Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2013
Dec 20, 2009
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Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
In the always forgotten dream
Your worst nightmare~


Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 28, from In the always forgotten dream

I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I don't wish tonight. Jul 24, 2013

NightofNights was last seen:
Dec 5, 2013
    1. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      I've been bored out of my mind all day long
    2. Technic☆Kitty
      Not really *checks the conversation* I think I should be dead if I had to say one of my recent posts in one breath lol and I need your help to wake up, Im having a NIGHTmare, lol no pun intended.
    3. Technic☆Kitty
      I know this is two posts that you have to read *there was one before this* but before I forget, here is a song I posted it lol that ryhmed.

      At first I was just no-one
      and knew nothing of my destiny
      I was just a funny guy
      but there was more left to my story

      Through trials of pain
      of hate and fear
      through trials of loss
      I would shed more than just one tear

      One day I found out something
      that would change my life forever
      in birth I was seperated
      from my dear beloved twin sister

      Our father was evil
      our mother had perished
      I had to do something
      but the memories I cherished
      were all torn from her

      The man that we call father
      I had to stop him how
      in death father would be sealed
      and i would be gone

      But then I was saved
      by myself it would seem
      two pieces of me
      they both shared a dream

      That I would be happy
      and alive hopefully
      so they sacrificed themselves
      and they did it happily

      My sister was saved
      and now there's no doubt
      you should now go
      and check this story out

      But my stories not over
      I still travel on
      in the hopes that one day
      I will arive upon
      the times before
      when my cares were none
      and my troubles would be over
      all perished, all gone

      Ha, have you figured out what its about??? Here is the title.
      Gods of KH: My Song
      Technically it is based off our story but focus' more on me lol, it was fun to make and probably really long for you to read. Also, I am marrying Namine in the Roxas Club lol.
    4. Technic☆Kitty
      Yeah and I really didn't miss much, guess the wires aren't active today *wires referring to computers* ha ha, At least I didn't have to do much reading . . . *Looks at a random library* I don't like to read lol, nah I like reading but if I had Nights powers I would definitely pull a kakashi off of Naruto, read and fight... anyway, have you noticed that my posts in Gods of KH are getting longer, guess I am getting better at writing/typing and also have to much stuff to put . . . I don't like to wait to reply, I don't like to wait, I am not patient . . . Infact if I want to write something and nothing comes to mind I get so mad I just go walking rather than sitting and waiting for an idea and btw I am sorry if this message is really long I feel a little hyper right now lol
    5. KeybladeMasterJoe
      yep no worries ^_^
    6. KeybladeMasterJoe
      i didn't mean to confuse you.
      i still want to be just like a brother to you.
      i was just letting you know how i feel
    7. KeybladeMasterJoe
      i sent it, sorry if it surprize's you
    8. KeybladeMasterJoe
      hey im going to pm you, it's not bad but i just wanted to let you know something
    9. KeybladeMasterJoe
    10. KeybladeMasterJoe
      you still got an award so woohoo!!!!!
    11. #8-Axel
      ok see ta then
    12. #8-Axel
      hey non what are you gonna from my PM
    13. KeybladeMasterJoe
      im sorry you have so much work :(
      but i just finished my last day at school and now im free and a 9th grader ^_^
    14. Dman23
      uhhhhh see ya*waves* ^^
    15. Dman23
      hey NON whats up?
    16. nasirrich
      Me- Ummm I have no clue you were the one talking to her.*Then watches movie with you, and then remebers wat almost happened last time, and starts to blush a bit.*
    17. KeybladeMasterJoe
      you didnt respond back to my vm.
      now im sad :'(
    18. Technic☆Kitty
      Well just in case you don't get to it before it is lost in a thousand new posts. . . here it is, the epic battle, the one which im pretty sure we are the only two maybe three *Thinking of CR* are interested in. It took forever, and broke my brain a few times *I had to use a lot of duck-tape lol* Also control of Iccara is now Nights, you can just go ahead and take it if I am not on here when you want it so just be like thank you Night and then do a whole "And with the tranfer of Iccaras' power to Iccara, he was changed into a human" and you can thrown in a thank you Night or something lol that wasn't conceded right. Anyway here . . .

      Night: Still unconcious on the ground.
      Yin-Yang Night: *Still Chanting*
      Father: *Appears out of a tear in space* I'll teach you to mess with my daughter *Casts a swarm of darkness at YY. Night*
      Night: *Droizilly looks up to see the darkness rushing at Y.Y. Night in slow-mo* No you don't *Uses flash step to get in front of the darkness and stop it* You guys just keep it up *looks over his shoulder at Y.Y. Night* sorry for bringing you to life just to destroy you in the end.
      Y.Y. Night: *Wierd Two People Voice* We were happy just to be with you and everyone else . . . Aagghhhh *Energy of the Chant is tearing at there body* Buy us some time.
      Night: *Nods then turns head back to look at father* No the thing is you shouldn't mess with my sisTERRRRR!!!! *Rush's at Father while in full power form*
      Father: You think some little punk son of mine is going to stop me from reaching my goals??? Hah you couldn't even lay a punch on me. *teleports behind Night and slams elbow into his back*
      Night: *Hits knees and starts coughing up blood* Why yoouuuu!!! GRrraagghhhhh!!!! *Tries again to hit Father*
      Father: *Dodges every attack that is being thrown at him* You think you actually stand a chance *starts chukling* well when I finish you annoying punks off then I will finish my plans. *Stereotypical Villain Reveals Plan Moment* I am going to use, thanks to you, the newer powerful version of my *starts laughing* sweet little pumpkin to increase my power ten fold. Would you believe all I have to do is kill her *laughing harder*
      Night: *Stops shocked* Youu--- Yoouuuuuu--- Yoooouuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!! *Power starts surging from Nights body, the ground around him begins to crack and crumble* I am not going to seal you away . . . I AM GOING TO KILLLLL YOOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! *Turns into a full fledged demon*
      Father: What!!! *Gets knocked 1,000 feet into the air* How dare yo- huh??? *doesn't see Night*
      Night: *Scary demon voice* look behind you father *father turns around* Hiiaahhhhh!!! *Blasts father with an all out darkness blast* *Night turns back to normal and slowly starts falling*
      Father: *Barely able to get on a knee looks up and says* T-thats all you g-got, ha, you should know you can't kill me. *Notices Y.Y. Night*
      Y.Y. Night: He doesn't have to . . . he was just stalling so *stabs themselves with dagger* we could seal you away *falls to the ground*
      Father: No, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! *Gets sucked into a vortex*
      Night: One last thing *Sends a magic ball over to father* ill be taking back the memory of NoN hating you and the control of Iccara. *Ball comes back to Night* Hope you enjoy your stay *passes out*
      Father: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! *Vortex closes and father is gone*
    19. Technic☆Kitty
      Yeah so you ready for Father to finally be gone forever???
    20. Technic☆Kitty
      Sorry, I only destroyed the machine though.