Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. Arch
      I know. 8D8 Everyone is online and posting. @-@ Except Flamedancer. XD But other than her...@-@
    2. Aura
      In a way, yes. It's LA so it's pretty dangerous here if you're a girl. ._.

      I'll make her use her shockwaves ability, but I'll just make her be a bit hesitant about it. And I'm surprised it's not moving along quickly at this time of night. @-@
    3. Arch
      8D8 Very exciting. Your bad guys always make it so hard to stay safe!
    4. Aura
      Oh wow. I'm so glad it's helping you though. D: I'd probably would like to do that here if I ever felt like walking, but I can never leave my house unless I have someone with me. <<

      XD I just made my character vulnerable for now. Hopefully nothing goes out of control. ._.
    5. Aura
      That's understandable. But does exercising help you when you feel depressed? D:

      Hm. Alright. Try again. I kind of had something planned. XD If your character was all, "BWAHAHA. I HAVE YOU NOW." Mine would just try fighting back. 8D8 Hopefully she doesn't try to make my character all invisible again.
    6. Arch
      << You can keep trying. 8D8 Or tell Shadox to tone down her powers since know...
    7. Aura
      Indeed. XD

      I just...stay where I am when depressed. ._. But I haven't been like that in a couple days so eh. Exercising while upset is good though. Lets you release it all out. 8D8

      I know. I had to edit my post like three times. >< It went by way too quickly. And I was thinking of making one of the nets get me. >>
    8. Arch
      At least we didn't get abducted by aliens! I mean...her!

      Aw. How's your stomach? Does it need a tummy rub? XD
    9. Arch

      Yeah. Apparently she abducted everyone else. Since "the three" seems to be Twilightblader, Aura, and Demon Angel's characters.

      *Squishes you* That's it? What'd you drink?
    10. Aura
      He trolls Bleach fans. B| It's bad.

      That's good, though. 8D Exercising is good for the heart. I just never do it because I'm lazy. XDX
    11. Arch
      ; ; You forgot about me!

      Is she doing any better? You should sleep.

      ...And what did you eat?
    12. Aura
      Well, it has to do with Bleach's creator. XDD Kubo Tite.

      I tend to do it every now and then. XDX And yes, we're happy about that too. He's also exercising so that's a plus as well.
    13. Arch
      You didn't answer. ><
    14. Aura
      I've been making typos since yesterday. ._. And the typos I made eventually turned into an inside joke with my friend and I. XD

      I am now thinking of my future. XD Wow. And, yeah. Except, this was my dad's second attack. >< He had a stroke when I was about 7 or 8. He didn't learn then, but he finally learned this time.
    15. Aura
      Oops. XDD My bad. I can't type today either. *Edits it*

      That's sweet! DD: I sometimes feel the same way, but I know I'd probably feel odd if I adopted and never had kids of my own. Yeah, we're making sure he doesn't drink any beer too. >< That messed him up too so we're keeping an eye on that as well. But he hasn't drank any since the heart attack so I think he's learning. And you're welcome. :glomp:
    16. Aura
      Aww. ; ; Well, at least his daughter will adopt kids. 8D I'm sure it'd make him really happy. And yes, he's a lot better. He went back to work on Monday, but he's been going to the doctor's every once in a while just to check up on him and stuff. And you're welcome. 8D You're very good at doing fabdubs too.
    17. Aura
      Oh, I see. Well, his dream is very sweet and caring of him. 8D My mom tends to talk about adopting too, but we don't have the money or room in our house. D: Has your dad ever talked about it to your mom though? And it is. >< My dad had a heart attack last week so we're trying to make him eat healthy and stuff. I never saw that movie. D: Was it good? No hidinggg. ; ; The fandub was really good. 8D Seriously. I liked it. ^^
    18. Aura
      Oh yeah. ._. She's not at an age to even have kids. Aww. That's sweet. Do you think he'll ever do it? 8D Yeah, I hate my brothers for it. XD I'm the one here that tends to be dying of something. ._. And then there's my mom's multiple problems and then there's my dad with...high blood pressure that can give him another heart attack. >< And, ah. Alright. Take your time. But I hope you find it. ; ; Psh. Screw the pretty princesses. They're not all that wonderful. B| I shall watch it right now though. 8D
    19. Aura
      Wow. @-@ My mom was in her 30s when I was born. I think. I'm terrible at math so yeah. XD But yeah. She's 50. >> No more children for her. Plus, my family's not all that healthy. We're all sick with something. Especially my parents and I. I think my brothers are the only ones that have nothing that is wrong with them though. B| *Glares at them* XDD You're welcome. Why do you think I love your story so much? 8DD The silly stuff are usually the best kind, in my opinion. XD Never really tried doing a fandub though.
    20. Aura
      Oh, I see. Well, I'm sorry he has that. My mom wants another kid. We don't know if she's playing or being serious. But whenever she brings it up, I tell her that the child would end up having down syndrome. She's all like, "NO, NO, NO." B| And you're welcome. 8D You're writing is wonderful. Both in story writing and just talking. Aw. Why not? D: