Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. Arch

      No more putting it on pause. XD
    2. Arch
      Type faster. 8D8 *Squeeze*
    3. Aura
      I know. I don't know how many I have left though. DX :glomp:

      Your RPs are always interesting, but I wouldn't know how to bring my character in since I'm guessing it's pretty far. ._. And...Lol. I almost put "interneting" instead of "interesting". XDD
    4. Aura
      Don't be worried. DD: I have another doctor's appointment in a month(lol yes.) for a physical check up and blood work so I'll be telling my doctor that the heartburn medicine she gave me wasn't helping. But I'll be continuing to take the pain killers they prescribed to me. Those are actually helping.

      Ahh. XDD Well, at least you have fun in it every now and then. I finally joined an RP ZERO told me to join and that is the first time I've RPed in a while. ._. Kind of feel like RPing more now. 8D8
    5. Arch
      I know. XD My character will now protect yours. >8D More or less. He was just trying to follow the others but got forced to get involved. *SQUISH* Reply soon. 8D
    6. Arch
      *Squishes* 8D *Squishes again*
    7. Arch
      Long postttt. D: I couldn't make mine so long. ; ; But I tried. B|
    8. Aura
      You should be. I need to laugh more. XD I'm hoping the same thing. I got scared a while ago, so the pain kind of got worse. DX

      D: Didn't want to reply?
    9. Aura
      XDD That made me laugh. I'm kind of thinking the same thing.

      A lot of numbers. @-@ At least you're done! 8D
    10. Arch
      Double post? It only means twice the attention from you. 8DD

      *Goes to reply*
    11. Aura
      Same here. The pain usually comes if I laugh too hard, cry, scared/surprised, or it just randomly comes. ><

      Ah. Never really took a online test. How many questions do you have to answer?
    12. Arch
      *Finds you* *Abducts* 8DDD

      << Alright then. >< Take your time but hurrryyy.
    13. Arch
      Then I'll just look for "Here and There" street. ^^

      ...>> Put "Yes" for all of the answers.
    14. Aura
      I never really felt nausea whenever I get the pain or anything. They had asked me if it was discomfort or pain, but I said it was actual pain.

      She reads quick. ._. And alright. Are you taking the test online? O.o
    15. Arch
      B| Then I'll get to YOU. Then take the movie. Then abduct yo- <<

      Almost done? ^^
    16. Arch
      Now? D: Bring the movie to me. B| Not with links. D8<

      I'm sure it is. ^^ Almost tempted to watch it.
    17. Aura
      Yeah, thank you. They did X-Rays the second time I had gone to the doctor, but everything was normal. I'm kind of thinking it might have to do with my heart, but the pain is in the center of my chest, and if it randomly comes very briefly, it can go to my right or left side. But if the pain is pretty strong, always on the center. >< It hurts right now.

      D: Well, my chapters aren't very long so I think you'd be able to read through them quickly. A friend of mine read them in less than half an hour. @-@
    18. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Summer school? D: that really sucks!
    19. Arch
      ...Never heard of it. But knowing you, it's only obvious you'd pick that. XD I just don't know why.
    20. Aura
      Chest pain. ._. Started a month ago. At first, it was only my asthma so I went to the doctor and got new inhaler. They helped for a few days, but then the chest pain returned and only the pain. It got really bad one day to the point I was crying, in the fetal positon and trembling. << Went to the doctor that day, they gave me this medicine that is meant for the muscles, it helped, but the pain kept coming back every now and then. Went to the doctor again the week that just passed and apparently it's heartburn so they gave me medicine for that. Hasn't helped at all. The pain has now come back completely.

      I have nineteen chapters done. ._. What chapter did you last read?