Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2013
Dec 20, 2009
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Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
In the always forgotten dream
Your worst nightmare~


Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 28, from In the always forgotten dream

I wish I may, I wish I might. Have the wish I don't wish tonight. Jul 24, 2013

NightofNights was last seen:
Dec 5, 2013
    1. KeybladeMasterJoe
      nothin much

      the analog stick broke off of my psp so i had to use a paper clip to realign what left in the analog stick area so i could use my internet. (the cursor kept movin since the piece of the analog stick broke off thats why i had to use paper clip to fix it)
      lol :D
    2. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*Is getting a warm feeling inside about your humming.* Wow I feel so happy again.^^ ^^*Then she starts to sing another song in japanese, but makes the wind with english.*
      Donna ko ga all your time to all your days
      Hitorijime shiteru no? Tama ni wa chigau mono wo

      Donna uta kanojo ni kuruma no naka de kikasu no?
      Agetai, kimi no shiranai CD ichimai

      Wow wow wow
      Docchi tsukazu no omowaseburi na hito

      Konya dou? Wan naito majikku
      Oh we dance so slow kantan na geijutsu
      Tomodachi no koibito to odotteru
      Oretachi no ichiyazuke no majutsu

      Motto motto motto motto motto aetara

      Keitei ni juutan wo shiite shaberou
      Jinsei mijikai irotoridori no seibutsu no mai

      Wow wow wow
      Daiji ni shina yo itsumo soba ni iru hito

      Mogitate no amai amai kajitsu
      Hold me now or go ichido kiri no chansu
      Tomodachi ijou magire mo nai jijitsu
      Konna ni mo ii kanji ni natteru

      Kiekakaru ongaku midarete wa sorou
      Kotoba ni takusenu omoi ga afureru
      Yurameite hikaru maru shikaku sankaku
      Tochuu de seki wo tatsu finaare wa mizu

      Konya dou? Wan naito majikku
      Oh we dance so slow kantan na geijutsu
      Hakuchou to fushigi shakou dansu
      Oretachi no ichiyadzuke no majutsu
      Motto motto motto motto motto aetara...
      *English wind makes it sound like this.*

      Who’s the girl who’s taking up all your time and all your days?
      Try thinking about something else once in awhile

      What songs do you play for her in your car?
      I want to give you a CD you’ve never heard before

      Wow wow wow
      You’re so indecisive, you’re leading me on

      How about tonight? One night magic
      Oh we dance so slow, a simple art
      Dancing with my friend’s lover
      It’s our one night magic

      If only we could see more and more and more and more and more of each other

      Let’s spread out a mat on the bottom of the ocean and chat,
      Life is short, creatures in all different colours swim around us

      Wow wow wow
      Treasure me, I’ll always be by your side

      Sweet, sweet, freshly-picked fruits
      Hold me now or go, you only have one chance
      You’re more than a friend, that much is obvious
      I’m feeling so good

      The music begins to fade, what was chaotic becomes orderly
      A feeling that can’t be put into words overwhelms me
      Circles and squares and triangles of light dance around
      I left my seat halfway through, without staying for the finale

      How about tonight? One night magic
      Oh we dance so slow, a simple art,
      A mysterious social dance with a swan
      It’s our one night magic
      If only we could see more and more and more and more and more of each other
    3. KeybladeMasterJoe
      hi non!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
    4. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*Starts to sing this song as well.*

      Me-*Was dreaming of us back then.*
    5. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*Starts to sing this song.*
    6. nasirrich
      Me-*Starts to fall fast asleep and sits in the warm water.*
      Kimberly-*Then wants to make sure that we rest up and regain our energy back so that's why she did that.*Sleep tight my children ok.^^ ^^*Then keeps humming the song while in the bath.*
    7. nasirrich
      Me- Damn she's so nice at singing.^^ ^^*Starts to move a bit while she sings.*
    8. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*Starts to sing the song that she did at the party.And makes the wind for the sound of the instruments.*

      My baby, there's something you should know
      About me, before you propose
      Although we have known each other for quite a while

      Whenever you need me
      I'm gonna try to make it through to you
      But I'm not always ready to
      When you are not watching
      I prepare myself for you
      But I worry that I might have been misunderstood

      I gotta tell you, I wanna tell you
      I can be lazy but I'll try not to
      Maybe I'm not a very honest person
      Right now you're sure that you love me
      But are you really sure that you know all about me
      Up and down and down down down down we go

      My baby, a lot could happen before tomorrow
      Think about the pain before you take another dose
      Who knows if it could be good for you after all

      Whatever you give me
      I'm gonna try to give you something new
      Not something you've already chewed
      When you are not watching
      I prepare myself for you
      Because this could be good

      What's buggin' you
      I gotta tell you, I wanna tell you
      I can be crazy when I don't want to
      Maybe I'm not a very honest person
      What if I don't want a baby yet
      Is it okay if I'm not cute and na¯ve
      Up and down and down down down down we go

      This could be good
      So I gotta tell you, I wanna tell you
      You can be shady... Whatcha goin' through?
      Maybe you're not a very honest person
      You say you're sure that you love me
      How could that be when you keep so much from me
      Turn the tables 'round, "round and 'round we go

      Right now you're sure that you love me
      But are you really ready to know more about me
      Up and down and down, 'round and 'round and 'round
      Where do we go
    9. nasirrich
      Me, and Kimberly-*Both of us are still bathing.*
    10. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*Starts to giggle a bit then goes to your room and changes in the second bathroom.But before that she takes a nice warm shower.*
      Me-Wow that's just...*Teleports to my room and bathes in a hot bath to chill, and relax.*
    11. nasirrich
      Me- Please just don't...*Pauses and sees Kim hug us, and holds us very tightly with tears rolling down her eyes.* I'm sorry my children the uppers told me to do this to you to see if you were ready for the final exam parts.Please forgive me, but I wanted to get out of it, but I couldn't.
      Me-*Starts to cry.*
    12. nasirrich
      Me- *Clams down*Please just know that we love you very much ok.^^ ^^*Starts to cry and does the same.*
      Kimberly- Is that so?
    13. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*Puts one hand out and makes the building fade away.* Is that all you got weakling.
    14. nasirrich
      Kimberly-A challange is it...

      If you wanna se my true power then fine bring it. Show me how strong you really are.
      Me- N-Noo it won't end like this you hear me.*Then second power auar appears from me.*
    15. nasirrich
      Me- Why are you...*My power is being lifted from my body.* Please Kim I don't wanna die I don't wanna.
      Kimberly-*Makes the illusion end, but we are still in the air with swords though us.* Now then you see... You won't make it out here alive my childern. I won't let you... N-Noo wait please don't die on me... Goodbye...*Does Kiss Of Nothingness and watches as we you see your power get out from your body. And makes us live to see as we die from the one that loved us very much.*
      Me- Please forgive me.*Starts to get weaker, and weaker.*
    16. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*Looks at you with her JSE and shuts that form down instantly. Then makes us both get up from the ground and puts both swords through us.*
      Me-*Blood is flowing from my lips...* Please stop this madness you have to...
      Kimberly-*Puts elemental saprks through the swords into our bodies.*
    17. nasirrich
      Kimberly-*Makes her aura start to kill us and we lose our sharingan.*
      Me- I...I can't feel anything anymore. I think this is it.
    18. #8-Axel
      maybe but rose is mad
    19. nasirrich
      Me- OO damnit look up...*Sees Kim*
    20. #8-Axel
      yeah but rose need to talk about something
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  • About

    Dec 10, 1996 (Age: 28)
    In the always forgotten dream
    Your worst nightmare~
    I'm that feeling you have when someone's watching you yet when you turn around, and no one's there.
    Though really I'm just a girl who's trying to make it out in this world. My first Kingdom Hearts game was "KH:358/2 days" for the DS and I fell in love with Roxas~ <3
    The only other game that I've played was "KH: Recoded", and have yet to finish it. The last Nobody is soooo hard to beat D: I swear to god it's roxas!! (haven't seen or read anything about Recoded and dont plan to ruin it for myself)|
    But I am planning on getting a PlayStation so that I'm able to play the other games. :)

    Things I like? Music, friends, RPGing and walking in the rain at night.^^ I love walking through the forests around my home town and just having a warm cup of coffee :) I love coffee <3


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    -Thanks to the amazing Nights for the Amazing signature! <3