Last Activity:
Oct 15, 2019
Aug 27, 2009
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6:54 PM
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Duel Acedemy
Student of Duel Academy


Moogle Assistant, from Duel Acedemy

Dman23 was last seen:
Oct 15, 2019
    1. #8-Axel
      ok then do that
    2. nasirrich
      Umm yea it is I neve made a clone of myself after that.*Teleports back to where I was.* Yea ummm you need to start to listen more.
    3. #8-Axel
      Yes it is the answer but I'll let you be sad if you got her back you would feel satisfied
    4. nasirrich
      Yooo congrats you just killed even more of your life force now. How dumb do you feel. I said can you find yourself, and that means that you killed all your clones. Wow tough, and fighting in the open isn't the best idea.
    5. nasirrich
      Wow your sad you know me for how long... And say I can't keep this up. If I wanted to I would have ended this battle a while ago, but no you really need the training.*Snaps fingers and tosses a blade.*That one....Ok now try again.*I make more clones of you.* Can you find yourself now.
    6. nasirrich
      Wow this is strange cause you weren't listening. I mean yes this is happeneing to me, but I wasn't using my Onix Slashes true potential. And of course you not paying attention feel right into my trap.*That clone then dies off into the wind.*
    7. #8-Axel
      THEN LEAVE HER!! Don't you get it why arn't you leaving her eave her but don't tell her she'll be all like"oh your cheating on me" and you can be like"so" you break her heart like she broke yours "vengance is the only antidote for a wounded heart"
    8. #8-Axel
      Ok I'll froget it
    9. nasirrich
      How this whole time wen I was explaing to you about the bloodline thing you were already in my illusion wen I activated my eyes. They move for a reason, and since you don't even know how to use them like I do you would have never known.*Then the illusion breaks and I'm in the sky while your being held by m clones. Then I make then fade away. You still need more help, Like I told you wat you may think that you have like me. Is nothing compared to the real thing.
    10. #8-Axel
      well then send me more then one
    11. nasirrich
      Hmph that's too bad cause being that slow won't help you do a thing. I blocked all that you did to me sorry.
    12. #8-Axel
      ok but just tell me what you need to tell me on it
    13. nasirrich
      That's it really come now you gotta do better then that.^^ ^^
    14. #8-Axel
      and why is that
    15. shidonic
      Hi, and...What DOES the d in dman stand 4?
    16. #8-Axel
      what... whats wrong with you
    17. #8-Axel
      yes thatis very true
    18. nasirrich
      Tch like I would let you bite me again.*Then makes that clone fade away and then snaps fingers to break open your ice skin.*Dude that type of protection is like not even worth my time. Ice skin is like a pre-k level form of protection. I can just blow on it and make it melt. It may seem strong to you, but I wasn't even using my full Onix Slash to its fullest.
    19. nasirrich
      *Then that me fades away and the real me Does an Onix Slash to break free from you stomach.* Wow that was a close one wasn't it.^ ^
    20. nasirrich
      *Has an even harder time breathing, and then starts to black out. But does Onix Slash on you.*This attack is wen a clone appears right behind a enemy wen I'm being choked and then Final Kicks it, and then slashes it very fast.**Then I am losing more blood on the ground.*
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    Duel Acedemy
    Student of Duel Academy
    A oblisk blue duelist

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