Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. #8-Axel
      were you sadded by the end
    2. #8-Axel
      sorry it took so long i was watching the ending and i almost cryed it was sad all ff end pretty sad
    3. #8-Axel
      Oh makes sense I'm listening to the soundtrack
    4. #8-Axel
      i thought this was
    5. #8-Axel
      wait.....what can you give me a link to his theme song because i found on that site One Winged Angel but it sounds diffrent
      heres where i found the songs see theres one called The worlds Enemy witch sounded like sephiroths song but i know it's One Winged Angel and it doesn't sound the same

    6. #8-Axel
      yeah guess what on that site i gave you the link to i think is a song called The woorlds Enemy but some know it as On Winged Angel i think ever heard it
    7. #8-Axel
      the song is cool
    8. #8-Axel
      mines price of freedom i think its called
    9. #8-Axel
      cool thanks do you know what your fav song from there is and i mean crisis core
    10. #8-Axel
      sorry for not responding i ate left over chicken my grandma reheated it and brought it to me and i was just in hear talking to you
    11. #8-Axel
      you mean this one
    12. #8-Axel
      same i'm gonna restart so what was your fav thing about the game
    13. #8-Axel
      yeah same i never beat it though i only got to the part where you have to find the godess metria
    14. #8-Axel
      hehe zacks cool to and cloud and sephiroth and angeal and arieth so all of them did you ever beat it
    15. #8-Axel
      hehe you spelt i wrong but just a small way oh well yeah he is i love loveless who's your fav
    16. #8-Axel
      cool we can talk that
    17. #8-Axel
      HHmmm didn't you say you played crisis core
    18. #8-Axel
      Oh ok i ws just wondering
    19. #8-Axel
      It's true so why did you think my version was too you
    20. #8-Axel
      where did you think of it
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
    I'm not particularly new to Kh-vids, but I have been absent for quite a long while. It's nice to be back, and I hope I meet those on here that I haven't had the pleasure to discover yet. :) I'm pretty friendly so talk all you want to, and I'll do my best to get back to everyone quickly.
    <3 Tifa L. <3


    I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds,
    but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
    Swallow my doubt,turn it inside out,find nothing but faith in nothing.
    Want to put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion.