Forever Love
Last Activity:
Jan 1, 2014
Jul 18, 2007
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Shaping my life.

Forever Love

Life Without Limits, from Shaping my life.

Forever Love was last seen:
Jan 1, 2014
    1. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Nothing about reign; it's about her choice of where she wants to live since she's a Princess of Heart. We don't have to have a discussion about that, though. Since it mostly concerns Sora, I could just have Sora summerize the conversation sometime.

      xD After my next post, I'm off. See you later today, I guess. xP
    2. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Not really. xD After this, aren't we jumping straight to life on Earth?

      Oh, and I have to go soon. I suddenly can't focus on anything. xP
    3. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      It's a surprise. xD

      The news that 2 people can take care of the Heartless and 1 person can go home.
    4. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Umm...bad. xD He won't be there for a bad reason.
    5. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I think we are. x3 Just one thing I forgot to mention (an aspect I added in myself after these discussions). When Roxas first returns to Earth, he waits at Namine's house for her, but she isn't home. Be sure that you don't do anything involving Ty, because he won't be there. What's happening there will be a surprise for you. xP
    6. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Yeah, I totally get it. I think when the time comes, we'll be able to act everything out naturally. =)

      Situation #2:

      Okie dokie. =) Remember how in V2, Namine was recovering from the death of her Grandfather? And he had passed away on Christmas day? Kay, well, I had this idea that a little after Roxas is back (close to New Years--Before or after, I don't care), Namine would go to the grave of her Grandfather. Roxas would go to Namine's house and hear from her parents that she was there. He'd go to be with her in case she needed him, but right as he gets there, he sees her with another guy. She's happy to see him and gives him a peck on the cheek, and Roxas doesn't react to it well. He'll accuse Namine of betraying him, not letting Namine or the guy get a word in....

      Roxas would storm off and leave Namine alone, and she'd try to call him all through out the day and tell him who her friend was, but he wouldn't answer his phone. But the next day Kairi would call on behalf of Namine and tell Roxas that the guy Namine was with was her cousin, to whom she is very close. Roxas would realize his mistake and hurry over to Namine's house only to see that she and her family had left for a week long vacation to Hawaii or something.

      He'd really take it hard, and he'd try calling Namine throughout that week, but her cell phone is turned off. Not even Kairi hears from her during that week, since Namine wouldn't be in much of a mood to talk to anyone about the troubles. Roxas would know when she gets back, though, and he'd wait outside her house. But when he sees that she fell asleep on the ride home and her father carries her inside, he chickens out and heads for home.

      He would come back the next day and Namine's parents would say she's asleep in her room. They could know that something is up between them and be a little upset that he left her alone for 2 months. But they say Roxas can go check on her if he wants, and he does. He sits by her bed and starts talking to her apologizing and getting emotional over how stupid he was. When he gets up to leave, Namine would grab his wrist and tell him she was awake through the whole thing. A conversation could follow after that.

      That's all I got. xP
    7. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Here's everything I have in word:

      Alrighty. ;3 One of them is after the whole "Namine is sick" thing. A day or two of Namine being sick, and she insists Roxas sees Kairi, even if she may be hanging out with her "friend" (the prince). Roxas does so and visits and meets them and such (that can just be reviewed in a few posts, since it would be hard since I don't have any of the three characters. xP) But then Roxas returns to Namine's house and they talk about him... (more to come).

      Namine mentions something about how she could have somehow stopped Kairi from meeting him, and Roxas (being protective of Sora's feelings even though he isn't there), starts interrogating Namine and being a bit harsh with her, blaming her for the situation they were in. But then Namine would crack under the pressure and give Roxas a glimpse of what she had been through while he was gone and he would forget his anger and try to comfort her.

      I had a few things in mind...I'll just quick spit out a basic layout of the conversation. xP

      Namine-I could have stopped it from happening...
      Namine- If I had been with Kairi for those first two weeks like she wanted, she wouldn't have met him.
      Roxas- you left her alone? Why?
      (For this part of the conversation, we can just have Roxas and Namine go back and forth, as she avoids giving a direct answer). This was where some of Roxas' anger could come through.)
      When she finally answers, she could say something about the lonliness, the nightmares, the fright to even leave her house for two weeks...stuff like that. That was it for my idea. xD You can tie that in if you want, I just figured maybe since Roxas would be a bit darker and skeptical, since he believes his lie has been a lie.

      ^^That was it for the first scenerio. I'll post the second situation in my next message. And we should expand on your idea; that would be epic. x3
    8. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Um...I guess 2 days after Roxas is home, he'll go see Kairi and meet her new boyfriend and then he'll come back to see Namine and have a fight with her. (I have more detail if you need it). And then another scenerio that takes place a few days after that one.

      None taken. xD It was just something random I thought up. Your idea'll work much better. ;3
    9. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Yeah. Dx

      Whoa, that's intense. =) I like it. I just came up with something as well, but we wouldn't be able to do both ideas. =/ I was pretty much thinking Roxas could approach Riku and Sora right now and pick a fight with Sora and it would get physical. Roxas would come out on top, since Sora's already tired.
    10. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I couldn't find anything like that in my notes. Dx But maybe I just forgot to put that in.

      It would be inside? 0.o That would pretty much destroy the house. xD But anyway, go on. ;3
    11. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I'll look up my notes right now and get back to you. xD

      Oh? Do tell!
    12. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Which talk was that, exactly? xD I can't remember at the moment.

      Something between Sora and Roxas would be interesting. x3 You think it would get physically violent?
    13. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Yuppers. xD

      So, I'm just curious, do you have anything specific in mind for Roxas? I don't know why, but it feels like you're leading up to something really big with these posts about him. xDD
    14. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I can think of somebody in my life. xD But she never had cable, so she has an excuse.
    15. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Yay us! xD That just reminded me of "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody." Lol you ever see that show? With London always saying "Yay me!" ;P
    16. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Maybe I am tired after all. xD Oh well, I don't feel like sleeping.
    17. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T

      ...I was about to say 1:11, make a wish, but then I realized we're in different time zones AND the correct time to make a wish is 11:11. xD
    18. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Hi there! =)

      Just a heads up; I could randomly lose power. =/ It happened a little while ago for no reason, but it came back within a few minutes. So hopefully if it happens again, it'll come back just as quickly.
    19. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Buh-bye! =)
    20. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I think I can stay awake. =) I'm not tired at all for some reason. Have a nice time with your boyfriend!
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    Shaping my life.
    Music, writing, reading. IHeartCreativity. :3

