Apr 17, 2007
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    1. P
      Hardcore. I slightly envy that you've read EP6, but I feel superiority in knowing I'll have to wait less for EP7.

      I'm working through EP3 at the moment. Even now, the troll is amazingly believable.
    2. P

      I go to the website to get the patch. On the front page:
      "Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch
      Translation: 0% Editing: 0%"

      I guess Beato comes back, then dies again. Or something.
    3. P

      Read some more. A few of them make no sense what-so-ever. Others are pure comedy. All are canon AFAIK.

      I already find the names of EP5 and EP6 to be spoilers. Honestly, End of the Golden Witch? Dawn of the Golden Witch? So far, EP5 lived up to its name, so I can only assume EP6 will too. I am fully expecting a resurrected Beato. I wonder how long I can go before being told the name of EP7?
    4. MandyXRiku4ever
      About to go Out with my family....:why?:
    5. MandyXRiku4ever
      Hi :3 how are you?
    6. P
    7. P
      I'm safe, except for Erika actually being a washed up corpse. Goddamn TV Tropes. Someone decided to post that on the strictly EP5 theories page, when someone simply guessed "Something bad will happen to Erika."

      Erika's not worse than Bern. Read the Witches' Tanabata. That'll thoroughly convince you.

      BTW, I use the old skin, so if you want to type spoilers, put them in white.
    8. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      Good to hear that the manga is better. That usually happens with a lot of visual novels that get made into other types of media. Well I better get back to the game. I've kinda spoiled myself since I watched the anime first but I don't think it will be that bad.
    9. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      I hear that the manga is more faithful to the sound novel and it seems to capture the mood better than the anime as well. Apparently the anime skipped a lot of things due to time constraints. I actually started playing the sound novel last night. It's very interesting and the music that it has is very fitting for the scenes. Where are you in the game?
    10. Plums
      Agreed 8D

      The Al Pal Legion does not except late replies.
      You must now find the sum of 2 + 2 for forgiveness.
      SOLVE IT OR DIE. c:

      I haven't listened to some in a while, so I've probably forgotten them too @.@
    11. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      Yea I'm a fan. I just started playing the sound novel and it's pretty awesome. It beats the anime, which I happened to watch first, in almost everything.
    12. P
      EP6 has the first minute or so in English. The patch is very close by, so I'd personally recommend waiting.

      Theoretically, we can trust Erika's PoV. But in practice, she's hardly trustworthy. She lies about listening/climbing, simply because it can't be disproven, and it gets her red confirmation.
    13. P
      Did we ever get Erika's PoV? It's been a while since I've played, but I don't think we did.
    14. Roxas~N~Namine
    15. P
      Krauss' embezzlement is almost definitely present for all games. The child? We don't know.

      As a rule of thumb, doubt whatever you can. The only truths in the games are the detective's vision and the Red Truth. And in EP5, only the Red Truth.
    16. P
      lol, I've already read EP5. I haven't read EP6 yet though, so if you read that, spoiler tags are greatly appreciated.

      Don't worry, the end of EP5 isn't fact for all games. Of course, Battler-kun isn't the culprit. Battler is neither the culprit nor an accomplice.

      Let's take a quick look at how 'truth' in Umineko works. There is the true truth, which is what the red truth gives. However the only thing defining the way the story turns out is people's ability to present an alternate viewpoint. For example, if Battler surrendered in the fourth game, the escape would become fact. Kinzo would have held onto life, killed six people at the start, etc. However because he fights against it, and rejects it, it gets set aside while they play another game. If Beato had not responded with the red for the small bombs theory, everyone would have been blown up by small bombs. In the fifth game, it's slightly different. Due to plotting between the witches, Bern and Lambdadelta don't fight to get the true truth, and instead use the laws of the world to play cat and mouse with Natsuhi. They constructed a false truth, which would have become fact, as it was the only truth presented. Battler then threw his theory about him being the killer in there, and that made two possible truthes. Of course, both can't be true, but both are symultaniously valid. So the game again is put aside, and we move onto the next one.
    17. P
      Glad to hear you've seen the light. I honestly can't think of any scene the anime did better than the SN, and I'm defining 'better' as 'I'd choose to watch that scene in the anime instead of reading it'. You'd think the action scenes would be better, but most of them were horribly adapted. RIP, Musou-Rosa.
    18. P
      Oh good. Did you torrent them, or buy them? Got EP5/6 yet?

      Who did Varrus lose the legions to?
    19. P
      I recognised "ahaha.wav" before I saw the image. Does this mean you're finally playing the Umineko SNs?

      Who is it who says that quote in your usertitle? I recognise it from Roman history, but I don't remember who said it.
    20. Plums
      Stardust captured the Wild Ansem!
      Ansem's data has been uploaded to the Pokedex:


      What would you like to nickname him?

      It's the song that plays when you are in a fight in Roxas' Awakening and the End of the World

      *is that much of a nerd that I know about a fifth of the songs*
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