with them.
      Computer Graphics, hopefully.

      Heck yes...and I could introduce you to Mark.
      Of course! McDonald's is awesome. =D

      Ah, I see.

      Talk to you soon. ^^
    11. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      I knew you were going to say that. xDD
      You know what's funny? He's actually considering the criminal justice field.

      You should! Then you could randomly come to a town near me and we just happen to bump into each other. 8D

      Aw....what'd you two talk about?
    12. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~

      Hmm...I'll try to remember.
      Oh, his mom asked me what I thought would be a good career for Mark...I'm still thinking about it.
      We were basically talking about the good ol' times in elementary school and somethings that happened at school.

      Awesome. When you can fly up to do so? xD
      Don't you find it funny that every conversation we have winds up with you coming to NY? xDD
    13. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      And I would say, "OH YES FEAR THE WRATH OF JAZZY JAZZ" *goes to destroy some country*

      Yeah, we would talk about random we did today in the car to and from the party. xD
      I plan to invite him. I'll probably mention it on Sunday. I forgot to today.

      You want to do it for me? I think you would enjoy it more than I would. xD
    14. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      And right when I do that the whole room would be dead silent with my luck.

      I know. D:
      I was thinking that we should go to that restaurant that I told you about...the one that has unlimited pasta on Wednesday? I was thinking either that or a movie.
      Oh, and a group of friends want to go ice skating and I'm going to ask him if he wants to come.
    15. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      1. I only met him a couple of times, but it was so obvious he was flirting...and you know who glared at him a few times. xD
      2. I KNOW. D:
      3. I'm used to it, but...

      Oh, it was so stupid. My friend's dad said "Mark, Jasmine you're ride is here." I see Liz,the one that I mentioned before, snicker and whisper something to my friend, they both laugh, and then she says "Oh, you're leaving?" with an 'innocent' smile.
      Yeah, it didn't work for me. =/

      Yeah, he was so sweet. <3

      I KNEW you were going to say that. xDD
    16. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      And you would be kicked out if you did that. xDD

      Oh, and the party was awesome and fun. 8D

      A couple things that were bad about it, though. *highlight*
      1. A guy was flirting with me.
      2. It wasn't Mark.
      3. Saw my friend talk about me whenever Mark came over or I went over to him. I couldn't help it we had a lot to talk about. D:

      A couple great things: *highlight*
      1. A certain someone was flirting with me.
      2. Yes, it was Mark.
      3. He was such a gentemen towards me. <3
      4. Mark and I got to hang out a lot. 8D

      AND I'M NOT OBSESSED. *twitch*
    17. Sorcerer_Jenkins
      afraid to. how bad does it get?
    18. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
    19. Sorcerer_Jenkins
      um......ok then, sounds....intense.

      so she killed herself for him? what does she get out of it?
    20. Sorcerer_Jenkins
      aw, i see. and he's drinking her blood for what reason?
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    Nov 22, 1991 (Age: 33)
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