Blayz Mods
Last Activity:
May 14, 2023
Feb 20, 2010
Material Points:
Local Time:
12:20 AM
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Awarded Pins 4

Washington State
Experienced Modder

Blayz Mods

Set The World A Blayz, Male, from Washington State


I'm a modder who is trying to make it day by day like everyone else. May 10, 2019

Blayz Mods was last seen:
May 14, 2023
    1. Repliku
      That's good then. xD
    2. Aurangzeb56
      My pleasure ^^
    3. Repliku
      Can you give me the link or section? If it won't post at all, if you want to, send me the post in PM and I can look it over for script error. You may just be missing a ] or something.
    4. Aurangzeb56
      well here these were the only codes who were able to get ported without crashing the game so yeah heres thew complete list ^^

      Drive Forms (Allies )(Donald)

      Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 0000005A
      21cb992c 01000001
      21cb9974 0001000D
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E

      DW Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000323
      21cc382c 01000001
      21cc3874 000A0006
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E

      Sora: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 2e303031
      21cb9c58 7465736d
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      10340478 000001f4
      21cb9c74 00010007
      21c95088 00FF00FF
      21c9508c 00FF00FF
      20340488 06060606

      Valor Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 464c5442
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00020007

      Master Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 46495254
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00040007

      Final Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 46544c55
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00050007

      Anti Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 464c5448
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00060007

      Lion Sora:(Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 0000028A
      21cc0b14 0005000B
      21cc0acc 14000001
      21cb96ec 14000000
      21cfbe7c 005600B2
      11cef10c 0000077A

      KH1 Sora (MUSHBALLED):(Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 000006c1
      21cd2e74 00010007
      21cd2e2c 07000001
      21cfbe1c 005600BC
      11cef10c 0000076B
      21cd2e50 58455f50
      21cd2e54 2e303230

      DW Riku:(Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000819
      11cda01e 00000002
      21cd9fcc 01000001
      21cda014 00050006
      21cf06f4 58455F57
      21cf06f8 5F303130
      21cf06fc 425F5852
      21cf0700 5F464C54
      01cf0704 0000004C
      203403dc 000080BB
      40340C9C 00130001
      03020100 00000000
      11cef110 00000069 ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Original)
      11cef10c 00000317 ----------->Oathkeeper Mod (Use Dummies)

      Drive Forms (Allies )(Goofy)

      Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA400 0000005A
      21cb992c 13000001
      21cb9974 0001000D
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E
      21cfbe74 005600b2

      DW Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA400 00000323
      21cc382c 03000001
      21cc3874 000A0003
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E
      21cfbdfc 003f00ac
      21cb9a94 000a0003
      203400a8 005001f4

      Sora: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 2e303031
      21cb9a78 7465736d
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00010009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 000001f4

      Valor Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 464c5442
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00020009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      Master Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 46495254
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00040009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      Final Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 46544c55
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00050009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      Anti Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 464c5448
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00060009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      Lion Sora:(Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA400 0000028A
      21cc0b14 0005000B
      21cc0acc 14000001
      21cb96ec 14000000
      21cfbe7c 005600B2
      11cef10c 0000077A

      KH1 Sora (MUSHBALLED):(Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA400 000006c1
      21cd2e74 00010007
      21cd2e2c 07000001
      21cfbe1c 005600BC
      11cef10c 0000076B
      21cd2e50 58455f50
      21cd2e54 2e303230
      21cd2e58 7465736d

      DW Riku:(Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA400 00000819
      11cda01e 00000002
      21cd9fcc 01000001
      21cda014 00050006
      21cf06f4 58455F57
      21cf06f8 5F303130
      21cf06fc 425F5852
      21cf0700 5F464C54
      01cf0704 0000004C
      203403dc 000080BB
      40340C9C 00130001
      03020100 00000000
      11cef110 00000069 ----------->Weapon Mod (Use Original)
      11cef10c 00000317 ----------->Oathkeeper Mod (Use Dummies)
    5. EvilMan_89
      i guess as long as the post is relevant.
    6. Aurangzeb56
      yeah sure ill PM u the code when they are done ^^
    7. Aurangzeb56
      My pleasure ^^
    8. Repliku
      No problem. If you need help with codes, they have plenty in the coding section here.
    9. Repliku
      No, not really. I enjoy some codes but don't really do it.
    10. Aurangzeb56
      its cool ^^ and i hope u find the game ill port the codes in the evening ^^
    11. Aurangzeb56
      lol its cool ^^ and well downloading scans for Kingdom hearts 358/2 Days Ultimania :D and kk ill tell u :P
    12. Aurangzeb56
      yo nm u tell
    13. Aurangzeb56
      yeah sure i can ^^ but not right now,m a lil tired right now ^^"
    14. Aurangzeb56
      well the codes CAN be ported ^^"
    15. Repliku
      Nope, that's not how it works. xD
    16. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      ok that's fine! dang it I really wish I could get my kh2fm game to work cus the code vault has the best codes for it even better then the ones for ntsc.
    17. Aurangzeb56
      not all of them but i do have these,these are the only one i ported

      Drive Forms (Allies )(Donald)

      Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 0000005A
      21cb992c 01000001
      21cb9974 0001000D
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E

      DW Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000323
      21cc382c 01000001
      21cc3874 000A0006
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E

      Sora: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 2e303031
      21cb9c58 7465736d
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      10340478 000001f4
      21cb9c74 00010007
      21c95088 00FF00FF
      21c9508c 00FF00FF
      20340488 06060606

      Valor Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 464c5442
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00020007

      Master Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 46495254
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00040007

      Final Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 46544c55
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00050007

      Anti Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA3FE 00000062
      21cb9c30 58455f50
      21cb9c34 00303031
      21cb9c50 58455f50
      21cb9c54 5f303031
      21cb9c58 464c5448
      21cb9c5c 65736d2e
      21cb9c60 00000074
      21cfbe1c 005600b2
      20340478 005001F4
      21cb9c74 00060007

      Drive Forms (Allies )(Goofy)

      Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA400 0000005A
      21cb992c 13000001
      21cb9974 0001000D
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E
      21cfbe74 005600b2

      DW Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      11CFA400 00000323
      21cc382c 03000001
      21cc3874 000A0003
      2037b890 61786f72
      2037b894 00000073
      21CEF10C 0000076E
      21cfbdfc 003f00ac
      21cb9a94 000a0003
      203400a8 005001f4

      Sora: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 2e303031
      21cb9a78 7465736d
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00010009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 000001f4

      Valor Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 464c5442
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00020009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      Master Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 46495254
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00040009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      Final Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 46544c55
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00050009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4

      Anti Form: (Made By Aurangzeb56)
      21cb9a54 00303031
      21cb9a74 5f303031
      21cb9a78 464c5448
      21cb9a7c 65736d2e
      21cb9a80 00000074
      21cb9a4c 09000001
      21cb9a94 00060009
      21cfbe2c 005600b2
      20340660 005001f4
    18. AxelRedHot
      Hello! How are you? :)
    19. Aurangzeb56
      My pleasure ^^
    20. Aurangzeb56
      this sign ( * )
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  • About

    Washington State
    Experienced Modder
    Org # 15
    Default Name:
    Necro Malice
    I have Tourette syndrome and OCD and a Co-Diagnosed learning disorder

    Living Life is about being true to yourself, AND others and not let others get you down, don't give up on your dreams no matter what anyone says, someone special taught me that! 





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