Last Activity:
Jul 24, 2010
Jul 20, 2010
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1:11 PM
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William Levy's pants ;) <3


Moogle Assistant, from William Levy's pants ;) <3

♥~Chappy~♥ was last seen:
Jul 24, 2010
    1. nasirrich
      Hmmm ok I guess we got to know a little bit more about one another, and I also play sports but not legit ones. Like street ball, and street soccer like that. Where all the rules can be broken, and you can do mad crazy tricks.
    2. Zsofi13
      Well...There's not a lot to tell.....I love to play computer games,I love rollerskating,I like to listen to music and sometimes I draw.And I ride a horse every month.Oh and I like to walk with my dog,Kenny.He's a Yorkshire Terrier and he's so cute.
    3. ^_^Xion^_^
      si estoy en MSN
    4. ^_^Xion^_^
      Be right there...!!
    5. ^_^Xion^_^
      Okay I'll log in quick, b/c I have visitors...
      Okay I'm on my way!
    6. ^_^Xion^_^
      Si, pero no lo uso...
      I haven't heard a lot of that problem just a little...
      Berenice told me something on accident so I haven't seen Aylin the same way anymore.
      I feel bad for her...
    7. ^_^Xion^_^
      It's only if you want to...
      And I know things too.
      Is it about her family?
    8. ^_^Xion^_^
      yep ^.^"
      Nope I haven't...what's her number again?
      I kind of haven't unpacked all my stuff from moving >.<
    9. ^_^Xion^_^
      That sounds good but idk yet.
      First we wait to see if I have any plans >.<
    10. ^_^Xion^_^
      lol, sorry I was day dreaming haha ^.^"
      Umm, how about next week?
    11. ^_^Xion^_^
      lol, yes I'm still here... *knocks back*
    12. nasirrich
      Yea sure thing Anytime
      Ok sure thing...
      Im a very realible person who can make friends very easily and is obssed with anime... Anime All Day Tcking Out Cars, Kingdom Hearts Games, Going to new places, Metting new people, Anime Conventions, Utada Hikaru I lover her singing so much. How's that is that good... Oh yea and if you look in my wide varity of kick ass pics you can see wat I look like. But I'm going to upload some more pics wen I find that damn usb cable.-_-
    13. ^_^Xion^_^
      I'm not done yet...
      I'll show you when I finish ^.^"
      PLEASE no rushing me okay?
      Encontre un guapo galan hahahaha
      Nos fuimos a nadar y el estaba there.
      So se quito la blusa 8D
      hahaha puero he was cool...
    14. nasirrich
      Hey please don't put yourself down like that ok. Its not good to do that. I mean hey if you have never tried it then now's a goot time to. I mean you don't have to be like mad good at it.

      You just have to know that you tried and the fact that you did should be good enough. And hey you never know you may actual like it.

      So if you fell that uncomfortable rp-ing. Then that's ok I mean people do have there like safe zones I guess you can say. I'm not gonna force you do rp all I'm going to say is that if you ever want to. I'm here and I know mad people that love to as well ok.^ ^
    15. ^_^Xion^_^
      lol, well I love your part not mine!
      So I'll let you read it when I done...
      I'm not even done and it's a page long lol xD
    16. nasirrich
      Lol yea I'm kinda doing the same. And yea there's tons... Like rp-ing with people its very fun you should try it.^_^
    17. nasirrich
      I'm doing very good thank you. And yourself if you don't mind my asking?^^ ^^
    18. Korosu
      Hey..thanks for the add ^^
      how are you?
    19. ^_^Xion^_^
      lol, you don't xD
      Or do you?!
      Jk ^.^"
    20. NightofNights
      Well I like to read and wright, I love to play video games X3 and I like to sew and cook as well^^
      I have to go now talk to you later^^
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  • About

    William Levy's pants ;) &lt;3
    Yeah, like if I'm actually that stupid to give information like this.

    Anime/Manga,Cooking,Writing,drawing,photography,Soccer/football,fashion design,video games,reading


    ♪~Y cada que pienso en ti
    Se enciende mi corazón
    Y nada es más triste que hoy
    Hablar de ti~♫