Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. Aura
      I always wanted to do one of those. D: It'd be fun.

      Exactly! >8D Bwahaha!

      I did! And it worked! 8D But now I just have to go to the college and pay for my classes. Must go one of these days before the due date of the payment fee. ><
    2. Aura
      So do I. << We must write! D:

      @-@ ...We can make it happen though. B| Somehow!

      I called financial aid and I'm on hold. I hear terrible radio music! DX
    3. Aura
      From what I know, it hasn't happened yet. XD But it's still good to be a bit careful.

      *Gets fireproof umbrella* 8D

      XD Alright. I'll try replying soon. Several things with college I need to check with. ><
    4. Aura
      I doubt it. D: I've never heard of people turning into toys until I read your story. XD

      I know, huh? 8D It's kind of funny. XD

      He better not. B| Really though, Fayt wouldn't be mean. XD
    5. Aura
      It's a good idea though. A very interesting idea. 8DD

      *Randomly throws a shoe* B|

      Ask him if he'll post again? D:
    6. Arch
      I was in college before I graduated.8D8

      Have you heard the song yet? On the link I sent you.
    7. Aura
      Mine did that last year and it resulted into my story. 8D8 I normal try bringing things to life when I think of it.

      Bring Bleach back! DX *Throws a rock*

      Don't be. Everyone just suddenly was on and started replying too quick. D:
    8. Aura
      I like that quote. A lot. It actually gives me the urge to think "Why not?" whenever my imagination pops up. XD

      We really should. DX They make me mad whenever they stop showing something.

      He probably gave up since it all went by pretty quick. XD
    9. Aura
      Imagination is good though. 8DD Very good.

      They stopped at 167. B| I think they're only stopping it because they don't want to catch up to the subbed. But still! They shouldn't have stopped airing it. ><

      Aren't there other R.N.A. members? D: Where are all of them? I only see Clay and Zero's character.
    10. Arch
      Stupid phone. It auto corrected me. I said "meh".

      It's lonely here.;_;
    11. Arch
      Men. You're smarter!

      You can't run up to the first floor without being beneath it! D:
    12. Aura
      Same here. I can actually imagine the people of LA doing that. ._. that I think about it, it is about half of the episodes that are dubbed or a little more. They stopped when they started reaching the subbed episodes. Adult Swim decided to be a b-...meany-face and go back all the way to the beginning and then stopped showing it.

      Exactly. And rest up until the next fight! 8D8
    13. Aura
      Just now. With that whole everyone looking up at the sky and swearing at it. XD

      I don't want to! I must stay up! ; ; There's.... << >> 281. XD Less than half of them are dubbed, I believe.

      XD Aw. Well, I'm making my character as vulnerable as possible in the situation they were in. Not so vulnerable to the point she'd need to be saved 24/7, though so yeah. XD
    14. Arch
      Only had a quiz. Finished and left in twenty minutes then roamed around...

      You ran UP stairs to the first floor? XD
    15. Arch
      School is lonely. I have more than an hour before my next class starts.

      I know it wasn't.^^ Did you get saved?
    16. Aura
      LA is now a funny place to me. Kind of. xD

      ...It appears I was unable to spell in that last VM. B| *Will edit* I should probably go to bed earlier so I don't wake up so tired in the mornings to the point I can't type correctly. Then again, I don't want to. XD Anyway, do you want to know how many episodes there are?

      I knew you had quite a few characters, I just didn't know if you brought them all out. XD But yay! 8DD I wonder if the RP will move along quickly like last night. ._.
    17. nasirrich
      Wow lucky... Wait why go to suma school for that? Aren't you ruining your suma?
    18. Aurangzeb56
      Nice i think :P well trying not to get bored so told my bro to get me something to eat :P AND downloading suicide Girls XDD
    19. Aura
      8D Yes. Now I just keep imagining that'll happen whenever I go out to downtown and stuff. ._. XD

      Yeah. I've kind of thought of re-watching the show, but I have a feeling I'll be like, "NO, NO. HE'S BAD. OH GOD, THAT PERSON IS GOING TO DIE LATER ON. WHYYYYY?!" XD
    20. nasirrich
      Wat you can do that?-_-