Ars Nova
Nov 28, 2009
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Hell 71

Ars Nova

Just a ghost., hungry, from Hell 71


Miracles do happen Dec 17, 2019

    1. Laplace
      And that's why GG is the only fighting game that has appealed to me up to now, you need to actually have some skill and remember most of the imputs to play the game right.
    2. Laplace
      Not really, it just depends how high the enemy is + How fast you press that button.

      However, I should mention this was done on Training, and the enemy had the guard disabled, so if you give the enemy the chance to go into block before the next attack or even worse, if he bursts, you are pretty screwed.

      I have to try it into an actual battle, so just ignore this, lawl.
    3. Laplace
      Reminds me back when I had to use my dad's old PC and his old CRT monitor. XD

      And that really depends, I just actually did around a 103 combo with his Dust on Practice, I guess using his j.D does gives him heat close to no little or not at all, maybe you are playing a different GG where it does.

      I am playing XX#Reload, by the way.

      Unless you meant getting the energy to get hitted by your 5D to start the j.D massive spam, in which case it can be very tricky unless the enemy is very stupid.
    4. Laplace
      Yep, it works at 30 FPS thanks to Sega and it's ability to sh*t everything they touch but I can't complain since this TV is like 20 years old, I am very grateful the PS3s comes with the basic RGB cables. RoF has no problems as far as I know graphically.

      I know what you mean, but his 2 attacks repel the enemy while you put the 2D to charge the gauge and his j.D is just rape if you corner the enemy since you can spam it like hell, I once went to an over 50 hit combo just by pressing the Dust button over and over when I was bored on Practice. <_>
    5. Laplace
      Yep, I'll probably get Bayonetta or Resonance of Fate first, though. <.<

      And I really want to learn Faust, he is just lulz to play as, I also plays sometimes as Millia or Robo-Ky, but I prefer not to play the latter since he seems a bit too much... Overpowered?
    6. Laplace
      I am gonna get my PS3 by October, but I'll tell you. xD

      And I play mostly Ky and Potemkin, but I am experimenting with other characters and crap, though.
    7. MandyXRiku4ever
      When i first heard his name i spelled it like that too 'Sprothe' was how i spelled it.
    8. Laplace
      Yeah, thanks dood.

      I have to actually play BlazBlue though, I lack on a PS3 or a next-gen that isn't a DS for that matter, but I played Guilty Gear quite a few times.

      I will get a PS3 this year, though. :3
    9. Bareri-San
      Awesome BlazBlue sig is awesome. :lolface:
    10. Plums
      Serious Reply: I just started to use the Meteor Whammy with the pins that have 20+ of them available.

      Other Reply: The corner is for squares. I usually get in the middle :lolface:
    11. Plums
      It was okay at first.

      But when I was trying to get all the pins, I kept getting my ass handed to me by Ken Doi and the other Tin Pin leaders during a four way match. B|
    12. Plums
      He made Tin Pin.
      Everyone knows that game is the sex

    13. Plums
      AND Kariya.

      No one else matters after that. B)

      ...Maybe the Ramen guy.
    14. Plums
      Because your name means "New New", I shall now refer to you as NewNew Power. You should feel pleased.

      Also, you have a Beat avatar.
      Quick, Xaale needs to change back to her Josh and Mr. H one, then someone needs to get one of Megs ad one of Sho, and the cast of characters that actually matter in TWEWY will be on the forum. Gogogogo!
    15. Xaale
      It's from a webcomic called Hanna is Not a Boy's Name O: it's quite epic
    16. Janime6
      xD I just decided to alert you that I did...too.
    17. Janime6
      Ohey a gunsmoke avvy.
    18. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      I respond in the affirmative.
    19. Juicy
      I know, I have serious attachment to this place, I'm going to have withdrawal systems soon, when I'm off travelling for almost a month. xD
    20. Juicy
      Hah, its not like any of us can avoid this place. :3
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    Hell 71
    Past Usernames:
    Nouveau Nova
    ars nvoa
    Ars Wumbo
    Alolan Nova
    Default Name:
    Ars Nova


    "Any man that's half awake can spot a trap that's laid for him.
    But to stride in boldly with a plan to turn it on its ear, that is a marvelous thing."

    -Lord Bredon, The Wise Man's Fear

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