Last Activity:
Oct 3, 2020
May 26, 2007
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Hopefully a pharmacist soon.


Hollow Bastion Committee, Female, from BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU'LL NEVER FIND OUT!

We have statuses now? Sep 18, 2012

Firekeyblade was last seen:
Oct 3, 2020
    1. HellKitten
      Yes o_O I always say bloody. 300? Plz thats cheap. Normally they are around 900 NOT including shipping.
    2. HellKitten
    3. HellKitten
      I get sick easily and recover easily. I have small side affects the day after I get sick or so but normally I'm better.
    4. P
      Somewhat. We aren't allowed them without Teacher permission. Some allow ipods and the like on occasion.
    5. chula-claire
      Yeah, it's no prob =] I like this other song I picked too, there's too many to choose from :D
    6. HellKitten
      Yes, yes. Much better. At least, when I'm walking up my school stairs I'm wondering if I'm actually going to make it up those four flights.
    7. HellKitten
      Ouch. What a failure for him.
    8. *TwilightNight*
      No, not really. I'm not even sure why is lasting so long, but, after Axel and Rei finish their treats, they'll be leaving.

      We still need Nymph, though. I think her presence will liven things up, and I wish I could let her know how much she is needed. And I want a Roxas [don't know what happened to the kid who asked for him], but I can't be Naminé and Axel while having him. That would be too much xD.
    9. *TwilightNight*
      Ohhh, okay. I was wondering. And yes, it would be nice to see how Nymph is. As I said before, I would do it, but, I don't want to be the one pestering her too much. I really need her for Twilight High, because, trust me, when she comes back as Larxene, the whole thing will revive.
    10. HellKitten
      Fine. Then you did.
    11. *TwilightNight*
      Was it really that stressful for you? I didn't even notice it was that bad, I mean, I thought it's more easier reading. Then again, I remember we plunged through 10 pages in a night. *sigh* Those were the days. Is not that deathly boring, since I have been in a few RPs, and me and Deathsight are planning one now, it just...isn't the same. Rivals had a nice thing going for it, but now, even CG doesn't come on any longer.

      And Nymph...-_-. I'm glad you sent her a message, though. It's weird, since she did say she had plans for her old RP. Wonder what's taking her.
    12. HellKitten
      I'll kill you...Nah jay kay jay kay, you didn't killz it.
    13. P
      No, we learn from the Cambridge Latin Course.^top^home

      I know High school gets worse. English teacher decided to let us just watch a movie while she marked tests, but half the class did that, half the class sat in the back and talked, and a quarter from both groups played with those geometrical shapes that stick together. (Someone brought them to school)
      That's not the annoying bit though. I figured that we were not going to get any work done, and watching Star Wars: Episode one was about as far from education as we could get, so I took out my gameboy with headphones, so it was quiet, but for some reason the teacher told me to get rid of it. You'd think that if we had to fritter the lesson, we should be able to fritter it in our own ways. After all, my actions were not impinging on others, unlike the talkers, so surely I was justified?
    14. chula-claire
      Oh, fishhooks :D I'll change mine. U had it first .n_n.
    15. P
      Sorry, first year in Latin, I'm currently thirteen, soon to be fourteen. We have learned about Roman baths, the Colosseum, schooling and houses of rich men on the history side, while on the language side we have only learned the present tense, imperative tense perfect tense and imperfect tense for verbs, while for nouns we know nominative, accusative and dative. We have gone over the comparative and superlative in their regular states too.

      It was specific bits of history we covered. Not so much history, more culture that just happens to be in the past. One bit I am sure I failed on was where we were given two pictures, one of a roman mosaic of actors getting changed and one picture of the Colosseum. We has to write the differences between their theater and ours, showing evidence from the photos. I know a fair bit about Roman theater but I couldn't relate it to the pictures. So out of five points I had to give, two of them were true, but not related to the picture, while one of the ones that was related to the picture merely pointed out that the Romans lacked lighting and moving floors like some theaters of today.
    16. P
      Ah... Test over. I like the language, and I think I did well on that area, but I am certain I failed miserably on the history section.

      I am going to guess you are 15-16, because you mention participle and so far I have not had that mentioned in my first year of high school.

      Then again, we could just be the same age, but have different latin programmes. Which do you think?
    17. P
      Uh, you do know I wasn't being entirely serious, right? I occasionally come up with that sort of stuff. For example, at one point in my life I wanted to be a tissue artist. I layered tissue upon tissue then toilet paper into a small ball that became steadily bigger. I had to stop, as people were unable to wipe their bums.

      I like random stuff. And odd stuff.

      Ah well. I'm logging off in a few minutes. I have a Latin exam and a Maths exam. The maths is an advanced one for all the bright math kids, but I have to do it too. The Latin I should manage on, provided I get enough time.

      See ya around!

      By the way, how old are you? I'm just slightly curious, not a creepy old man trying to cook you in an oven.
    18. P
      Well the truth is...


      What H-V and you said really stung. I'm just going to phase out of here quietly, no fuss...


      Yes, I am fine! The reason I haven't been quite as active is exams, and there is not too much here at the moment, so I am just lurking. I'm still online as much as ever, I am just invisible.

      But what actually did you say? I remember H_V snapped at me (Again, all resolved and in the past) but what did you do? I remember you mentioning certain... ah... Bodily fluids, but that was it.

      Now a quick joke:
      Q. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the toilet?
      A. It has a silent P.
    19. *TwilightNight*
      Well, I did say he writes coherent sentences and paragraphs, never said anything about grammar mistakes and punctuation xD. That's a problem for some, I think. But, he's not that bad in terms of being able to understand.

      You know...I miss...the past T-T. I miss Rivals [the people there left long ago], then there's Nymph, CG hasn't appeared at all, chula is so and so, and now...what? The good ol' days. It's saddening. I haven't spoken to Heaven's Angel [DestinyStar] either.
    20. *TwilightNight*
      I don't know about good RPer, he's not exactly the greatest. But, usually, that doesn't really matter, as long as he writes coherent sentences and paragraphs.

      The problem is his power-playing.
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  • About

    Hopefully a pharmacist soon.
    Heh. I'm all alone now.

    Trying to break out of the failure zone. Still haven't. Probably never will but that's okay. I'll keep trying. Mistakes keep happening but that's how it always is.


    Sig by Saxima
    The following are what has most likely happened to me if I am absent from greatest to least.
    1. School is smothering me. 2. I gained a social life. 3. Computer or internet problems. 4.Some accident happened. (Note: #4 is a wildcard)
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