Last Activity:
Nov 12, 2016
Mar 31, 2007
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June 4
In a house...
Great friend and movie producer lol


Traverse Town Homebody, Female, from In a house...

hidden_light was last seen:
Nov 12, 2016
    1. AnimeGirl104
      Well you were playing with her too....*pouts*
    2. AnimeGirl104
      Thing were never the same between us before Kairi came along..... I guess I kind of felt bad for her since she was the new girl and didn't have any friends on the islands...
    3. AnimeGirl104
      Oh Riku..... I should've realized how much I loved you back then.....
    4. AnimeGirl104
      Oh, Riku.... I was looking for you, you know that... and you know that the moment I woke up from....something or other that I STILL can't remember..... anyway, I was looking for YOU, you know that....
    5. AnimeGirl104
      She told him that you replaced him with Donald and Goofy...
      But I would never do that!
    6. AnimeGirl104
      You know how when you got to that house Cid told you about Maleficent, Sora?
    7. AnimeGirl104
      uh-huh.... and where exactly did you go off to anyway...?
    8. AnimeGirl104
      Yes but the gummi ship wouldn't even fly with how much you were a grumpy guss back then.
      Now that you mention it... you never told me how the heck you got away so fast. I just turned my back for a second and you went poof!....where did you go anyway...?
    9. AnimeGirl104
      I just teasing you Riku... I just wish Donald would've just let you come with us.*pouts*
      Meh, Donald must've known what would've happened if Ri DID come along the gummi ship. NYyeeaAAAOOOOR...*fakes crashing noise*
    10. AnimeGirl104
      Uh-huh, I could also see that you put on too much eyeliner. Who knew the darkness could make someone such a girl?*evil smirk*
    11. AnimeGirl104
      I've been playing KH1 all say pretty much.
      *is now at agrabah*and oh MY GAWD I just sealed the Traverse Town Keyhole and IO realized something in that scene where Sora and Riku reunited. Sora was tottaly checkin' Riku out.XD
      Was not! I was making sure he wasn't another mirage or something!>-<
    12. AnimeGirl104
    13. AnimeGirl104
      Heh, they're probably back in their world...
    14. AnimeGirl104
      and you know, I kind of wondered something.
      What do you think happened to the dalmations after KH1?o.O
      Oh my gawd those puppies were adorable.>w<
    15. AnimeGirl104
      I kept going under the waterfalls for a little zen meditation stuff.XD
      Now that you mention it I never realized this but at that scene where the Heartless invade the islands when Sora's reaching his hand to Riku while the darkness is covering them Sora was SO CLOSE to grabbing Rikus hand.
      Don't remind me....
    16. AnimeGirl104
      You have to admit it was fun though.^-^
      Of course.... There was a point where he didn't talk to me for a week when I brought her to the secret place...
      I could see why, it was supposed to be just you and Riku in that place.
      I still love how its like right next to a pool of water with little waterfalls.
    17. AnimeGirl104
      Now that you mention it, were you two always fighting with those two swords or did you start fighting for her when she came to the island?
      ......That is none of your business.
    18. AnimeGirl104
      Sorry! I didn't mean to draw you that bad!
      Wait.... so what was with the drawing with that hand giving the paopu fruit....
      I may have liked Kairi back then, but.... I knew she was out of my league. And Riku... back then I though he wouldn't feel the same so... I did that instead of actually giving the fruit to him... To be honest I didn't expect Kairi to finish it up...
      She knew you loved him... She got a hug while Riku got the friggin waterworks.XD
    19. AnimeGirl104
      and he has a permanent reminder about how he had the hots for Kairi.XD
      I did not have the hots for her! and that drawing wasn't of Kairi! It may have looked like her but it wasn't!
      ...It wasn't?
      When we drew it... Kairi said that we should draw our best friend...She drew me.... but... Riku and I have pretty much been best friends since we were babies...Kairi never changed that.
      wait... so that was supposed to be Riku?
      Yep... pretty bad drawing, though.
    20. AnimeGirl104
      Well I knew what he was mentioning... I thought he was just teasing me though.^-^
      and then there was the part that before the race he says the winner got to share a paopu with Kairi... Sora, you looked so nervous about that.
      Well yeah, I liked Kairi back then but that was then!
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  • About

    June 4
    In a house...
    Great friend and movie producer lol
    I love music and games, writing and movies, roleplaying and reading.

    I have hobbies? o_O
