Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. Aura
      Same here. XD But he had it bad. I remember once near the end of the year, I wanted to go to my friends' class since I wasn't doing anything in mine and neither were they. So I go to my teacher, asked him if I can go to a different class and he said yes. He gets a paper and starts writing a note. But then these kids were watching a soccer game on the computer and suddenly we heard, "GOAL" or something. My teacher turns and then completely forget I was even there. XDD I stood there for a couple of seconds before asking him if he was going to write the note. I was laughing.

      I can, but I need to look for one. ; ; Grrr. Too many thingsss.

      No fainting. DD: And yeah, she made me laugh. XD
    2. Arch
      Then you can still sing!

      Do you like the song? You should watch the movie. You'd like it a lot I think.

      ...You're mild. ^^ That seems like a word to describe you actually. Are they fun games? 8D
    3. Arch
      Why not...? ><

      Mild is lame. D: ...What are you doing right now anyways? ^^
    4. Arch
      B| Is your throat okay?

      Why? You know you like it~
    5. Arch
      @-@ You can sing. Unless your voice got lost. D:

      You're welcome! 8D Want spicy chips? *Eats* <<
    6. Arch
      Pretty much. Because I've done it the most! >8D

      You're good with the piano. You can sing. You're an artist! 8DDDD

      You're also a talented writer. 8DD
    7. Aura
      No, I think it's just ADD. XDD A mild case of ADD, anyway. I've seen a really bad case of ADD and that was my Government/Economics teacher. He wouldn't keep his attention on one thing at times. It was hilarious.

      Thank you. And don't be sorry. D: I'm only trying to stay as positive as possible at the moment. I want to get a job. ><

      Heh. Elsie is funny. XD She made me laugh. *Fans you* DD: Wake up!
    8. Arch
      I've made you less innocent before! D8<

      See? You're smart! I would've failed.
    9. Aura
      I know. XD I really should. I tend to have the urge to write, but eventually I get distracted by something.

      They would, but with the amount of stress we're all kind of under at the moment is making several things difficult. >< My dad's hospital bill last week was over 200,000 dollars. We have insurance, but it's still all too stressful.
    10. Arch
      Yes you were! YOU KNOW YOU WERE.

      @-@ You think you did well?
    11. Aura
      Well, it seems like you write more in your journal than I do. Last time I wrote in it was a couple months ago. I kind of felt like writing a few weeks ago, but it'd just be another letter.

      I'm scared. ;-; *Cries*
    12. Aura
      Is any of that often? DD:

      Because of the amount of money. Over 2,000 dollars. >< And with the payment plan, only over 1,000 but it's still a lot.
    13. Arch
      Bad girl! Don't think dirty. B|

      Study. Harder. It's worth it! D8
    14. Arch
      Like what? XD *Squishes*


      You're smart! You can do it. B| Maybe you should study harder. ><
    15. Aura
      The only thing I have written in it were a small little story that was a page and a half, a letter to my grandfather and small little notes for my story. @-@ That's it. XD

      Thank you. I'm just afraid of getting yelled at. >>;
    16. Aura
      I do have one, but I rarely write in it. XD I tend to not have the time to write everything down.

      I'm going to get a payment plan though. That'll pay half of what I do need to pay and then my parents will have to pay the rest. But it's still a lot of money either way. ><
    17. Arch
      Okay fine, in science too. XD

      >< If your learnt the stuff it should be easy for you! Good luck. ^^
    18. Arch
      I'm not. ...Just in math. ^^;

      Calm down. At least you should remember what you put on it. I posted by the way so I'll wait until after you finish the test.
    19. Aura
      Hm. I know I've had so many ideas, but I sadly can't remember them all. XDX I think way too much.

      Blah. I'm only hoping everything goes well. ._. My family has no money so yeah. >< Need to talk to my parents when they get home.
    20. Arch
      What point? D8

      Listen to ittttttt.