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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. kairigirl22
      rofl yeah

      true and ya my couzin matt is like 100% gay and he gets me really awsome presents every year and my aunt tried 4 times for a girl and never got one so she spoils me on chirstmas and on my b-day rofl but nothin specific

      yeah well I got money from my mom's bestie and since she's like a billionare she was like here take 100 dollars and buy yourself something nice and also i'm babysitting for her on sunday and she pays like 70 bucks!!

      yup =] nah it's not that big and we don't have THAT much money but it's cost like max of 300 dollars and I think you need to spend at least 1,000 dollars to be on MTV and if I had the money FO SHO i would hire Robert Pattinson to come just so I could hug him!!
    2. kairigirl22
      yeah pretty much.... no regents exams (whatever those are) ^_^

      yeah it kinda does like i actually don't get a lot because i always get the "well christmas is in a month" so I get like one big thing and then like 100 dollars (which really is pretty good) and then at christmas I don't get a lot because i get the " well you just got a lot for your b-day" rofl and like my bro gets like what I get on christmas and for my b-day combined on his b-day and the same amount on christmas but whatevs I'm used to it

      nah nottin I'm goin to the mall today with my lindsay (even though there's been some tension) we're both broke but we're gonna go anyway rofl well not really we both have money but we're saving up to go to Texas to visit my aunt!! But I don't know if she can go because she's having some financail problems and my aunt can only pay for my ticket =[

      but anyway so no I'm not doing a party this year so that next year I can do one of those HUGE sweet 16's rofl ^_^ like I'm gonna rent out our rec center, higher a DJ and invite EVERYONE!! rofl
    3. kairigirl22
      you need 60 hours of community service, passing all of your classes (you can fail one as long as it's a electoral) ummm you need to pass the SAT's and a couple other little things (not exactly sure) rofl

    4. kairigirl22
      yeah i swear my school tries as hard as it can to not have us go to school =]we have like every holiday off and on big hollidays we have a whole week off rofl and we have two half a days every month oh and we ALWAYS have snowdays it's pretty sweet ^^

      ya lucky

      nah they kill my comp ^_^
    5. kairigirl22
      nah we got the whole week off and we get one off for christmas too =]

      thanx!!!!! =P
    6. kairigirl22
      sweet thanx again
    7. Bareri-San
      ima catching up to u~ >:]
    8. kairigirl22
      I have 5.5 it's old but it works
    9. kairigirl22
      whatevs it's still a WICKED good movie!!

      what the heck is a homminculi?
    10. HellKitten
      Your screen name will appear on your screen if you press F13
    11. kairigirl22
      omg the whole entire theatre was giggly when he took off his shirt!! (of course it was filled with girls rofl)

      WHY!? it's soooooooooooo good!!
    12. kairigirl22

      OMFG YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edward was SCARRY and there were some cheesy parts but it was A WICKED GOOD MOVIE!!
    13. HellKitten
    14. kairigirl22
      na but I heard it's pretty good

    15. HellKitten
      lolwut? Yeah, yeah, I guess. -sighs- I don't feel like typin' long story.
    16. kairigirl22
      lol thanx =]


    17. kairigirl22


      ya sadly... we're like bff's but since she's living in a one room apartment with her sister and her parents she's been all wierd and like ignoring me and stuff...... but whatevs

      wow..... rofl thanks again though
    18. kairigirl22
      ha ha ha... rofl ^_^


      it's ok =]

      yeah I was freaked so I punched him =]

      oh yeah tori and i were never enimies.... Lindsay and I are getting on eachothers nerves but tori and I have been tight lol

      rofl wow.... but ya it's an amazing song

      aww thank you!! i feel so speacial!! =] =] =] =] =]

    19. kairigirl22
      srry gtg i'll reply later
    20. Firekeyblade
      All right then.
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    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

