Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2013
Dec 20, 2009
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5:03 AM
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Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
In the always forgotten dream
Your worst nightmare~


Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 28, from In the always forgotten dream

I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I don't wish tonight. Jul 24, 2013

NightofNights was last seen:
Dec 5, 2013
    1. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      Yea, Iam pretty lucky.
    2. adamboy7
      lol :D what if somone gets permision, do they still get eaten?
    3. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      That does suck, I'm lucky to be an only child.
    4. adamboy7
      Cool, why are there demons under your bed and not in their danionsion? :D
    5. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      oui, that would suck bad.
    6. adamboy7
      Ohh, whats through this door? *opens it and sees a room of many doors and stairs with different gravitys* (kinda like that one painting) COOL! *echo*
    7. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      I've officially adopted you out of your family into mine then, you my new sis, lol.
    8. adamboy7
      luckily i dont know him :D *takes shoes off so i do not track mud* you have a very nice house :D
    9. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      Oh, fun you have siblings, hate um?
    10. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      lol, Nothing, my life is boring right now.
    11. adamboy7
      what do you mean yet? :D
    12. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      yea, self survival kicked in, it's all better now.
    13. adamboy7
      Ah, hello, i came over to come say hi and ask if i could hangout for awhile, but apearently your cat can talk and btw, it stole the bill i made for you, and wont let me in, do you have any keys? :D
    14. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      no, just me..... Imma go fix it before I die now...
    15. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      lol, maybe ahe won't think it was me......
    16. adamboy7
      its not worth much, i can get you the real thing, if not more! :D
    17. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      I set my mom's alarm clock three hours early for my own amusement.....
    18. adamboy7
      will $100,000 work?
    19. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      Yup, that's true, I'm gonna die tomarrow...
    20. adamboy7
      ill pay you a salmon if you let me in :D
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  • About

    Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
    In the always forgotten dream
    Your worst nightmare~
    I'm that feeling you have when someone's watching you yet when you turn around, and no one's there.
    Though really I'm just a girl who's trying to make it out in this world. My first Kingdom Hearts game was "KH:358/2 days" for the DS and I fell in love with Roxas~ <3
    The only other game that I've played was "KH: Recoded", and have yet to finish it. The last Nobody is soooo hard to beat D: I swear to god it's roxas!! (haven't seen or read anything about Recoded and dont plan to ruin it for myself)|
    But I am planning on getting a PlayStation so that I'm able to play the other games. :)

    Things I like? Music, friends, RPGing and walking in the rain at night.^^ I love walking through the forests around my home town and just having a warm cup of coffee :) I love coffee <3


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    -Thanks to the amazing Nights for the Amazing signature! <3